Keep up the good work. In 2017, PETA faced controversy when it euthanized a 9-year-old girl's pet chihuahua named Maya and agreed to pay the girl's family $49,000, according to the Associated Press. In his sentencing memorandum, a federal prosecutor implicated PETA president Ingrid Newkirk in that crime. Maya the dog was one that those employees knew and had met before, they knew they were taking a family pet. I am a researcher myself and know that they, and groups like them, can do serious damage to scientific and medical advancements. The owner of the restaurant, in broken English, stammered in a panicky voice that he did not know anything about how the dead dogs got there. I know when my mom passed away several years ago, it changed our family forever. When PETA acts as a shelter, they are subsidised by the state based on number of animals they handle. 4. Reliable Sources is the longest-running show on CNN; Stelter has hosted it for the past nine years and celebrated the show's 30th anniversary in March. Unreliable sources don't always contain true, accurate, and up-to-date information. Sponsor a Doghouse - Donate Now - WDH | PETA That is very egotistical in my opinion. Just don't attack people who are trying their best to provide for their families responsibly. I think they can set their FB page so no one can comment ON their page, only by private message, which only helps so much, butthey probably already know this by now? I had no idea how bad the situation was until I started digging - then I was horrified. Peta is a reliable source as it is an organization. Since 1998, PETA has been directly responsible for the death of 41,539 animals. What's the deal with people saying PETA kills animals? None of them would put up with an animal being abused, or being in any more pain than absolutely necessary. There was an article a few years back regarding PETA and the money they bring in vs what they actually spend on saving animals. The hatred doesn't help animals it's just a tool to fill PETA's coffers. Im not a fan of trophy hunting, either, but I certainly wouldnt threaten to kill someone over it. Absolutely disgraceful to pretend to be FOR animals. 10. 1. social media - Why is Reddit not a reliable source of experts Just the facts, maam, and people can come to their own conclusions. All it took was a quick Google to get a little more information, you should do more research to be a little more accurate when posting. Source reliability falls on a spectrum: No source is 'always reliable' or 'always unreliable' for everything. A few years ago, PETA attacked and vandalized Central Meats, a local butcher shop that is family owned, spray painting vulgarities on the buildings and unplugging thousands of dollars worth of refrigerated meats. A reliable source is one that provides a thorough, well-reasoned theory, argument, discussion, etc. I dont know if this is true or not, but I was told that PETA gets a certain amount of money from the state when they are acting as shelter, so they would take in dogs and cats to register them and then simply euthanize them so no firther money to feed or house them or provide veterinary care was necessary. Here's 10 Outrageously Problematic Things PETA Has Done and Why You Less than 4% of the animals they take in ever get adopted. -Mas killing so we can eat 5 times as much meat than as is healthy in unnecessarily violent and inhuman ways to make yourself a billionaire, is a different story. Warragul Lighting & Accessories is peta a reliable source Since 1998, PETA has been directly responsible for the death of 41,539 animals.". That 4-year-old elephant was seen by a vet the day before for its updated health certificate and given a clean bill of health. I think it's perfectly appropriate for people to take bricks and toss them through windows. Evaluating source credibility is an important information literacy skill. Despite doing nothing to support blind people or to dismantle the ableist system that makes it . PETA - RationalWiki I also cant understand why all the hate. They dont want to adopt out animals, the literally went all house pets dead. Is PETA reliable? : r/VeganBeauty - Reddit Were going to give you the information you need to choose the right greenhouse option for you. People would come in and proudly an ounce they were PETA supporters and we would just groan because we knew thst was essentially a guarantee they were batshit crazy. Your original comment seemed to place the blame on the victim, which pissed me off. Hate is rarely a good solution to a problem. Want evidence? Id guess that Smithfield Foods has much better lawyers than the small local grocer, which is why they havent been hit. Our world is plagued with many serious problems, all of which deserve our attention. <3. to experiment on, eat, wear, use for entertainment, or abuse in any other way., While you are investigating you might want to take a long look at the Humane Society of the United States which is nothing more than PeTA in a business suit. You didnt ever see an early human eating an herb salad. HSUS puts more into its pension plan and Caribbean hedge funds than it gives to pet shelters. As i know, Scientist Jagadish Chandra bose, former nobel prize winner, has found that even plants has also lives. Do not use the top Google search results: . 