She treated me so badly like a a piece of rubbish totally disgusted with me, and all I had had was SSA thoughts . I hear from Mormons, Seventh Day Adventists, Catholics, and others who had experiences quite unlike mine yet can identify with some of the excesses I experienced. Ive often thought of the parallels between physical and emotional pain. With The Jesus I Never Knew you hit the mark. The Jesus I Never Knew, Walker and Co. (New York, NY), 1996. Thats the topic of my book Vanishing Grace, which may not yet be published in Brazil. If a neighbors house burned down, the congregation would rally around and show charityif, that is, the house belonged to a white person. I was lying on the floor of my daughters bedroom, trying to coax her to sleep (kids mental health has really suffered in this ordeal) while a million problems raced through my mind. We would cheer in the church as they showed the films from Selma of the police dogs and the fire hoses. I dont know when a person begins to feel like a real writer, or that something he (or she) has to say might do a stranger good instead of harm. Disappointment with God was an understatement and my world was changed. Even Peter, the apostle, said, Some of the things Paul says confuses me. Recently, we attended a series My husband and I have been fans of your writing even before we met each other. One of the Christian World's Most Thoughtful Writers Offers a Fresh Take on an Ancient Spiritual Practice," p. 48, and review of Prayer, p. 49. You are a great inspiration to me as I see marginalized people every day in court. We found out that her sickness did not allow her to go out and being exposed under the sun, as it would trigger her immune system to attack her skin and her mussle. I wonder what you think now about this quote you shared in the book where a New York Times editorial warned that the activism of religious conservatives poses a far greater threat to democracy than was presented by communism. Phyllis. I was raised in a wonderful Christian home but like you, I had many questions about things I had seen in the church and even more questions, as I experienced new churches different from the ones I was used to in the south. So my final and dangerous calling has been to publish a book that allows Christians of all denominations to gain a close and personal look at the dreadful and unmerited suffering that continues to be imposed upon believers supporting same-sex marriages. It is rampant. One of the places I start off is to see what youve been up to lately, and expand my search from there. I cant promise that. Exactly, no one can. As I write this, I am just about to finish reading Soul Survivor again. Ive got your book on Where Is God When It Hurts but to be honest its too overwhelming to read a big book at the moment. You are not alone. The title is Amazed: Why the Humanity of Jesus Matters and is available on Amazon (not yet Prime, but it is available in paperback and Kindle). Takes 2 seconds go check out If I understand the poem and my experience correctly, it seems the lesson for me is to relax, to trust God, to stay in the moment and to focus on what I can do to help and make things better, especially for someone else. And how insignificant we really all are, but then how fortunate we are to have this body and to be able to enjoy loving here amongst the beauty of the Earth itself. Jim Lovell, Apollo 8 & 13, It suddenly struck me that that tiny pea, pretty and blue, was the Earth. I told them that the bullying had not just been verbal but had included shouting, physical shaking and pushing, and that it was all because I had reported pedophiles. Thank you so much for writing Disappointment with God. The first time I read it I was dealing with issues regarding my perspective of God. and God bless you Mr Yancey . For me, there are two principles to keep in mind. I began to study seriously. . As we say at our church, To God be the glory.. After laying my hands 15 years ago on The Jesus I never knew, I have read 7 of your books and every book ignite a fire in me and to see the missing part of Christianity. Philip. Namely, who is God and what is grace. Paul told me on December 27th, 2016 that me telling the Warden that he was bullying me was outrageous. Black authors: Cornel West is one contemporary who has strong views yet engages well with people he disagrees with. I think that out of many prominent voices in the faith community, you are one of the people brave enough to be on the right side of history. Lets be clear here. I guess I tilt in their favor because that is my background, and also my callingto reach those wounded by the church. Of course, I eventually realized legalism is not the province of just one group. I am the president of a Bible college and a seminary. Just sharing my gratitude for all your writing. So, I went back, the door opened for me, and I stepped in. This is probably not the book to take along to a spiritual retreat for