), athletic gear, boxing, baseball, & tennis supplies, Prices of articles bought by farmers, 1909-1924, Prices paid by farmers for household items, 1910-1960, Clothing prices paid by farmers, 1910-1960, Women's clothing catalog - B. Altman & Co., Summer 1920. Shows prices for articles of clothing sold in 35 retailer shops in twelve cities. Source: BLS, Shows the retail prices of foodstuffs and other staple goods in the Mexican capital. Shows the changes in wages of united Illinois coal miners following a labor agreement. A mail order catalog for the Fall/Winter season, 1920-1921. Source: BLS Bulletin no. The union was very important to miners. Shows expenditures among rural Virginia families for food, housing, clothing, automobiles, health insurance, recreation, personal items and more. $15 - $30. Source: National Education Association of the United States. Government Documents Department, Ellis Library Shows mining wages in Alabama, Colorado, Illinois, Indiana, Kentucky, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Utah, Washington, West Virginia, and Wyoming. Source: BLS, Shows the cost of foodstuffs, clothing, and other necessities in Hungary. Coal operators enticed workersmany African Americanto move to West Virginia from Virginia and the Deep South. Unskilled labor hired by cities for construction, repair or cleaning of streets. Source: BLS, Shows the hourly and weekly earnings of industrial wages in Romanian leu. Source: the Historian of the U.S. Shows prices by month and year. Wiki User. over the years. Lists the price of bricks, flooring, framing lumber, rough boards, Portland cement, roofing material, house paint and more. Source: U.S. Dept of Labor, Compares affordability of food and consumer goods from one year to the next and provides price. ), carriages, cribs, high chairs, etc. Report published in 1923 tells wages by race and by industry. Managers worried about competition, costs, and controlling workers who spoke multiple languages and labored out of view. Even the most skilled miners could not detect the presence of kettle bottoms, the petrified remains of huge ancient tree trunks that could plunge through the roofs and crush workers. Tomorrow night at 9pm PBSs American Experience will broadcast The Mine Wars, based on the book. of Agriculture report. Mr. Tables are broken down by occupation, sex, and state. Wages shows in 1930 US dollars. Shows average wages alongside a cost of living index for Germany between 1929-1942. Source: The cost of living in twelve industrial cities, p. 63. Shows the average daily wages of various occupations in Athens and Piraeus. Union wages by occupation and city, 1922-1928, Women's median wages by state and industry, 1910s-1920s, Cigarette packs - Average retail price by brand, 1929, Average college expenses and tuition by institution, 1928, Family budgets by income group, 1918-1930, https://libraryguides.missouri.edu/pricesandwages, Common labor - Average entrance wage rates, 1926-1934, Union wages by occupation and city, 1920-1921, Steam fitters' and sprinkler fitters' helpers, Structural-iron workers: finishers' helpers, Union wages by occupation and city, 1929-1930, Captains, masters, mates, pilots, and engineers, Maintenance-of-way employees: Gang foremen, Maintenance-of-way employees: Assistant gang foremen, Maintenance-of-way employees: Iron workers, Maintenance-of-way employees: Masons, bricklayers, and plasterers, Maintenance-of-way employees: Section laborers, Maintenance-of-way employees: Crossing and bridge flagmen and gatemen, War and postwar wages, prices, and hours, 1914-23 and 1939-44, Urban Negro weekly earnings by sex and occupational class, 1925, Negro wages by occupation - Chicago, 1920, Teacher salaries by race - North Carolina, 1922, Teacher salaries by race - Texas, 1925-1926, Accountants, auditors, bookkeepers, etc. The deal, brokered by. - Earnings, 1929, Farm workers' wages and income,1909-1938, Male farm labor average wages by state, 1929, Airplane pilot (commercial) - Salary, 1929, Barbers and hairdressers - Earnings, 1929, Baseball, major league - Player and umpiresalaries, 1929, Union wages in construction trades, 1913-1930, Union carpenter wages in selected cities for 1924-1925, Average hourly carpenter wage in U.S. for 1926, Carpenter wages for 1920-1928 for twelve major U.S. cities, Cement industry job wages and hours, 1929, Coal mining jobs - Hours and earnings, 1919-1933, Domestic (household) service - Male workers' wages, Executive salaries in private businesses, 1924, Teachers and principals' salaries by city, 1921-1922, School personnelsalaries by sex in selectedcities, 1926, Teacher's salaries by school level, 1924-1928, Illinois teachers salaries in high schools, 1920-1921, New York state teachers' salaries, 1920-1932, North Carolina teacher salaries by race, 1922, Texas school personnel salaries (white only), 1872-1953, Firemen and fire department