8 Ways to Tell If a Website Is Reliable - ThoughtCo Another good reason is that we do not have to subsist from animal meat, we can thrive from legumes, grains, fruits, herbs, veggies, etc. I do support other animal rights associations though. On .NET 6 Akka.NET in-memory messaging is now up to 50% faster as a result. 10. In 2008, Baby Phat designer Kimora Lee Simmons became a PETA spokesmodel despite working with fur and leather, after making a $20,000 donation to the animal rights group. I appreciate it. You can also subscribe without commenting. There is video clearly showing the PETA van pulling up and a person removing a pet to corroborate the story. PETA is a slaughter house for pups that should go to new owners 95 percent kill rate. Any universal significance behind that. Ask an Expert. . Just $22 per month is enough to provide one doghouse every year. There have also been numerous instances of PETA workers literally stealing pets from people to euthanize them ( snopes ). I just research before I buy, and I buy a lot from friends farms, that I get to see the inside of. 5. I was wondering if you have looked into their activities against research facilities? I've always considered them to be unreliable, solely on the fact that they clash with Logical Harmony/Cruelty-Free Kitty. 70 to 80 percent of the animals PETA categorize as rescued from abusers are euthanized. Inside and outside of CNN, there are two working theories. I wont link to the site you listed, because they are well known to routinely support Big Pharma and Big Ag, but I have included a screen shot below, where they AGREE with what I have posted. Despite what PETA says, research animals, most of which are rodents, are very well cared for. Overall, we rate ESPN Left-Center biased based on story selection and editorial positions that moderately favor the left. Asked about this by Billy Penn, Popilski noted that PETA is not a reliable source of information. Isnt it all convenient how PETA never mentions the animal deaths at produce and grain farms, where animals are routinely poisoned, mauled, or trapped and killed to keep them from eating or contaminating fruits, vegetables and grains with urine and feces ? comparing meat eaters toJeffrey Dahmer comes directly from the PETA leadership, chef was forced to drop an item off the menu of his restaurant due to death threats,,, Monkey Business: PETA Wants to Make Working Thai Monkeys Unemployed - Indeki - Real News Network. I like it so much how you state facts and I agree 100% with you. People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA, sometimes styled PeTA) is one of the world's largest, most aggressive, and most controversial animal liberation groups. Everyone I know who works with research animals is an animal lover and has pets of their own, sometimes multiple species. Most (not all) wouldnt say things face to face that they say online. Why CNN pushed out Brian Stelter and canceled Reliable Sources - Vox This puppy and dozens of other animals including cats and kittens were found by police throughout June of 2005 after PETA employees dumped them in a garbage bin in North Carolina. My friend isn't the only one who's been attacked. I had no idea how bad the situation was until I started digging then I was horrified. what about human, ancient and recent food habits. Any politician or celebrity who crusades for stripping us law abiding Patriots from bring able to hunt animals for food and clothing, and defense against tyrannical politicians and cold blooded killers always have armed guards protecting them, elitist hypocrisy at its finest. Like you, they are capable of suffering and have an interest in leading their own lives. Its reporters are well-regarded for their knowledge and expertise in the field and their commitment to balanced and accurate reporting. PETA (People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals) source [sawrs] (noun) someone or something that provides information. The kind amd honest way you did it also! You seem like a nice person open to have a productive conversation. It is difficult to believe that anyone who has read Genesis, Exodus, and Leviticus could think that God would never give man permission to eat His creation. It came handed down to us from our family members, often grandparents whose hands were living proof of their lives work. The group has become notorious for aggressive campaigns against any and all human use of animals, even as it . Thank you for this great article! U.S. only. The idea of the animal rights movement is do away with all animal use and liberate them to the wild of mother natures arms..Whew..we all know mother nature is cruel. Credible/Non-credible sources - Knowing that no one was aroundnot only because they knew the schedules of the families, but because they paid