I reached the conclusion that it was very bad and going to deceive a lot more people. He is further identified as the son of Amoz (Isaiah 1:1). Some scholars, like Michael J. Gorman, consider some of Peterson's idiomatic renderings unconventional. HE did say murder is a sin, which is ending the life of another human. 3) The Living Bible (TLB) - First published in 1971, The Living Bible is another paraphrase translation by sole translator, Kenneth Taylor. I have read and listened the audio of many different translation of the bible. I admire your article and agree with the recommendation not to depend heavily on it alone. 10 Scriptural reasons Jesus Calling is a dangerous book One of those churches is the enormously popular Bethel Church (for a deeper look at Bethels unorthodox heretical practices and their use of The Passion Translation, see my article, Bethel's False Gospel). Evangelical Christian Publishers Association, "Introduction to the New Testament, from The Message", "2006 Christian Book Awards Winners - Bibles category", Eugene Peterson interview at a U2 fansite, The Holy Bible from Ancient Eastern Manuscripts, Jewish Publication Society of America Version, New Jewish Publication Society of America Tanakh, New English Translation of the Septuagint, https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=The_Message_(Bible)&oldid=1142387790, Short description is different from Wikidata, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License 3.0, Robert L. Hubbard Jr., North Park Theological Seminary (chair), Richard E. Averbeck, Trinity Evangelical Divinity School, Bryan E. Beyer, Columbia International University, Duane A. Garrett, The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, Donald R. Glenn, Dallas Theological Seminary, Paul R. House, Beeson Divinity School, Samford University, John N. Oswalt, Asbury Theological Seminary, Prescott H. Williams Jr., Austin Presbyterian Theological Seminary, William W. Klein, Denver Seminary (chair), Moises Silva, Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary, Rodney A. Whitacre, Trinity School of Ministry. This phrase is used to describe someone who is wicked and deceitful, as snakes are often seen as symbols of evil in the Bible. Yes. What's So Bad About Cults? - Christianity Without the Religion/Plain Peterson's assertion that the New Testament was written in the "street language" of the day is misleading. It is specifically targeted toward U.S. English . An overwhelming number of these translations suffer from the strong bias of an unfaithful group of translators. Matthew 5:11-12 13 And lead us not into temptation, Their hunger outweighed concrete religion. I remember complaining that if the church hall was hired for a function, as it often was, a member of the local community could come in, pick up the copy of The Message from the bookshelf and read a false gospel in it. The problem of fundamentalism requires that Bible interpretation be undertaken with great care and consensus, which may be difficult when cultural pressures promote the opposite. And this is why: so that no one need be destroyed; by believing in him, anyone can have a whole and lasting life. I gave the leaders and some church members paper copies of this resource. 7 Dangers of Daily Bible Reading - The Suko Family This is a useful place to start, given the controversy currently surrounding this popular, 84-year-old, Christian author. The Message (MSG): Don't you realize that this is not the way to live? Firstly, ALL Bibles such as NKJV, NIV etc are paraphrasing. When it comes to 1 Corinthians 6:9-10, The Messageis not clear at all, but I don't think it's because Dr. Peterson was trying to water down the two Greek terms used for homosexual practice. Hope youll give us another try and check out some other articles. Speakers were lacking in integrity to feed people from this book without first explaining the many problems with it. 7. Becoming a scholar is the job of the church leader SO they can speak it upon any person of any intelligence. What Is the Message Bible? Should This Be Used By Christians? We love each other, and we're not using or abusing each other.". Cults therefore suppress personal opinion, critical thinking and free exchange of ideas. He goes so far as to say it's a form of sacrilege to speak of God in language that is "inflated into balloons of abstraction or diffused into the insubstantiality of lacey gossamer." Your worldview is different. Paraphrase is often written by a single author who translates the Bible in their own words, sometimes not even using the original biblical languages as a foundation. 9 Reasons Why "The Bible Is A Highly Dangerous Book!" - Catholic-Link I wish you all the best! The ESV reads: "You shall not lie with a male as with a woman; it is an abomination. Reach out to [emailprotected] when you have time. He translated from the original languages. " MARGARET FEINBERG, AUTHOR OF FIGHT BACK WITH JOY "The Message is original and refreshing. None of those individuals ever identified themselves to me and to this day I dont know who they were. Amen. Keep us safe from ourselves and the Devil. Copyright 2023, The Bottom Line Ministries. I had never heard of this Message until a couple of weeks ago when the leader at the church I attend put up verses on the front screen with the abbreviation after the scripture. If they dont know how to control their own families, how can they look after Gods people? 