You can enter multiple email addresses separated by commas, Thank you for shopping at TurboSquid., Hey, You can change your subscription preferences at any time in the account settings. What? They provide clients with pretty much everything they could possibly want at reasonable prices and have a 100 percent guarantee return policy on all their items. Sometime buyer in frustration just leave bad review on the model for issues that can be solved easily, but since he cant contact seller he thinks he cant do anything about it and he wasted his money. The age of 3D models is over and people have moved on to 3D printing. It was the most unpleasant experience. 5. Important only is that there buy many people. On the other side, CGtrader empowers the real content creators, giving them all kind of freedom regarding their products and image, and encouraging communication between customers and content creators. On top of that they have so many odd restrictions and hoops you need to keep jumping through just to make your model visible and people end up having to buy diamond accounts because they know they won't sell a single model unless they do. To my repliers: I like how there is no join up fee. Putting 3D printing as the main product range on first page doesn't help, as has been noted. TS is simply in decline getting worse and worse. In other words as an artist in TS you are not so well protected, as it's here at CGT. It is always very reassuring to know that our opinions are taken into account. A few weeks later, my first 3d model was sold on TS, while I had to wait 4 or 5 months to get my first sales on CGT, And the sad thing is that those sales concerned only low-priced models. I think CG Trader should remain working with printing, however, it's main concern should be CG :D, I would opt for a system that integrates different stores each with its own label/trademark placed under one common trademark (for sake of organization and readability), CGtraders main trademark would then function as a placeholder/main hub for many different sub stores. The last handful of successful high end 3D studios still buy those models because they know that the scenes have to be clean, geometry has no odd manifold or abnormal issues and the modelers have to jump through all kinds of hoops to ensure the quality of the model including providing high quality 360 renders. Everything we do is going on between people, we are all in this together, none of us is separate now matter how hard we would like to think so. The "crap models", "under-priced models" issue is a very sensitive topic that should be discussed. @Urecky, while i'm agree with you in general, let me argue on some specific points. As we think that CGtrader holds the best core for these kind of improvements, I would like to hear the opinion of Marius or any other CGtrader representative about the ideas recently proposed in this forum, specially: More specifically, the 3D Model may not be exported or sold. Free 3D Models Download: The Best Sites for 2023 | All3DP I've often (not just at this site) downloaded "free" items to verify their quality before purchasing models from a vendorI had problems with 3-4 of the "free" items I looked at first here (having no idea there was a limit), and now I can download no more. CGTrader will have to do so at some point, or people in search of quality models will simply avoid it. Cgtrader user interface is much more user friendly. We at NoneCg think that both CGtrader and Sellers will benefit from the exact opposite policy. In my understanding, for CG models, there are three main trends : large public with various expectations and low budget (roughly, poser people) ; professionals needing a good quality model quick and ready to pay for that (roughly, TS buyers), programmers wanting to create video games in search of game ready assets. - Forcing people to choose a proper tagging to their objects so that we don't get scanned high poly print-ready objects in the way when we tick the "low-poly" filter, You could have a superman body with an iron man head and spiderman gloves. And if the buyer sees one and the same model on CGT and on TS, then the price will choose on CGTrader Search is terrible, and lost if you have to go backwards a page. Comment goo's like this, quote "Awesome model, converted this guy over into maya and he looks great" end quote. That's why I won't model one single model for online sale until this heinous situation is rectified., All animals are equal, but some animals are more equal than others. CGT is the only website that really understand both the artists and customer needs! Login to PayPal to add your account as a payment method. I'm even considering seriously closing my store here. Don't forget those young people are going to shape the future of this market and if we want to have a flourishing market then we need lots of well trained people in it. TS has more sales because : this issue frequently occurs when a seller wants to break a competitor. Abdulhamid Saeed Aziz's