salaries by city, 1927, Foundryand machine shop jobs - Wages and hours, 1923-1931, Administrative and supervisors pay in federal government, 1926, Iron and steel industry wages and hours, 1907-193, Lumber industry job wages and hours, 1921-1932, Military pay for officers on active duty - 1926, Mining metals - Wages and hours, 1924 and 1931, Mining - anthracite and bituminous coal, 1922 and 1924, Metalliferous mining job wages and hours, 1924, Nursing - Average salaries for public health and institutional nurses, 1927, Petroleum industry - Wages by occupation and state,1920, Seamen and firemen on ocean ships - Wages, 1914-1918, Slaughtering and meat-packing industry, 1921-1929, Street laborers (unskilled) - Wages and hours, 1928, Telegraph and cable industry - wages and salaries, 1922, Telephone industry - average compensation per employee, 1922, Typical fees charged for veterinary visits are described, 1926 annual salaries for individual veterinarians, Wages for thousands of occupations, indexed alphabetically - 1929, Manufacturing job hours and earnings, 1919-1960, Factory employee average annual wages - 1921, 1923, Industrial home work - Earnings, early 1920s, Automobile tire manufacturing wages, 1923, Motor vehicle industry job wages and hours, 1922-1928, Airplanes and aircraft engines manufacture - Hours and earnings, 1929, Boot, shoe, hosiery and underwear manufacturing wages, 1907-1920, Clothing (men's) manufacturing wages & hours, 1911-1932, Hosiery and underwear manufacturing - Wages & hours, 1907-1932, Woolen and worsted goods manufacturing: 1910 to 1930, Woolen and worsted goods manufacturing, 1907-1922, Furniture manufacturing industry - Wages and hours, 1910-1931, Pottery industry job wages and hours, 1925, Paper box-board industry job wages and hours, 1926, Professional and business women - Salaries and income, 1927, Library assistants - Earnings by city, 1923, Women employed as cleaners, maids, and elevator operators in Washington DC, 1920, Women's wages in the candy industry in St. Louis and Chicago, 1920-1921, Women's wages in candy industry - St. Louis, 1920-1921, Women employed as household servants in Philadelphia - late 1920s, Women's wages, hours, and earnings - South Carolina, 1921, Women in Tennessee industries - Hours, wages and working conditions, 1925, Colorado - Wages by occupation and industry, 1928, Union workers' annual earnings - New Haven CT, 1927, Teenagers' wages by occupation and sex in Detroit, 1922, Wage in the Missouri shoe industry, 1913-1922, Public school employee salaries - New York City, 1928, Ohio - Average annual wages and salaries by occupation, 1916-1932, Development of minimum wage laws in the U.S., 1912-1927, Minimum wage laws of the U.S., construction and operation, 1921, Wages by occupation in Buenos Aires, 1926, Buenos Aries - Average Wages, 1922, 1926, 1928-1929, Minimum wages in Sydney and Melbourne, 1914 and 1921, Wages and cost of living in Austria, 1920, Farm help wages in Canadian provinces by sex, 1920s, Wages by occupation in Canadian cities, 1920, Wages by occupation in Canadian cities, 1921, Wages by occupation in Canadian provinces, 1924-26, Wages and hours of labour - Canada, 1920-1926, Wages in boot and shoe industries in France, 1924, "Real wages" in Germany by industry, 1923, Automobile manufacturing wages in Germany, 1929, Wages and hours in Great Britain and Northern Ireland, 1924, average weekly earnings by industry and sex, Wages by industry in Great Britain, 1914-1921, Wages in Great Britain and Northern Ireland, 1924-1928, Wages in Great Britain and Northern Ireland, 1924-1932, Agricultural trades - Minimum wage in Great Britain, 1920, Building trades - Wages by city in the UK, 1920, Iron and steel industry wages in Great Britain, 1926, Coal miner earnings in Great Britain, 1921-23, Judges of county courts (UK) - Salary, ca. 2012-08-05 00:38:00. Few words meant more to mine workers than manliness, a quality that connoted dignity, respectability, defiant egalitarianism, and patriarchal male supremacy, in the words of historian David Montgomery. In the words of the popular song Miners Lifeguard, written by a miner from Oak Hill, West Virginia: A miners life is like a sailors, Owners claimed property rights and managerial entitlements over the workplace. UK coal industry employment 1920-2021 | Statista Teacher salaries for. Bulletin of the United States Bureau of Labor Statistics, No. The lack of market for coal during the depression had stepped in to push aside both miners and operators as principals in collective bargaining. Source: Shows wages by occupation in Belfast, Cork, Glasgow, Dundee, Cardiff, London, Manchester and more. Then, with their lamps casting a dim yellow light on the dark hillside, the men and boys disappeared one by one into the hole, like ants entering a colony. Source: BLS Monthly labor review, Apr 1926, Shows the average retail prices of various