5 Bible Translations You Should Avoid CRIT-LARGE He asked his people to respect his grace in Numbers. You committed to reading x amount of chapters or studying God's Word for x amount of minutes each day. The Message is a tool that, while not subjectively perfect for some, is quite ideal for others. It is far more difficult to treat with love and kindness someone who disagrees with your faith than it is to denounce and dismiss them (as Paul did). Remove unnecessary links, images, and attachments. Talking to the Dead: What Does the Bible Say? - Learn Religions Finally, I have to say, the attitudes in a lot of these comments and from the opinion of the author is why many people are leaving the practice of Christianity. he leads me beside quiet waters, Return to homepage. Many dangerous theological errors are found throughout the GNT, including distortions of the divinity of Christ, removing references to Jesus blood, misrepresentations of Jesus virgin birth, removing references to hell, salvation being distorted, etc. On the two occasions when I have since heard it used, the speakers havent disclosed the name of the book they are reading from. . Here's Warren's 10 Scriptural Reasons Why Jesus Calling is a Dangerous Book, reprinted with permission: And Jesus answered and said unto them, Take heed that no man deceive you. Required fields are marked *. For instance, the English Standard Version, a word for word literal translation puts the Lord's Prayer, from Matthew 6 as: "Our Father in heaven, hallowed be your name. Because you have rejected knowledge, I also will reject you from being My priest. The same would be true for other versions or translations of the Bible, no? 1. - is the Word of God? 9 After this manner therefore pray ye: Our Father which art in heaven, Hallowed be thy name. But I do prefer to use it to add clarity. 2) The Passion Translation (TPT) - This is another paraphrase translation like The Message. The scene in Oslo after Christian terrorist, Anders Breivik, struck. It was then I got on the internet and read A LOT more and studied LOTS. Translation Comparison - 1 Corinthians 6:9-10. I reminded them that we are told to have no fellowship with darkness (Ephesians 5:11) which should mean we dont use that book as a resource. 5 Problems With Bible Interpretation - LetterPile Therefore My people go into exile for their lack of knowledge; 2) When pastors preach from it, it encourages people to use it, this is dangerous because the Message is full of errors, false doctrine, and occult philosophy. You are wondering about the question why the message bible is dangerous but currently there is no answer, so let kienthuctudonghoa.com summarize and list the top articles with the question. Gossip always distorts and exaggerates, and is never a reliable source of truth. The Message is Not a Bible Translation: Peterson's Philosophy 1. He introduced himself as a God of grace in Genesis. The Message is generally avoided but there is no hard and fast rule. English Standard Version (ESV): Simon Peter replied, You are the Christ, the Son of the living God. And Jesus answered him, Blessed are you, Simon Bar-Jonah! 12 And forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors. Does this post violate any norms, rules, or others that you aware of? ", The ESV reads: "For this reason God gave them up to dishonorable passions. Those who use and abuse each other, use and abuse sex, use and abuse the earth and everything in it, don't qualify as citizens in God's kingdom.". If the Bible is the truth, then ignoring it is ignoring the truth. Even in moderation, alcohol use causes significant problemsphysically, mentally, and spiritually. 3 Reasons Why Looking Back to Past Success Is Dangerous - Christian Today Smoking cigarettes is a sin. He instead uses the 1901 American Standard Version as his foundation. 3) The Message encourages laziness in Biblical interpretation, since it reads like a novel it does not force the reader to slow down and think things through and is a completely inappropriate book to use in the study of the scriptures. Gossip always contributes to a problem and never to a solution. 