discussion, mainly because it is far too raw and honest. There you agree, that Christians have been killing a lot of other humans. Suffering and pain has no boundaries and now, I could no longer pretend otherwise. My family and I plan to visit the USA in June 2023. So here I am, stuck in a life that is so hard to bear, hanging on to my Saviour with all my strength. This time, I didnt care if the whole world knew how disappointed I was with God. The Business Detail,, Spiritual Lessons from the Human Body: An Interview with Philip Yancey RCCG,'s%20Retreat%20Promo.mp4?dl=0,,,,, Philip. Im sure you have an opinion on the matter. Personal Those Serbs who had so much hatred of my people had ethnic cleansing of Croats, Roma and Jews. It is sad to see churches fomenting fear amongst their members to scare them into voting one way or the other. Just one sentence. Maybe, maybe not. People ask me who my favorite authors are and I always reply C. S. Lewis and Philip Yancey. The diabolical plot to exploit Christ as a prefix was grafted Nor steering people away from teachings that are suspect. Now look back at 2018 what you mention in the book. In about a year youll see an entirely new edition that combines the two books with Dr. I am preparing to retire in 672 days (whos counting) by working on my Masters in Christian Counseling. I first read, Whats So Amazing About Grace? in 2017 and it has become my annual must-read. I really mean that. I havent read Hell: The Logic of Damnation by Jerry Walls, but that may be helpful too. Thanks from the heart. My God, I need something. That they respond to you is proof that you are following in his steps. Living in Africa & Japan as well as the US and working with & reading about many different kinds of Christians as a pastor, missionary & bookaholic has helped me so much, and your book will help my younger friend broaden her horizons a bit more quickly. My interests include skiing, climbing mountains, mountain-biking, golf, international travel, jogging, nature, theology (in small doses), politics, literature, and classical music.. Frank, I dont know you apart from your comment on here. Philip. I was amazed at the odds of meeting his wife in a park where she does not even live, the same week as he took my couch. I was destitute and deeply in debt. I struggle with my faith in the exact same way that Richard did and I am very interested to know if he ever came back to faith. I life what Im learning and experiencing as I explore widely, but we also want to settle somewhere. what bible college did philip yancey attend. and one from the imagined doubts I perceived from others (is her faith not real?). The things that we share in our world are far more valuable than those which divide us. Donald Williams, pilot for Spaceshuttle Discovery and commander for Spaceshuttle Atlantis, This planet is not terra firma. I would also like to encorage you to continue taking on the hard topics and shareing your viewpoint. I cannot agree with the premise of mutual exclusivity between Gods sovereignty and Gods love. But we must also consider the damage that Korea has suffered in Japan. I know thousands of Southern Baptists and none fits the Elmer Gantry or Mitchners preacher in Hawaii in the slightest. They Speak With Other Tongues ~ John Sherrill Our retreat theme is Grace in a Mans Life and for humor our promo video uses clips from the old TV series MISSION IMPOSSIBLE (see it here:'s%20Retreat%20Promo.mp4?dl=0)! Discrimination or hatred due to religious beliefs was never a part of our lives. By the way, I was reading your story this morning and the statement, Along the way I realized that God had been misrepresented to me, succinctly describes my experience having been raised in the Catholic church. I find your books stimulating, brave, and encouraging. I am sorry I didnt see that before I commented. I am 74 and realize I should have to talked to them and listened to them. Again and again, I would offer them your name, hoping they would find a similar freedom in realizing their doubts and questions did not disqualify them from faith. How hypocritical it seemed that these Christian leaders would support him. I recommend The Art of Forgiving and Forgive and Forget, both by Lewis Smedes. You quoted the Sandy Hook Elementary School shooting in Newtown, Connecticut, as an example of human suffering and tragedy. It has been such a blessing in my life. Your books are a great help for my spiritual growth, but I must say, Ive never been angry with God and never questioned God as Father and his Son as my Savior. Jesus never left my side and you helped me see and understand that. I know that in the U.K., where it seems youre from, it can be very difficult to find a church with a sense of nourishing community, a church that also shows spiritual vitality and opportunities for service (and not just in U.K.!). Sometimes we learn most by staying with a group that may not be our first preference. I dont have a