Trouble is, 20 million other people are between you & them. Uncertain times . Please answer me if possible, as I am doing everything possible to prepare for my family and neighbors. Hopefully never. NONE, let me repeat thatin all caps NONE of FLORIDA will be safe. Denise, .. .. .. Does anyone have any info on that? If you live in central or southern new jersey it is extremely dangerous. Then there was a notice posted on the weather channel not too long ago, stating to expect a tsunami caused by a 9.2 earthquake on the west coast and said it was 75 years over due, One that occurs every 240 years approx. La Palma Volcano Landslide, The Foreshadowings of an NYC Tsunami I highly doubt that it would traverse the state. There are too many people with gut feelings that something is about to happen to just not prepare. Florida is 361 miles wide and 447 miles long. Tsunamis Could Hit US East Coast | Natural Disasters | Live Science This man saved the people & he showed me how to care for someone other than myself. Living at 2000, Im not concerned about tsunamis. I am in West Palm so maybe I am just engaged in wishful thinking. However, the latter only works for a few decades. If you cant accept an external, barycentric cause (Vesica Piscis) for this current Earth change, then your only other option is the CIAs carefully released Adam & Eve story, which notably fails to mention why Earths cataclysmic cycle corresponds with the precession of the equinoxes even though it conjectures that Earth might somehow periodically cross zones of zero magnetic energy. East Coast Wave North Florida is more rocky and sturdy underneath but still could sink. And we dont know when. If you are miles inland even the West Coast (Tampa, Sarasota, Napels) is pretty safe (except for hurricanes). Im in nc too. Should a meteor hit the Atlantic, which at this point Im willing to bet is the most likely case, would we be effected since were closer to the Gulf? not really just be ready to move out on first warning goes out and stay on secondary roads and take extra are not screwed. Not just the U.S, but most Atlantic coastal regions and islands. Also, who has a good approach to thinking about emergency food please share a link. There was a movie where a heavenly body hit the earth, and on a box of insure were a ton of numbers, those numbers are the exact zip code of where the astroid is said to hit in September. Hard to predict size after 8 hours but initial wave hitting Africa can give potential. During the pole shift Florida will DROP in elevation, theres no hope. Hi You would need to define a wave. Also, some of these prophecies may not have a literal fulfillment in the form of an actual tsunami. Please, keep talking and prove that to be true, as well as ironically proving that you are the mindless person in this comments section! It will only achieve its true height when it hits the shore. Otherwise we and our animals perish. All of this evidence and discussion regarding an east coast tsunami has me very concerned. About a 2 and a half hour drive from where Im ator atleast have enough time to drive to Orlando of something. I would be doing that asap or you can sit around, do nothing, and take your chances. I lived in Bridgeport and I being trying to search places to I can try to have a plan for my family . I think his visions describe what happens during a POLE SHIFT. You could be right While all of that is eminently logical, it also would cause terrible disease from polluted water. Likewise, the smaller the epicenter, the higher the frequency tends to be, however, you have to factor both of these variables in simultaneously to get an accurate idea of the wave frequency, amplitude, and total duration. If this were to happen though, would they alert the media so we would have enough time to drive out of florida? Julie Green once again tells us the message that she is being told to tell us and to additionally continue to keep faith. We will combine ocean scale simulations of transoceanic tsunami sources, such as Lisbon 1755 like or Puerto Rico Trench co-seismic events, and CVV collapse, with regional . I live a little ways north of Tampa (Pasco County specifically). I am not an expert but a simple research shows that a wave would come in via the Bristol Channel up to Bristol. Anyone know how regularly natural gas lines get disrupted after hurricanes? I used to live in Brooklyn and got out of the city, thank God. I do not believe in the existence of any god or gods, and, also, a tsunami would gain height going towards shoreline and also wouldnt be more than a mere 1 meter ripple in the ocean. You would need to run thousands of simulations to represent the thousands of ways the mountain can collapse. Tsunami Over USA East Coast Caroline Diadem 6.38K subscribers Subscribe 428 Share 4.8K views 7 months ago In 2016 I saw a huge tsunami hit the USA east coast and I saw a huge army. I read your