foodstuffs throughout Switzerland. The deep imagery of coal mining in the 1970s shows a lifestyle - Medium Wages are shown in both Francs and contemporary US dollars. Study showed how much a family of five would need to live in Washington DC in 1920. Table 679 of this 1923 USDA Yearbook tells how much U.S. farmers paid for farm tools and implements, work gloves, shirts and shoes, shotguns, tobacco, wagons, building materials such as nails and shingles, and household items such as dishes and fruit jars, washtubs and buckets in 1909, 1914-1922. University of Missouri, Columbia Bedroom: The following two tables shows the average daily earnings of industrial and building workers by occupation as well as in Moscow, Leningrad, and the Ural mountain region. Wages are shown in Brazilian milreis. Report published in 1925 mainly covers wages in manufacturing industries. A trapper like Frank had to pay close attention to his duties, opening and closing the doors regularly to keep the air moving and to allow coal cars to pass back and forth. Tells cost of public transportation and railway fares as well. Source: BLS, Shows the average pay for a 48 hour week throughout 5 different industries in Milan. See answers (2) Best Answer. Shows the average weekly wages for a variety of occupations and industries in New Zealand. Also shows average family size in each state. Coal operators often provided services like company stores. The mine operators assumed that if they paid a worker according to the number of tons he loaded, they would foster a competitive climate underground; and in a sense, the tonnage system worked this way. Table shows average cost to rent houses by the number of rooms in each of 25 New Zealand cities and towns. Immigrants in southern West Virginia comprised some 25 nationalities, including Italians, Hungarians, Poles, Austrians and Russians. See also "C" tab above for carpenters, cement workers, etc. Source: You may download a pdf version of the 1928, Hotel rates are shown in the advertisements in. Here Are the Best Reviewed Books of the Month. Source: BLS. Miners spent their entire shift underground, taking lunch, drinks, and snacks with them. Without a match he walked, hands held in front of his body, until, by chance, someone found him and gave him a light. See p. 193 of this. 45-57. Occupations included are limited before 1916. "A good hotel room costs only $4-5 per day while a hospital charges $6 and $7." Describes the labor policy of Mexico in the 1920's and throughout the rest of the early 20th century. Source: Lists costs of running a farm, including costs of power, labor, insurance, interest on loans, etc. Shows the average daily wages Greek workers were receiving in metal mines, lignite mines, smelting and refining plants, and quarries. Source: Shows lawyers' incomes instates and regions, by size of community served, by the age of the lawyer, number of years in practice, etc. This bibliography lists reports that show income, budgets, consumer expenditures, etc. Source: Shows the average hourly wages for various occupation both in and outside of Paris. In 1927, "$30 per month was taken as the average minimum expenditure for rent in Boston for the [working class] family of four living on the American standard.". Boys frequently were assigned the most-dangerous jobs. asked the Secretary of State for Employment whether he will publish in the OFFICIAL REPORT as 89W detailed information as may be readily available showing the numbers and groupings of employees in the coal mines working at the surface and face, respectively, whose basic rates of pay on 1st November 1973 were below the national average wage of 42 per week ; and how far . Men's: Shows wages and prices in kronen, along with the exchange rate to translate into U.S. dollars. Shows average value of mortgaged homes, average debt remaining on the mortgages and average interest paid on mortgages annually, for 68 cities of 100,000 or more population. Source: Women's Bureau Bulletin #85. After checking in, they climbed up a steep trail from the office to the portal of a mine. Wages are shown in Belgian francs. Shows average annual expenditure for food, rent, clothing, and medical care per family member. 