sense of a grace-less God and it occurs to me that you and God Himself are probably why. As you know, conversions at the age you mention are rather rare, so Im sure you have your own story! We peppered you with questions to help us gain some type of understanding as to why Jacob was born with such a devastating prognosis. She treated me so badly that after 3 months of hell I finally ran away and headed back to Canada, she called every christian organization along the greyhound route to Canada and warned them about me a gay . Do you know the source of this belief? Whew, great question and well-expressed. The Pastor of the church we attended ended upon running around on his wife and eventually committed suicide. Thank you for the honesty and transparency in your blog and books. How boring it must be to have the same kind of relationship with billions of people. I really enjoy your writing. You said you understood that our church was going through a rough patch, but that God was not finished, that you were excited to see what God was going to do in the next chapter of Southeast. These things are not true, and Paul had no right to say them. Its an ongoing search, and I prefer it that way to the times in church history (think pre-Vatican 2) when the church tells you exactly what to believe and what books are contraband. You can access it for free, here:, Hi Philip Philip. Our God is amazing and deserves our response. My question is about your friend Richard (Disappointment With God), and whether he ever returned to the faith after all of these years? So thanks for that. The reason evangelical Christians are supporting Trump is because they follow Christianity not Christ. He doesnt tell me to point fingers or join a country club church or sentimentalize or politicize or trivialize this great Gospel. The failures, obstacles of life, and disappointment had consumed all my will to continue. Already on edge because of Pauls warnings, I asked if he wanted me to resign. Hello, this is Hee-Soo from South korea. Dear Aaron, I do know that mental (and spiritual) states have physical manifestationsplacebo effects alone prove that. Thank you for the encouragement. I see no need to comment on the many points you made. I loved that book but Im not writing you now for any renumerationI was more impressed (and touched) by your letter. Writing is such an introspective act that I found myself looking for ways to connect with the planet bodily. This is the first Philip Yancey book most of us have read so we are excited to explore this new author and his writings, and hopefully gain some clarification on this topic. + Disappointment With God Before that time people saw him as grump but after that time he was a changed man. Thank you for your poignant, refreshing writing. What happened to my seed and Malachi 3 opening the floodgates of Heaven? Im so grateful to Philip Yancey for helping me understand modern Christianity better. I packed up my things and was excited about the years of study ahead ,as I stood on the Train platform in Saint John waiting for the train to take me to Toronto and the Church Army,./now called Threshold Ministries. On page 119 the words discussion of parenthood helped to define my purpose more clearly and keep me focused. Scott Malm. I began to teach Sunday School and lead Wednesday night prayer and study meetings, meanwhile preparing sermons. One last thing and a shameless plug I think its really cool that you take the time to coorespond to so many of the people that write you. In your place, I would simply be honest in the endnote, saying that you were unable to track down the original source. No misunderstanding You make a good point about my pedantic language, and Ill need to watch that. Mdecins Sans Frontires (Doctors Without Borders) doesnt know why evil exists Mr. Yancy, many thanks, Strangely, I can find most of them articulated in the Bible itselfJob, Lamentations, Habakkukso were in good company. I have a favor to askand Ill suggest in advance if its too muchI completely understand. Spilsby claimed that it was my couch, but it was the old urine- and sweat-soaked couch from behind the gym. Incidentally I share his view that I too wish prayer could be a simple, straightforward almost childlike . Realizing that overcoming this anger is part of the process and is a mixture of philosophical and practical elements, I wanted to pick your brain and get your recommendations for someone who wants to move forward in faith but at times just cant seem to move beyond the anger/bitterness from past sleightsjust curious what the game changers were in your life to move beyond the pain in your religious upbringing. I must also admit that I have used many illustrations from your books over the years of leading a study from our home that has now morphed into a zoom study. In YWAM we had been taught to be open about things in our lives. Destroy its vast foundation, its splendid global edifice so fantastic Its a