local children money to leave the areaone of the employees went onto the property and stole Maya. I dont mean any disrespect but we no longer have to eat meat for sustenance. Screenshots are in the article and there are multiple links throughout the article to supporting information. The very heart of all of PETAs actions is the idea that it is the right of all beingshuman and nonhuman aliketo be free from harm. That was when my grandma died and all of the rest of the family started drifting away. promoteterror campaigns and kill animals, PETA's Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad History of Killing Animals, direct quote from Bruce Friedrich, PeTA Campaign Director, Vegan Campaign Coordinator, Animal Rights 2001 Conference, July 2, 2001, one of the employees went onto the property and stole Maya. PETA's philosophy of saving animals is a little twisted. Since its inception in 1980, PETA has continually won groundbreaking victories in behalf of animals. This is not standard PETA practice (unlike the issues raised above). Hello, I appreciate what you wrote and everything is very true. This is an essential step in maintaining sound research ethics . But larceny wasnt the only law the PETA employees would break. PETA is in the news several times a year for kidnapping and killing pets, harassing local businesses, committing vandalism, and other crazy antics. left that. (We are) a charitable organisation that works to educate the public about the horrors of cruelty to animals through peaceful means." - about PETA I don't disagree with anything in the above statement from their website. Kudos to you Laurie for standing your ground. This behavior continues despite PETAs moralizing about the unethical treatment of animals by farmers, scientists, restaurant owners, circuses, hunters, fishermen, zookeepers, and countless other Americans. PETA distributed photos of the monkeys being kept in horrific conditions, leading to a police raid and, eventually, the first-ever conviction of a researcher on animal-cruelty charges. PETA operates under the simple principle that animals are not ours to experiment on, eat, wear, use for entertainment, or abuse in any other way. Didnt God provide animals and vegetation for us to live on?? Is there reliable evidence that PETA is not legit? - Quora He was met with general derision and scorn, and his restaurant lost its business. Also, children that imitate 1110 Words 3 Pages Satisfactory Essays Preview We have other options besides having to take a life of an animal that feels fear and who you can also befriend. But if he got one, we wouldnt eat it.) [The German High Court found PeTA guilty of paying people to skin animals alive. (pain meds and anesthesia are used when needed, and euthanasia if necessary) CNN chief Chris Licht informed Stelter of. People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA) They are nothing but a bunch of crazy zealots who dont know how to look at the world through a practical lense. In general, print publications with authors and listed sources tend to be reliable because they provide sources which readers can verify. All religious books, portrayed many animals. Sign in Register. WARNING graphic and foul language. "Our rescue team is on call 24/7 to offer relief to abused and suffering animals.Just as a hospice has a high mortality rate, so does a shelter that takes in those near end-of-life, feral, aggressive, dying and discarded animals.". Infographic: The Best and Worst Science News Sites PETA killed 1,500 cats and dogs in 2019, and more than 40,000 animals since 1998. 6 Ways to Get the Musty Smell Out of Clothes and Towels. By far, the two best sources of science news (besides ACSH and RealClearScience, of course!) The circus filed a lawsuit against PeTA and their fellow members of the animal rights industry under Federal Racketeering laws (RICO) and won a settlement of $15.7 million dollars. I followed the Maya case closely and more disturbing was the admonitions from locals about animals randomly disappearing never to be seen again. People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA) is founded Keep up the good work. We should not be considered higher than and in that case forget that we coexist with these animals that also deserve love and respect. I guess it depends on your definition of hunting for sport., 8 Things You Didnt Know About PETA They gotta be twisted. PETA protestors can find vegan alternatives to food and shampoos, but they would be lucky to find vegan alternatives to drugs and vaccines, which are usually tested on thousands of mice and monkeys. Whether you choose to eat meat or not, it's time to end the hatred and vicious attacks. Likewise, Web postings with a .gov suffix (posted by the United States . PDF Reliable Sources for Research Writing - Schoolcraft College Show me examples of large scale, thriving vegan societies. Non-credible sources are the complete opposite of the definition above. Almost all of us grew up eating meat, wearing leather, and going to circuses and zoos. You dont see