Post - LinkedIn i have sold it to millenium shipping containers amongst other professional business. If the assumption is correct that a client goes to TS by default as a reflective action, "huh, there's another site, didn't know that! Think about the best online stores today when people search for lamps on Amazon they will only find lamps in their search and that is why they keep buying on Amazon because it is a highly efficient and professional site where the buyers don't get lost or frustrated looking for what they want and can spend their time searching for the best quality product based on their budget. I do not know if micro-managing brand or front-page appeal helps drive sales more effectively on other sites than on CGTrader. A battle is going on right now, and some top sellers are going full #SquidClan with a custom deal from the Wisdoms: a 5-6 digit $ amount in instant cash now as an advance of a 2 year exclusivity deal, plus a boost of their royalties at the expense of all the other "non-top" sellers at Turbosquid that won't be getting any offer from Matt Wisdom. But they can still contact the artist for fixing issues directly here on CGTrader. ,,The only thing that has cgtrader extra is the freelance job,,?? He earns trust in this way and we know everything stands or falls with the coming and going of trust. CGtrader.com3. Please let us know if you have any feedback. If CGT wants to play big and attract high quality traffic and designers/buyers, it has to invite the sellers to opt for a more mature approach in my humble opinion. Also you need to think about the advantage of not having to worry about shipping costs etc with digital art. Then I contacted Eduardas and Mantas who refused to remove the rating, Hi from Will and Mr Data :) :] @skifx, apparently your feeding hand is just too small. I don't get paid until the 3rd, but I thought I'd download some things, look at their quality, fill up a cart and get prepared to purchase when the money comes around. Brittney In fact I hope that once buyers begin to see the difference in quality on this site they will jump ship but the thing that still trips up CGTrader is the consumer confidence. I didn't checked it for a while (around a year) but comparatively Cgtrader has a much more streamlined upload system compared to Turbosquid's. And reasons can be any. Cgtrader have more favorable royalty rates, compared to TurboSquid. I agree with the last post, searching for models should not be a pain. The biggest problem with TS is that it is a pyramid scheme if you have a diamond account you have a good chance of selling models but at the low levels you have no chance. The advance search option should obviously only be available for paid models so to avoid people only free loading and just finding all the free models. Is it the return guarantee if not satisfied? Very soon there will be robots that can scan objects faster than any modeler can model them and then reproduce a print almost instantly in 10 to 30 years 3D jobs will be irrelevant but until then someone needs to really bring CGtrader to the big markets. First of all make great and spectacular models for it and promote it on forums, facebook, linkedin groups and forums. Thank you for shopping at TurboSquid. No frankly, it's a bloody mystery. You can enter multiple email addresses separated by commas, Thank you for shopping at TurboSquid. Turbosquid is butt ugly and greedy, I hope when CG gets bigger than TS, they don't end up the same way. We've been there, even being "Squid Guild exclusive" for some time to test the experience ourselves for real, and after more than 10 years with all our experiences and stats in hand we can state without a doubt that the business model offered by Turbosquid doesn't pay off in the mid-long term. But hey thats your call, That's sad, but true. although, the 3d printing industry is growing rapidly :D. I have to agree. I wish someday Turbosquid disappear or bankrupt. when the same type of issue occurs on CGTrader, the Staff policy is to do nothing. Unless you have a huge ass :) You can not keep all aspects of these markets covered, so you will only be average on all of them or even worse. Does anyone sale something on Cgtrader?where are customers. you should check out all the posts about 3D models quality. This site is bloated with 3D print ready models, crap models and "adult content / i cant see it". Site issues? I can see how 3D modeling and 3D printing can be connected, but even that has to have a clear border for the customer. Thanks for dropping by and great news about an eventual homepage re-design. A good platform should integrate all next gen communication technologies in order to support curent evolution and technological progress. (I forgot to put TS up). just 2 years ago still existed. Of course, as CGT reputation grows, this may change in the future (CGTrader has already beaten The3Dstudio in terms of statistics, but you also have to take into account that there are certainly a very significant amount of