beautiful book. Im 35 now and since that time, I have followed all your works. Im open to the theophany. As a small step I listed the most influential books I have ever read. I remember falling farther in love with Jesus through those pages, going on and on to my lapsed mother about how amazing he was. Dear Mr. Yancey, I have read almost all of your books. Im sure you thought the true church would react by going back to works. I have never known a kinder, more generous, selfless (and, yes Christ-like) human being in my life than he isand yet, at a recent demonstration (in NYC, the Climate Justice March, and Flooding Wall Street), where I made signs with verses from Isaiah, Psalms, and other places, about our obligation to defend the poor, to be on the side of the oppressed, etcand he held them with mehe said, Christians dont like me. Sad but true. You were the first Christian writer who made room for a thinker like me. You sound really depressed, a condition that cries for in-person help, from friends or a trained counselor. Whatever grief we feel, God feels more. The New International Version is the most read, most trusted Bible translation, and more than six million copies of The Student Bible have been sold. I was told yes, I could. How Chinese traditional ways contrast distinctly with the Western is how it recognises empathy driven parenting absent discipline and obedience to Sacred Authority, whatever the intention, ends up creating miserable narcissists that refuse to recognise inherited duties. Much of my childhood prayer life was spent begging God to save me from the horrors of hell, in the fear that I was not sincere enough in my young faith to truly be saved. I just wanted to say thank you, for your blog posts and student bible as much as your books. Or better, prevented the ignition. Hope you understand. You may remember me from our contact in the early 2000s. I am in leadership at Church, people come to me for comfort, counsel or prayer but I am in a dry hot desert now. I see it was written in 1997, if it was relevant then it surely is relevant today. It is a little snapshot of my Me too! and my journey to a deeper understanding of grace. Let me know. Rather, keep searching, and try to look at church not just as a place to nourish you, but one where you can nourish others. I have chosen to not be bitter, but to endeavour to be a reflection of his grace wherever I might be. Soul Survivor, a Publishers Weekly contributor declared, "is one of his most hopeful [books], for in it he charts a spiritual path through all of the muck made by organized religion. I publish weekly in some important christian media in Spanish and English in Europe, and Im starting a path in which Ive been as influenced by you as much as you tell youve been influenced by Buechner. Know the unknown God who humbly walked the earth on record Lewis, aside from perhaps The Screwtape Letters which I enjoyed and was insightful, I couldnt seem to get through his superbly high language, especially his non fiction works. I cant begin to thank you enough for writing Where The Light Fell. It is much needed in our Christian world today. I asked Paul about the Christmas feasts/parties for each range, and as expected it was his way or no way. So thank you for sharing your story. Thanks again, I look forward to your new work. Merely, I have ambiguous obedience which you have mentioned. Kind regards from Cape Town, South Africa (and you would be amazed at how many people in the USA do not know where that is situated). My guess is that you are somewhat melancholic as well as very bright. Publishers Weekly, March 9, 1984, Miriam Berkley, interview with Philip Yancey, p. 116; December 20, 1985, William Griffin, review of Open Windows, p. 37; January 13, 1989, review of Disappointment with God, p. 66; September 27, 1993, review of Pain, p. 55; September 29, 1997, review of What's So Amazing about Grace?, p. 85; August 16, 1999, review of The Bible Jesus Read, p. 76; July 24, 2000, review of Reaching for the Invisible God, p. 88; July 31, 2000, review of Reaching for the Invisible God, p. 55; August 13, 2001, review of Soul Survivor, p. 308, and "PW Talks with Philip Yancey," p. 309; November 19, 2001, review of Soul Survivor, p. 43; August 4, 2003, review of Rumors of Another World, p. 74; November 17, 2003, review of Rumors of Another World, p. 37; August 28, 2006, "PW Talks with Philip Yancey: Why Pray? The Creationist groups are responsible for part of our problem. If prisoners needed both a card and a stamp, I would give them a blank card and ask them to let me know when it was ready to be mailed. What do you do when you desperately need miracles from a God who doesnt even seem to be giving responses???? This is not a real good answer, but it is all we have. Im grateful you took the time to write and I am thankful for the open discussion youre willing to have with all your readers.
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