report years ago. If you could provide variable for each of these areas i would GREATLY appreciate it. Just say that it takes 10 feet of land to absorb each foot of Tsunami height. I had noticed you hadnt commented in weeks but I didnt realize I had overlooked a comment. One of those is the East Coast Tsunami, which may be getting close. The potential devastation would remain pretty much near the shoreline in this hypothetical scenario. A street in Maryland disappeared today with many cars over a railroad track. That 300 foot wave someone mentioned in an earlier post would never make it to the Ohio River (315 ft elevation) because the wave would have dissipated long before traveling the 1000 miles to the confluence there. I like that scene, it makes me more inclined to watch Interstellar now. He also predicts another quake for a point in the ocean off north western Australia. One guess for 30 meter tsunami is it would go generally 20 miles inland on near sea level land. I must have had too much time on my hands back then plotting several east coast elevation maps: IF a 300 foot tsunami reached the East Coast, how far inland would it go? In the town of Harwich. . If a 300 ft tsunami arrives, go to Todt hill on SI!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I truly believe what you wrote. 9;?GP 2;YL4*%9x*!STs_A-to'.fn}-q*aC#Uf\w s8xe9c(l,%|F7)a#); KP:$Kvc&}q"i? So disappointed! Now, a day doesnt that I dont hear about someones wave nightmare. Wait 9/25/15? Before or after this calamity.. it is my opinion, if the calamity happens first, it will give a small window of time to witness to unbelievers.. but we dont know Gods mind, so that is why today is the day of salvation, today is the time to believe and repent, and start living for The Lord. Could someone that is familiar on how to calculate the waves radius inland tell me that information? The Russians and the Chinese, and others have been building large Structures to house many 1000s of People on High Ground. But we also need to be walking with Him daily so that when these things occur, we do not have to play catch up. One wise man once said, The scariest words in the English language are, Im from the Govt and Im here to help. My family lives in Smithfied, NC and Wilson, NC but they used to live in Kinston. Have you measured the width of the state lately? Duhh. The maps have nothing to do with fluid dynamics and the many other variables which would affect the behavior of a tsunami in any given area. Opinions vary regarding the height of the tsunami and range from 60 feet, to 300 feet, and even higher than that as it rolls up the shoreline of the East Coast of the United States and elsewhere. There was no history of a submarine until one was invented. The deep state mafia have had control over our planet for centuries. If a 300 tsunami is generated from the Canary Island region, I do not believe that it will traverse the state of Florida due to energy loss as it hits the shoreline. We live on the eastern shore of MD, about 25 miles from the Atlantic Ocean and 30 miles fro Chesapeake Bay. the tsunami travels, however, a more intense event, like an asteroid, meteor, or other object splashing into the Atlantic would probably garner much more energy, wave height, and moving the tsunami much further inland. Because if this happens as predicted it would be much larger than 300ft. I love you Lord with all my heart & my soul! Im in New Haven Connecticut. If you have any info as to certain weather alert systems in fla would you please share . If were gonna get wiped out, whats the best plan escape plan? Now it might not be from passing a plane into reversed polarity, it might just be from an energetic outburst from the galactic center. Why am I not hearing anything about this on the news??? I am reading up to 20 miles. While the tsunami would be higher than any elevation in Florida, that volcano would not produce enough energy to sustain the wave much farther than 20 miles inland. Thats whats causing all of this. I remembered that morning I had been visited by a messenger who had given me a message to read at precisely at 2pm. We are looking forward to starting our eternal life in Heaven with God Almighty.rid of this decaying flesh mesh that keeps us trapped to a dying world. I always said it was like being stuck in the bottom of a test tube. Yes fingers crossed and prayers need to be said. Hope nothing happens tho guys and you wont need this! It says 42 miles from Savannah but I see rivers. How early would a warning be issued and how would it be issued? 