people coming here for 3D-printing only, which decreases the statistics in terms of regular CG models). Determining the optimal cost of the models is an important and difficult moment. for someone that is a little more unique. When pressed, Turbosquid could give no clearer specification than "it is too similar". But for the rest i do like the way cgtrader functions, more royalty rate, easy uploading and a community forum and job board. Agree with every word. - Limiting free objects to, let's say licensed objects like Stars Wars or Lego or whatever in an unlimited number, but to a few when it comes to "showcase" objects, let's say, 4 to 5 per designer, to help potential buyer judge the overall quality of the seller objects Doing the same at Turbosquid feels as dreadful as applying for a driver's license. But now, I'm exploring a new platform which is Sketchfab. Adult Female Jessy Rigged 3D Model 9. Rank improvement compared to previous 3 months: +5,816, +1,026. Yeah nasty stuff, but hey, I better shut up because I'm one of the hypocrites that keeps supporting that place by having my work on it. - Moderating some pointless threads opened by people using CGtrader as an advertising platform for their own website without even selling a single object here The longing to justice is something that cannot be eradicated, the hole of human history shows that clearly. In previous post the buyer mentioned he don't get reputation points for buying models? And good thing that you decided to tell about - such things should go public and be discussed. Most people say you get more sales at Turbosquid than any other 3D marketplace, so even if you get a much lower royalty % in the end you get more money, and while this is true up to a point (NOT x80 sales in any case), what most people don't realize is what happens IF your products are NOT in Turbosquid but you continue to sell in other marketplaces and have a bit of patience. User experience and User interface is much better to manage your store, and higher royalty. Then someone from cgtrader decided that he likes 3dprinting sooo much. Spider-Man (Rig) for Maya Shaders is a new section that we recently added. Same with copyright infringements, same with low quality models (a friend of mine bought recently a model here, which was supposed to be .OBJ compatible : but the seller had just exported the obj from its original program, without even editing the mtl file to have the textures loaded automatically ! Change Method. We'll let you know about that soon - all CGT sellers will receive via email, so stay tuned! Such an arrogant attitude. Cgtrader better sell my shoes here than webmoney plus royalty rate. This is due to discrimination in the pricing policy of the "TS" site. (Edge loops, quad poly, simple overall structure) Full Rigged with over 30 facial blendshapes and 20+ skin morph targets in order to produce better rig quality and remove some joints issues such as overlaped knees, stretched hips, etc. Another thing that drove me crazy about Turbosquid was how you couldn't promote any of your social media and it made it very difficult to get your clients from let's say Facebook and Twitter to notice your artwork. A good ref point is that your average laptop with Dual Pentium 2 gigahertz processor 8 GB of ram will start having issues when running over 200,000 polygons. TS can go to Hell, and never return again. 60% cut could be ok if that cost could be added to the product but price guarantee makes that impossible. We will only contact you if there's a problem with an order. I was thinking of ok if the ts is shit why not using other marketplace with the cgt specially if both accept selling in other marketplace, You have zero 3D models uploaded here. Royalty rate of CGTrader allows the seller to make a model cheaper than on TurboSquid. rigged People SixPack 003 - Photogrammetry Population Character Rig, max blend c4d xsi ma lwo 3ds dae dxf fbx obj X, City People x500 Static Poses Lowpoly ArchViz, 20x LOW POLY CASUAL ELEGANT SITTING WOMAN MAN PEOPLE CROWD, Naked Fitness Blonde Woman with Tied Hair, max c4d unitypackage upk max ma c4d max ma fbx max. ", then there is little one can do but wait out the rebalancing. Blendswap.com5. If that is the case then better not to become exclusive! Just my fifty cents. Recently I've been trying to contact my old clients and buyers and although they still have an interest in my models they don't quite trust CGT with their money. Dear adentonclark, Pleas just stand your ground, we need people coming in not leaving out. When you search for specific models car, bike etc you usually end up finding a bunch of irrelevant models in there that don't even belong in that category and that is largely due to the fact that, they allow users to setup their own tags The basic approach would be that every user start with a selection of a store template (including own label option and menu creation capability's) and starts filling his store with own products and products found in the large collective database.