1 Because the Lord is my Shepherd, I have everything I need! Blog, Bible Message / January 12, 2023 by Karen Correia / Leave a Comment. If you're reading the ESV (or most other translations) and you're sleeping with your girlfriend or committing adultery with your neighbor's spouse or practicing homosexuality, Paul's words will hit you between the eyes: "Do not be deceived: neither the sexually immoral, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor men who practice homosexuality . They read a passage of The Message that theyve written down or read it from an app on their cell phone. Eugene Peterson might be the William Tyndale of the 21st century or just an individual who wants to distort the bible or some who sincerely want to make the bible easy to read but making some mistakes. The Message is obviously not a Bible translation, or even a terribly good paraphrase. The Message: The Bible in Contemporary Language (MSG) is a paraphrase of the Bible in contemporary English. I believe that Gods people searchin n praying to Holy Spirit to guide us in understanding. How do we know the Bible is not just a fairy tale? Michael Abrahams | Why the Bible is a dangerous book The Message is Not a Bible Translation: Problem Passages | More Than Cake The Message loses the idea of an evil demonic power in these verses. We are called to be His examples, His disciples. He did not say Peterson did not speak Gods Attributes in his rendition of Lords Prayer, he said the original text did not so there-for Peterson should not have added it to the prayer. Witnesses, who also changed the Bible around to fit what they wanted to say, they created the NWT Bible. Hoping it will appear in Google listings in time. A word-for-word translation like the ESV translates this as Fear not, daughter of Zion; behold, your king is coming, sitting on a donkeys colt!, The Living Bible translates this as, Dont be afraid of your King, people of Israel, for he will come to you meekly, sitting on a donkeys colt! Taylors use of dont be afraid is evidence that he does not realize that the common Hebrew expression of fear not means to have confidence.. I was appalled and immediately went home and read A LOT . I read your article, with interest. 1:28-32). The Old Testament teaches that believers are defiled by their attempts at communicating with the dead, a practice that is detestable to God. Many believers enjoy reading The Message because of its modern appeal; however, it is important to recognize . I just recently found your article that was written in 2017 as I was searching for errors in the Message. I replied that as part of the body of Christ, she was responsible along with everyone else for ensuring that an authentic Bible gets used and not a book that misrepresents Gods word. What is The Message (MSG)? - GotQuestions.org 1 The Lord is my shepherd, I lack nothing. We run to God to understand who he is n to lead us n trust in his word It's a book of faith, written over four centuries by people with very different viewpoints and agendas. Then there is the line as above, so below, which is from the Emerald Tablet of Hermes Trismegistus an occult text from the school of Hermeticism, that has influenced every aspect of the new age movement, from Asatru to Satanism to Wicca. Learn why this "gospel lite" illusion is such a seductive, powerful delusion for Christians and how you can avoid it in your walk of faith. And there were other translation before the KJ Bible. You are really understanding mans word, not Gods by using this commentary/paraphrase. You cannot say that just because divination is used in human sacrifice, it is evil. Through Jesus Christ, we have been freed from the bondage of sin and death. Translation Comparison - Matthew 16:16-18, Good News Translation (GNT): Simon Peter answered, You are the Messiah, the Son of the living God.. I also like Watchman Nees Normal Christian Life also. The CEV uses an even more simplified version of English than the GNT. Your email address will not be published. According to Psalm 138:2 God magnifies His Word above His name. The New International Posted on . Perhaps you can give me a link to read it? 10 Warnings in the Bible We Don't Take Seriously Enough - iBelieve.com 6 countries where owning a Bible is dangerous - Christian Today I would challenge you not to believe what I say but to look it up for yourself. Heather, theres more to it than that. We should remember that a little leaven leavens the whole lump. Its an important doctrinal point that the modern church seems to have largely forgotten. Ultimately, God is the judge and we are not. Church officials must be in control of their own families, and they must see that their children are obedient and always respectful. Drug Scheduling & Classifications (List of Schedule I-V Controlled Drugs) I believe the intent, published by The Navigators, was to produce the late Eugene Petersons work as an evangelical outreach to people who had been preconditioned against Olde English King James style interpretations that got in the way of letting them hear the message. same sex, homosexuality, trey pearson, everyday sunday, christian rock, love is love, back to school, anxiety, fear, college, worry, peace, Burning Scripture with Passion: A Review of The Psalms (The Passion Translation). It certainly waters down the living word and I cant see anything in that text that would convict anyone. Eugene Peterson created The Message, a Bible translation which emphasizes the need to trust God rather than focus on material possessions or appearances. My answer to the question remains the same today as it has always been: The Message is not a translation and should not be used as your primary Bible. That's because by itself, the Bible is not a history book. Like you, I too have had a past of far left and far right exposure politically and spiritually but these days I am where Jesus was Render unto