3) If you feel where you currently reside is not safe then plan on finding a location where you can work, feel comfortable within your community. This 9.2 earthquake will cause a tsunami that devastates the Hawaiian Islands too. After that dream, I have had other dreams of waves coming upon the earth. Disaster recovery efforts will be spotty at best as every state and federal agency will be overwhelmed if they survive the wave. Baaaaaa!!! NOT the expected distance a 300 foot tsunami (or any height) would actually travel. I did hear this winter in Wisconsin was expected to be bad. Im trying to do my research on everything is so much. The probability of a Cumbre Vieja type generated mega Tsunami is likely very low in the Atlantic Basin please try to correct me with an expert if I am wrong. Go camping or something. The videos of the Japanese tsunami are much more frightening..than my dreams. I am no expert but I do use common sense when researching . by diving into a swimming pool RIGHT BEFORE the wave hit you. Were lucky that the St Lawrence sea will rip open! Thanks. Well explained, Steve. There was no history of a horseless carriage until the car was made. I live on the east coast of Bermuda, do you think it will miss us? A tsunami advisory has been issued for the U.S. West Coast and Alaska. How bad ? stream In in Orlando, go to Walt Disney World.get past the thin wall of securityand go to Mt.Everest and get to the top most part of the structure. I do know also that the entire Eastern Seaboard will be severely affected either way but might fare better from a Canary Island event (the water might recede in that instance but with an asteroid event from space, most of the land (i.e. I asked someone the time & was told it was 2 oclock. Indeed. Makes sense just trying to find sources and data. Focus on that, if you really want to spend countless hours on this. What the landfall will be like cannot be estimated with the data provided. @Steven Sugarloaf mountain is on the southwest shore of lake Apopka twenty miles west of Orlando. I am a prepper and do my best with that. Chances are that the tsunami will be generated by a meteor that will fall somewhere near Puerto Rico. He is a just and Holy God. Uhhh 3 Thousand 600 Inches, give or take a breath!!! She had multiple vision or dreams of God told her came true about our President Donald Trump will win election back in 2016 & Answer to her personal things as God had mention it will happen. That is the only safe place to be. The only numbers I saw on the Ensure boxes was 707 and the dates for the impact they mentioned a couple times in the movie was August 19th. Thats close enough for horseshoes. Only 40 above sea level. This happens and the entire state is history. Some of my reasons for saying this is because of all the talk recently about a "Red Wave", "Red Tsunami" and others. Im still waiting for my comment beginning As Ive pointed out before, to pass your moderation. And the catskills are an option but they will take a while to get to. put your head between your legs and kiss your butt goodbye. article says the earthquakes are making gravitational waves. That affects both agriculture but also game animals and fish too. head north stay on the western side of the east coast mountains and leave yesterday . I am in Nokomis Fla , although its not mentioned , I do see many more sinkholes , the earth is expanding ..we see this in the earths plates ,looking back in history ..this has caused tsunamis . Sigh! A 7.2-magnitude earthquake off the southern coast of Newfoundland in 1929 caused a large underwater landslide, creating a large wave that rushed ashore and killed 28 people on the island, ten. Just my luck! I would assume that the entire Cape Cod area would be devestated by god forbid such an event. As truth is suppressed and false ideas are promoted, it is hard to tell for certain. They shared what Lord has shown them regarding a major earthquake coming on the west coast of the United States from San Diego, CA to Seattle, WA. Knowing our souls will be saved puts a different spin on how we live in this world today. Natural earth movement resulting in earthquake vs. projectile (meteorite impact, etc.) I know this is an old page but has anyone thought about if the powers that be decide to detonate a nasty boom off the east coast, like some people think was the case of fukuif itll be bigger and far more powerful than people think? I want to know, I live like 50 kl off the shore but I live near the Delaware river like 5 min Do u think that the tsunami gets here?? Been thinking of moving further inland but not sure as to where yet. At least according to this list, with most of Florida at about is 25-30 ft elev., anyone along the Florida Coast would be more or less $%#&-ed. Use google earth to look around and find your highest mountain and have a plan and survive off you back pack until you can walk to safety of ride a bike. Id like to know if you happened to make up a West Coast scenario, Ken. Civilization would be knocked back to hunter-gather levels for most survivors, and how many of them will know how to find food in devastated conditions with a new latitude and new climate? How will the Washington, DC area be impacted by a tsunami. With the scenario