the vegans and animal rights activists throwing fits because tigers eat other animals. However bully tactics and malicious behavior and vulgar language only demonstrate ignorance and lack of tolerance to each others beliefs. Assets: $19,838,054. Both to protect and care for them, but also to use for food. Its a very broad brush being used here for not wanting controversy and for just wanting to set the record straight. I believe in your good heart, but I wonder that passion can carry us all away, make us not as pointedly careful as we perhaps should be, especially when we see friends being hurt and attacked so ruthlessly as is illustrated here. Is it some kind of mercy killing, their twisted mind believing that these dogs are better off killed rather than living with a loving family? I think it's a great way to bring about animal liberation, considering the level of suffering, the atrocities., I think it would be great if all of the fast-food outlets, slaughterhouses, these laboratories and the banks who fund them exploded tomorrow. The worse thing about this movement is not to live and let live but purely of misanthropy of people who do eat meat, breed animals, have farms, go to zoos, or believe that animal research has led to billions of saved lives. Disclosure statement. How did people learn self-reliance? I really, really, hate factory farming, but people should understand their ARE good farmers, that take good care of their animals, who lead happy lives. But before we . If you find an online article that provides relevant information for your research topic, you should take care to investigate the source to make sure it is valid and reliable. She also got messages sent to her, so even if she had not allowed comments, she would have still been attacked. in your newsletter you asked When did the family unit get completely ripped apart?. 7) PETA frequently looks the other way when its celebrity spokespersons dont practice what it preaches. Here are more detailed explanations for a few specific choices 2: The best of the best. Jan 2022 - Present1 year 3 months. We can be a higher creation of God by instead showing compassion and respect and allow for all life to prosper around us. Other animals that eat meat are carnivores and do so raw and with their bare hands. If you want to be fair and real and expose things that arent wonderful at all about PETA, the unvarnished truth is all it takes. Upvotes on Stackexchange and Reddit indicate that many people agree with you, but do not necessarily indicate that anyone who knows . You cannot defend the life of some animals and kill others, that makes Peta, WSPA and other evil organizations. And there is no long list of such things happening that I can find, it was more or less a one-off, and a massive horrible mistake. And the feed used through-out Canada is domestic, not imported, so the rainforests are irrelevant to my consumption of meat and milk products. That result was because of OUR sin, otherwise it would not have been that way. is peta a reliable source - The PETA employees backed their van up to the porch and threw biscuits to Maya, who was sitting on her porch, hoping to coax her off her property and therefore give PETA the ability to claim she was a stray dog at large whom they could therefore legally impound. These people are absolutely crazy. What they did was coordinated, that was not a one-off mistake by some new bumbling employee. In May 2014, HSUS was part of a $15.75 million settlement of a federal racketeering lawsuit. My husbands family fell apart when their mother died and dad remarried less than 8 months later. PETA was founded in 1980 and is dedicated to establishing and defending the rights of all animals. bias [bahy-uh s] (noun) judging something or someone unfairly. It was so refreshing to read common sense on the internet. The day Maya was taken 2 reportedly sick 4-7 week old kittens were taken and euthanized the same day- their recorded weight was grossly exaggerated at about 7lbs each. Im not saying you cant get iron from plants, but this is way easier than me. How to Determine a Reliable Source on the Internet - ThoughtCo In this paragraph, unless you are going to talk about a second incident that can be documented, the pluralization of the charges needs to be made singular there was one dog, one home, etc., I *starred* the erroneous pluralization below: All the kids were adults at the time but it upset them since they were never given time to grieve before a new mommy was thrown into their lives. Image source, Getty Images Image caption, Anyhow the big question is how the employees that have previously assisted that family could not distinguish Maya from a random stray dog. The virtual shitstorm unleashed by so-called animal rights activists does NOTHING to help animals. 888-232-6348 (TTY) It is a lie because, according to The Daily Caller, "two PETA employees described as 'adorable' and 'perfect' some of the dogs and cats they killed in the back of a PETA-owned van." So yes,.
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