412. by SEX The correct use of explosives depended on the miners skill and knowledge of how to drill, how much powder to use, and how to damp a charge properly. Source: U.S. BLS Bulletin #682, chapter 9: "Monthly earnings of professional engineers," pp. Processing plants called breaker buildings were symbols of pride for mine communities. Wages for workers engaged in the manufacture of iron and steel goods, machinery, railway rolling stock, boilers, vehicles, aircraft, electrical apparatus, scientific instruments and more. Fascinating book that shows various imported items (such as kid gloves, bloomers, silk nightgown, men's pipe, electric flatiron, glass lamp, etc.) After the top fell, they returned to break and load the fallen coal before another layer of the top came crashing down with a tremendous roar. Fearful of the danger, frightened by the blackest darkness he could imagine, and repelled by the coal dust that clung to him like a layer of skin, Washington vowed to get an education and rise out of the coal pits, just as he had risen up from slavery.. Indicates prices per kilowatt-hour by areas and cities. Also shows rowboat and pack horse rental rates, cost for guided tours, and transportation fares. Bulletin of the United States Bureau of Labor Statistics, No. The need to correct these abuses led the UMWA to demand the employment of a check-weigh man whom the miners could trust. 2-4. Wages are shown in Austrian kronen. During the Great Depression output was nearly halved from 680 million tons to 360 million. The miners world was dark and dangerous. Shows average charge per case for appendicitis, childbirth, heart troubles, cancer, dental problems and more. Report published in 1923 gives wages for Arkansas women by occupation and race. Appalachian coal production has been on shaky ground almost since the industrys inception in the mid 19th century. by STATE Coal Miners (Pay) (Hansard, 27 November 1973) Living room: Montgomery Ward catalog shows prices of radios and radio supplies on 60+ pages. Table 25 shows additional breakouts for skilled and white collar workers by region (. During the first three decades of the 20th century, African Americans comprised about 25 percent of all southern West Virginia miners. Coal mining is a dangerous job requiring skill and judgment. Source: BLS, Shows wages of various industrial and agricultural gender, in both Romanian leu and contemporary U.S. dollars. Separate listings forinspectors, police superintendents, captains, sergeants, privates, etc. View object record Miner's hat, about 1930 Details the price of various building materials on pp. Wages are shown in Sweden kronor. Shows the average weekly wages of various occupations in 8 different industries in Budapest. $32k - $76k. Ukrainian immigrant Nick Gurski began working in the Boone County coal mines in the 1920s. Source: Source: Canada Department of Labor report. Using a thin iron needle about the thickness of a pencil, he shoved a cartridge of black powder into the hole and pushed a little clay into the hole with a damper; then he carefullywithdrew the needle and inserted a wick of waxed paper, a squib, that would burn down to the black powder. These deposits could produce firedamp, which contained methane and sometimes carbon dioxide that seeped out of the coal seams. At the far end of the room, the miner lay down on his side and cut under the bottom of the coal face with his pick, inching his way into the cut and hoping the coal was hard enough not to collapse on him. What Life Is Like Working in Underground Coal Mines in the US Source: BLS, Shows the average daily wages and hours of a variety of occupations in Madrid. Source: BLS, Shows the daily wages of masons, carpenters, stonecutters, painters, shoemakers, and tailors in each of the provincial capitals of Spain. Coal Miners Between 1880 and 1920, southern West Virginia's population grew from 93,000 to 446,000, due almost entirely to the coal industry. Coal mine owners and superintendents rarely went underground. Chart shows median wages of women employed in Philadelphia households as chambermaids, cleaners, cooks, waitresses, laundress, seamstress, and children's nurses (nannies.) U.S. coal mining employment change by state Q4 2011-Q4 2016 ; Shows the hourly and weekly wages for 12 principal industries throughout Germany. Beds and mattresses, bedroom furniture, pillows, bedding. Paragraph below the table describes the weekly earnings of blast furnace workers, smelters, rolling mill operators, and foundry workers in both Pounds Sterling and U.S. Source: BLS. For example, a dollar earned in 2020 had the same buying power as 7 in 1928. Wages are shown in both Italian lire and contemporary U.S. dollars. Despite significant danger, miners received little compensation for injuries. Milk cost an average 33 per half gallon in 1920. Shows the daily cost of food, heat, and light for a working family of 4 following independence. Coal mining jobs - Hours and earnings, 1919-1933; Coal mining wages by state, 1923 Source: Miners' wages and the cost of coal: an inquiry into the wages system., pp. Source: Monthly price list for Ralph's Grocery Company, which sold only in the Los Angeles area. In the 1920s decade, 8% to 12%of peopleaged18-21enrolled incollege. HEALTH CARE Shows the changes in wages of united Illinois coal miners following a labor agreement. Taking a mine car out of turnconstituted another grave offense. PRICES in FOREIGN COUNTRIES, WAGES -- GENERAL SOURCES (all occupations and worker types), WAGES in AIRPLANE and AIRCRAFT MANUFACTURING, 1920s. Heed no operators tale! Covers