given in this article, I believe you would be at a fairly high risk to some damage. I now have a 200-gallon propane tank but am thinking of switching to piped natural gas thoughts? It looks like we are right on the borderline in Martinez, Ga Just outside Augusta, Ga. At 300 ft, it goes right around my neighborhood and floods again just north and west of us but that is still too close for comfort for me! Were told something is coming through message in movies and music.. In reviewing the comments, 1 thing is SUPER CLEAR, people need to learn how to read a MAP! Answer (1 of 6): The answer to that depends on a number of variables, most importantly the location and intensity of the event causing the tsunami. YOU CANT FIX STUPID BUT YOU CAN VOTE IT OUT! Suddenly in my dream I had this sickening feeling that a tsunami was coming and I began to shout to people to warn them that a tsunami was coming . I moved to North Florida months ago and with sound advanced warning, I think I will be able to get out more safely and quickly than say if I still lived in Sarasota where I came from. By the way, A La Palma eruption is over due. Get on the survival sites and take notes. Some years ago I had a dream where I saw myself standing in front of the Atlantic ocean contemplating its grandeur and admiring natures beauty. The Warren area specifically. the graphics that this author put together for this post, are very informative (even if only modeling a possible course of events). How far were you from that Recent 5.5 earthquake near Sparta NC ? People have no idea when that is going to happen, except probably not in the next few weeks, how large, and in what direction the tsunami will be oriented. And just think of whats underneath Florida; caverns, honeycomb caves, aquifers, all the weight of that water and Florida will sink never to rise again and will be under the ocean. A Tsunami would remove Long Island and NYC from the face of the earth. The coming destruction is written about in Isaiah 24. Well as a resident of Staten Island New York. He told me so. Just begin browsing and formulating your own ideas. The time is now to prepare for these things that are coming upon the Earth. The weather app Accuweather picked up on the message and sent out a mobile alert to . The only way to survive is to move away from the coast. Im inland 120 + miles141 meters of water will flood me. I live in East Orange New Jersey and am a little frightened because of the close proximity to NYC. Die, NYC, die!!!!! I live in central NJ, but you cut NJ off, lol! If we look at Amos 3:7 it says the Lord will do nothing, unless He has revealed His council to His servant the prophets. Certainly not in a vehicle. ABC News. You are right, I will be exactly where HE wants me. AMEN! Phillipsburg NJ & Easton PA? there is a warning video posted on BIN,there is a list of cties that can b impacted by events going on NOW in La gves cty names including 100% Deleware ri, Ny, DC, Houston Tx savannah Ga.. 99% Fl. Masks will protect you. Any ideas? Regardless of the factors, I felt that you may be curious to see following elevation graphics that I layered together which increment 75 feet all the way to 300 feet in height along the U.S. East Coast. While that sounds logical, there are variables. G((m){dM# No buoys in the Atlantic until you get an hour off the USA east coast. I say pseudo because it is inevitable there will be some type of collapse in the Canary Islands just dont know when (maybe a day, maybe an hour, maybe no warning). It seems prudent to rebuild the mid twentieth Century branch rail links into farm districts as a Famine Hedge. A 300 foot tsunami would loose power moving inland, but it may be able to climb up to your location. I had a dream this past July.. it was either a 100-150 ft wave as I estimated from going outside and looking at my tree line and gestimating how much higher the water was.. this dream was so real, most intense dream Ive probably ever had, I could HEAR the tricking and then rushing of the water all around me.. at first I tried to forget about it and move on.. but it has stuck with me.. The theories are very lucid and well-thought-out from my perspective. A 75 Tsunami up the Savannah River would put Savannah 30 under, give or take 20. How much traffic will be heading the same way you are doing the same thing? What is happening off the. Just tie a boat to your 2nd floor window and you should be fine. Like the other person mentioned, todt hill is an option, but you would pretty much be on a tiny island until the water clears out. Please pray for me as I make this difficult decision as I pray ALL Christians see the light. I think its time to start witnessing as much as possible, and being a light to the world, being the love of Christ to those in need. The only safe place is in Christ. We need to prepare now. I live in NC butthe City I live in has decent elevation and is not on