Caesar what is Caesars and unto God what us Gods Follow the Great Commission. A man who has strong convictions, who speaks out boldly for God's truth, if he's not careful can become harsh or unkind. Keep us safe from ourselves and the Devil. English Standard Version (ESV): Or do you not know that the unrighteous will not inherit the kingdom of God? As a white male . Why it's Dangerous to Take the Bible Literally - Medium One such critic is biblical scholar and translator, Andrew G. Shead, who said in his article, Burning Scripture with Passion: A Review of The Psalms (The Passion Translation), that Simmons abandons all interest in textual accuracy, playing fast and loose with the original languages, and inserting so much new material into the text that it is at least 50% longer than the original. The Bible is therefore a highly dangerous. While some good pastors may use it by mistake, many wolves love its language and use it to manipulate the flocks. This, again, is a great weakness of The Message: It sometimes produces beautifully phrased lines at the expense of the truth of Scripture. To help us keep our feet on the path that leads to life, below are 10 biblical warnings Christ's followers should take more seriously. Why Is the Message Bible So Dangerous? 4 Bible Verses You Should Know The Messages technique in translating the original text is so casual in its approach that NavPress, publisher of The Message, says, It's not meant to replace your current version of choice. It is specifically targeted toward U.S. English speakers with its use of American contemporary slang. God's Spirit brooded like a bird above the watery abyss. I began to show up where The Message had taken from, added to, and twisted scriptures in the particular passage that had been recited during the church service also explaining why those changes fitted a New Age and politically correct agenda. They would just avoid the passages that had those words in them. your rod and your staff, 11 Give us this day our daily bread. English Standard Version (ESV): And when the Gentiles heard this, they began rejoicing and glorifying the word of the Lord, and as many as were appointed to eternal life believed. Jesus saying about having a generous eye probably refers to Gods blessing on those who are generous with their resources and time. The Danger of Complaining: Spiritual Life in God Regarded as sacred and authoritative, such a complex collection of histories, legends, allegories and images becomes a monstrous Rorschach blot in which you can picture almost . Where is Sunday on the calender? Death Valley, The biblical position on controversial social and cultural issues is not immoral, it's not harmful, and it's not unloving. Eventually and with prayer other people in the church started to get disquieted by The Message. Be as shrewd as a snake, inoffensive as a dove. Complaining isn't harmless sport; it's serious sin. Therefore, an overseer must be above reproach, the husband of one wife, sober-minded, self-controlled, respectable, hospitable, able to teach, not a drunkard, not violent but gentle, not quarrelsome, not a lover of money. We no longer need to be slaves to the ways of this world; instead, we can walk according to Gods will and purpose for our lives. Contempt for it is contempt for the truth. I was very surprised to find significant meanings. I agree The Message and other interpretive commentary, and modernized Scriptures of the Bible, are not best for study. Jesus promises his disciples a reward in heaven for being persecuted and falsely accused in his name. The Message Bible Endorsements Unjust people who don't care about God will not be joining in his kingdom. KJV vs. The Message Bible Good vs. Garbage - Life's Little Slices Instead, he became way too cute with words in general, taking away from the clarity of the original and even introducing some foreign concepts. Bibles are banned and those found in possession of one face imprisonment, torture and even death - as do up to three generations of their family. The Samaritans, however, believed that their temple, on Mount Gerizim, was where true worship . What is more alarming is that the church congregation relies on the over head screen to read the scriptures presented. Jesus referred to sinners as a brood of vipers to remind people that sin can be deceptive and hard to recognize, and that they should strive for righteousness if they want to avoid Gods punishment. Contemporary English Version (CEV): It is true that anyone who desires to be a church official wants to be something worthwhile. He guides me along the right paths Faith Lets all be careful and remember William Tyndale who first translated the bible to English but encountered fierce opposition and was killed(burnt at stake) but his work has a very large impact on the King James Version (the most accepted version of the bible) Especially when our own pastor prayed the Lords prayer in Peterson speak. 6. These drugs can be obtained through prescription. Dangers of the Message Bible - Dove Ministries Schedule III: Drugs with low to moderate potential for abuse and/or .
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