elementary, junior high, and high school teachers in American cities with populations of 2,500 or more. Compares to national averages. Some New York City teacher and principal salaries are shown on the following page in Table 42. It may be necessary to read the chapters pertaining to the country, but you can find the actual minimum wages in the discussion. In some cases, when a shot backfired out of the hole, it ignited coal dust or gas in the miners room and sent fire bursting into the main tunnel, where it could burn or suffocate the mules and their drivers passing through. Source: BLS Monthly Labor Review, Dec 1920 This was the world Frank Keeney entered as a boy. COST OF LIVING Data is separated by sex and age. Self-respecting craftsmen were even known to stop working when a foreman came by to inspect their room. Wages are shown in yen. Engineers used anemometers to measure airflow within mines. An open flame provided the only light, and the cloth cap barely kept lamp soot away. Source: Howard University, States "the average student probably spends about $700 per year for a college education" and shows, This source shows the cost of funerals and burial in 18 states and in 10 major cities. Data gathered by the National Industrial Conference Board using foreign government sources. Management's steam whistle now set the times. Tells cost of public transportation and railway fares as well. Use the following hyperlinks to see values for AL, AZ, AR, CA, CO, CT, DE, FL, GA, ID, IL, IN IA, KS, KY, LA, ME, MD, MA, MI, MN, MS, MO, MT, NE, NV, NH, NJ, NM, NY, NC, ND, OH, OK, OR, PA, RI, SC, SD, TN, TX, UT, VT, VA, WA, WV, WI, WY. Source: Bulletin #269 of the North Carolina Agricultural Experiment Station, "Farm Family Living Among White Owner and Tenant Operators in Wake County," pages 24-28. Wages are shown in both German marks and contemporary U.S. dollars. The mine was run by the Japanese, who had occupied the area, along with the rest of the puppet state of Manchukuo, using prisoners of war or poorly-paid Chinese locals as their miners. A strong, skilled coal loader might fill five or more cars in a day. along with the country of origin, value in that country, transportation charges, duty charges and retail price in the U.S. Includes a photo of most items. By 2003 that number had dipped to just 70,000. This earlier catastrophe outraged Mother Jones, who spoke of it often on her organizing campaign that year, and it had triggered public pressure to improve the states mine safety laws. Wages are based on the average weekly full-time positions from large cities. Chart indicates hourly earnings ranges for piecework at automobile manufacturing companies in Germany. (Jack Corn/EPA) A ppalachian coal production has been on shaky ground almost since the industry's inception in the mid 19th century. Source: BLS, Shows the average wages of Spanish agricultural workers in different cities. Women's: If a man died in a mine, they quit work to honor him and to take up a collection for his surviving wife and children. As a novice, Keeney learned the colliers trade from older craftsmenthe skills of cutting the face, setting the charges, and loading the coal without wrenching his back or crippling himself. Prices are shown in either contemporary US dollars or Chinese coppers. It also summarizes the years from 1907-1922. Expressed in dollars and also as a percentage of the property value. BBC ON THIS DAY | 13 | 1975: Miners set for 35 per cent pay rises No. Totals are shown in Canadian dollars. Includes drug items, toilet items, and miscellaneous items. Salt operators eventually hired more white or free-black laborers due to the risk of investing money in bondsmen, who frequently were killed or injured in the mines. Boys learned the mining craft from their fathers and later passed this knowledge on to their own sons. It was a dreadful experience Booker T. Washington never forgot. This answer is: Study guides. Source: BLS. Data was originally published in the Industrial Bulletin of the State Department of Labor. Wages are shown in Spanish pesetas. When the smoke cleared, the collier and his buddy would swing their picks to break up large clumps of coal and shovel the smaller lumps into a mine car; it was back-aching work made more painful by the narrowness of the room. Source: page 13 in. Wages are shown in French francs. This website does a good job of organizing a complex topic. Coal miners homemade prosthetic leg, about 1950. Bicycles, binoculars, footballs & basketball supplies, ice skates, athletic gear, boxing, baseball, & tennis supplies, fishing tackle, camping gear, guns. With industrialization, workers lost control of when to start, eat, and end their day. Source: This table provides average yearly wages per industry or trade type, including transportation, education and agriculture, among others.
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