your map. Be ready. Gee, you mean that Joe Bidens green new deal wont stop the Tsunami? Thousands of earthquakes meaning >6600 at last count. Philadelphia is 49.5 miles from the Jersey Shores. The vibrations of an earthquake exhibit similar qualities and attributes. what about a 100 tsunami, I live 1 mile inland at 43 elevation in coastal N. C. My uneducated guess is that you are royally screwed. The Savannah River runs on the North Side of Savannah which sits low and would act like a large petrie dish (Kind of like New Orleans in Katrina). It would take a wave from a meteor impact less an 70 minutes to propagate from there to inland Florida. The prep required to escape and also survive afterward is just not worth it to us. Check out some vids from the last Japan tsunami, posted one behind this, should show up soon, Will Grand Manan act as a tsunami brake, for Lubec, ME? I dont think that the water would reach this far, but all of Boston and the metro area would be devastated. They have been working on this since the COVID lockdown was initiated and the workers were without masks and ignored the 6 foot social distance rule as if it did not apply to them. So accept god into your heart, repent, whatever you have to do to feel at peace.. Prayers for all that this stuff calms down instead of ramping up. The Mountains there might stop you?!!! You WILL NOT be able to ride out a tsunami. No one is saying anything about houston texas. We could be without power for several months and I am going to leave it to your imagination as to what can happen if we get hit by a tsunami and there is no power. The WAVE is already looming above you Then, your cell phone sounds an Amber alert to inform you. I usually dream of being near two large nuclear disasters. Wade Im no expert but Im looking at the same thing you are on a map. The lamb was glowing and had a very sad look on its face ( meaning no survivors). We are screwedwe live on the Eastern Shore of Virginiathat litte peninsula between the Cheasapeake Bay and the Atlantic Ocean. Communications Tests for the East and Gulf Coast in Conjunction . or can moderators kindly pass my e-mail to Anonymous. We were trapped & could only go upward. Also beware that the west coast of florida can get walloped just as hard as east coast due to wrap around effect so dont make mistake of going to west coast and sun yourself on the beach.. Just remember all of us that came to Florida came here to dieso be it 50 years, 50 days or 50 Hours It matters notThe weather has been better here long enough to be worth it. Only one answerget right with God the Father ! BUT GEE WHIZ.. it is SUPER important to know how to see where YOU ARE on a MAP. That being said I live in New Haven, CT; which according to your model is screwed. It will be too late then! It would cascade with bugging out folks innundating the nearby towns as they ran low on fuel and supplies. PS; the math, 100High wall of water, and your at 43 even at a mile in. Im only about 12 miles from the coast. Perry Stone Receives Another Dream Of Massive Tsunami Coming Soon Potential to wipe out West Coast & entire Pacific Rim. Would it travel that far ? A theory of a "mega-tsunami" that wipes out the East Coast was widely If your on a river connected to where tsunami hit, a wave will surge up that river so dont be near any connected rivers. Because Hes given us MANY warnings, and America is playing God, and Hes coming back soon! and all on east coast. I am concerned.We wouldnt survive would we? Thats all I can say now. How many miles West does one has to travel in Safety from the Beaches from Miami gardens? The Big One These many prophetic signs are compiled from my book Evidence Backed End Time Prophecy, but I've released this portion of the book, concerning the California Mega Earthquake, for free. Theres a planet near us called Planet X! This will give you some material , one place to start, your research..He has done these for several years. Im seriously considering a move to maine, and though I love many spots along the coast, my hubs and I are both sincerely concerned about a tsunami, thus my question to you is, would it be safe to say, anything in Maine, to the left of 95 would be good? However, i have an aunt who lives in Watertown, MA near Boston. Can the Volcanic Activity in the Canary Islands Cause a Tsunami Across I think there is to much money invested in the disney name and brand for them to destroy there own creation down here in Florida in the orlando area. Read a lot of these and noticed that lot of people have had dreams. Fake and misleading social media posts about a megatsunami possibly hitting the East Coast popped up Sunday after a volcanic eruption in the. I pray who ever reads this, it is not too late for you to pray to God to come into your heart today! I live in Hinesville Ga. by fort Stewart, is this far enough inland in a worst case senerio? We live on Long Island and will drive into the Pocono mountains if need be do get away, as its only 1.5 hrs away. They are saying with a possible Drastic Pole shift happening soon from Planet X or some are calling it 7x account its 7 times larger than Earth, coming into our Galaxy and then going by us and then around us between Jupiter and Earth in its elliptical orbit, there will be 400ft to 600ft Tsunamis happening around the world. The bible says 1/3rd of the sea will be destroyed. Although I am not an expert in this field, I would suggest that a tsunami of the magnitude in this article would not traverse the state of Florida, despite its extremely low elevation. I have watched a few documentaries on mega-tsunamis, and there are various opinions regarding the height of a Canary Island event reaching the East Coast. Its limestone, (Swiss cheese), and think about the sinkholes they have, the crime, the influx of everybody. As long as you were offshore a bit (distance depends on the underlying seafloor), the effects will be minimal. Has very interesting videos on America & tsunmais & earthquakes. Thank you. Is this accurate? Little nervious. There are WAY too many people who will live through the initial wave who will think they can live off the land. And how I can get ahold of that data to make my own. I recall author Willard Bascomb describing one tsunami wave traveling at 400 mph, but since it was only 2 feet high and hundreds of miles between crests, no one on the beach noticed anything unusual. Basically people dont want to MOVE, b/c they dont see it as SIMPLE. NY is doomed economically politically and if there is a true mega emergency it will be violent chaos. I know we are supposed to not worry as believers and trust that Jesus has saved us by his loved poured out for us on the cross, which I believe, praise God!! Any thoughts on what will happen to the gulf coast of Texas in this scenario? How about a 300 foot concrete wall? Read more Print length 211 pages Language English Publication date July 23, 2020 Dimensions 6 x 0.48 x 9 inches ISBN-13 Go from September 22nd-September 25th. etc etc etc. People didnt pay attention to all the signs in the movies, tv shows etc when 9/11 happened. Soil will wash from under buildings so that they topple. I have had those same dreams. The land abutting the foothills of the Appalachian Mountains, to the extent it rises above that 100 foot level and well away from any river outlets by which the sea can pour inland, will afford some protection from tidal waves. Would Lake Hopatcong NJ at 900ft elevation 40 miles inland be safe from a 1000ft tsunami, I would google videos of the Japan tsunami flooding, eye opening, >>COMMENT POLICY>>USE OPEN FORUM for Off-Topic conversation. Then a dream that taco bell employees were also in a group that was destroying two of the nine worlds each created differently (clockwise the second- which evolved, and the fourth clockwise-that happened in a giant explosion-, there was a central world that was in the middle) They did this to these two worlds and a new world formed, which was their plan. The prevailing theory from the 70s have been that an volcano eruption (and related earthquakes) in the Canary Islands will produced a tsunami that will travel to the east coast with a 100 foot wave. Since the impact would wipe out communications instantly, you wont even know the wave had arrived till its on top of you. Its the little things! Just one other comment. is that 10 feet under water? Amen Silver. I am about 74 miles from the coast as the crow flys. Well Me and my family are done for because we live in Burlington county pemberton nj and your map shows that we will get hit even thou my family and I live on a hill it will still hit us and I heard that when that tsunami happens it is from God because of how the people in America lies and believes in abortions and thinks its okay for people to be gay and I heard that after that tsunami in acouple of years from that point on Jesus is coming back and Im not trying to start a controversial argument or anything but of that tsunami happens it is time to start repenting and time to go home with God just saying but I just wanted to show and help you guys out so you guys can be safe thank you for showing me the map. If we view an earthquake as sound, know that it propagates in a 3D bubble, able to bend corners and repropogate a new set of special dynamics based on the energy lost and the angle that sound escapes through. Massachusetts drivers really do drive aggressively and dangerously. (closest mountains)be a safe place as a destination.3 hours and 40 minutes inland from where Im at now.If not ,where would the closest safe placebe?Not sure what to think on this event but better safe than sorry. I live in Ocala, Florida, which is in the center of the State, a place where people go to, during hurricanes.
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