By shifting to a 4-day schedule, it becomes easier to transport students to all after-school events and activities because there is an extra day available to plan activities without running into mandatory school times. When I was a teacher, many moons ago, this was a fringe schooling schedule only practiced by rural school districts. I am glad that you asked. Since the approach to curriculum development and pedagogical style varies by state and district, data must be disaggregated to evaluate specific impact. If so, keep reading. In order to squeeze the regular five-day workload into four days, it would necessitate the closure of vital services on that additional day and the lengthening of working days on the other days. Some of the pros of year-round schooling include: 1 . Others believe that lengthening the school day is an expensive endeavor that wont yield substantial results. They also said students can gain more time for fun and still receive an excellent education. These actions often negate the benefits of the 3-day weekend because it really isnt a true 3-day weekend. When busing and after-school activities are included in that timeframe as well, some older students may find themselves putting in 12-hour days at school every day. They can explore and discover various hobbies and interests, maintain their stress levels and get more sleep. You are more likely to face poverty: those who drop out of school without any plans, stare at poverty in the face without the option of getting out of it. Finally, teachers and students would have better relationships as they spend more time together instead of being rushed. Shorter work weeks can improve employment productivity and provide families with more meaningful time together. There are improvements in the school financially. The idea of having a four-day school has been around for several decades, and has been considered at least since the 1930s, according to the National Conference of State Legislatures. Spread the loveEducation is a collaborative process, as it takes many stakeholders working in unison to help students succeed academically. Though some people say that four days in a school week will help students in certain classes especially in math, this test only worked on 4th and 5th graders. Students have more time outside of school to focus on other important aspects of their lives. What we envisage may not be the most straightforward or the most conventional ideas. It also means that they would have more time to mark the voluminous quantity of homework that they have to complete every night. school schedules from 5 to 4 days. If young kids are too weary to concentrate or perform well in class, they may experience weariness or fall asleep during class time. Students can adjust to the new schedule. If no other elements are in place, it is highly unlikely that extending the school day would result in increased student learning. If so, keep reading. Those human beings that seem larger than life and almost achieve Godlike status. It would also be beneficial to reduce the week in order to promote activity participation. Students in a 4-day school week are packing 180 days into a condensed 145-day schedule. What are the Pros and Cons of 4-Day School Weeks? It may reduce the number of discipline referrals for students. Spread the loveGlobalization is the growing interconnectedness of countries around the world. Changing the times could increase attendance by 1%, which could bring in $40 million more. Some educators believe that extending the school day until 5:00 p.m. is the answer. Granby School District in Colorado shifted to a 4-day schedule for their 1,100 students. Sports schedules are easier to manage. A three-day weekend allows for extra leisure time, as well as a reduction in commute and energy usage. Every community has their own unique requirements that must be addressed by school scheduling. This issue occurs at all grade levels. This may not seem like a lot, but when you factor in homework and after-school activities, it can be a lot for a student to handle. Financial problems is was most of a four day school week is about. According to the majority of the researchers, the inconclusive results do not imply that decisions to change schedules should be made based on test scores. Who Sang For Troy In High School Musical? Childrens schooldays should be around 8 hours long, and they should be school-aged all year. One way to address these issues is to shift the traditional school schedule into a 4-day week. Teachers would be required to reimagine their curriculum and would need extra time to develop a curriculum to fit an expanded day. New Haven teachers in an unprecedented move allowed their teacher unions to take over the rewriting of their contracts. Third, shorter days could reduce the amount of time that students spend on the bus or in the car, which would save money and reduce pollution. Spread the loveAre you looking for strategies to teach students appropriate mealtime manners? In Pro: An extended school day provides more flexibility for parents, eliminating the need for after-school care. Easier to recruit employees. How To Switch School Districts Without Moving? Such as emotional and behavioral problems, violence, depression, alcohol use, impaired cognitive function, etc. Pro: In 2004, the school day was lengthened for a Massachusetts school to address the issue of underperforming students. For some, a 4-day week makes perfect sense. It provides a realistic way for schools to remain open and also has added benefits beyond saving money. Spread the loveBeing a teacher is a tough job. With the long break of summer, many people prefer the short breaks of year round schools. In Alabama, the school year lasts 180 days and the school day lasts 7.03 hours. They balk at the idea of kids attending schools with no summer break. More than 80% of people in the UK would prefer a four day working week, according to a survey in 2021 by recruitment company Reed. Companies have been experimenting with shorter work days for at least a decade and, despite announcements that the 40-hour week is dead, there have been mixed results from the experiments. This is a big con for me, as sacrificing the futures of our most vulnerable students is not worth the trivial benefits of 4-day school weeks. the traditional 5th day. Other popular year-round schedules are the 60-20 and 90-30 calendars, where students are in class for 60 or 90 days with vacations of 20 or 30 days respectively. Examining the pros and cons of year-round school gives insight into why some education leaders push for its adoption while others argue for sticking to the traditional 10-month schedule. Since students receive dedicated 1:1 teaching for all core subjects, they don't need to bother spending time on topics that aren't on their instructional level. The very thought of sending kids to school year-round makes some parents cringe. Why School Days Should Be Shorter? (Solution) - Public school 6 Benefits of Shorter School Days | Should There Be a Change? - ID Tech It may eliminate common holidays, such as Memorial Day or Labor Day, from the schedule. Pros of Year-Round School. When implemented, however, 1st graders do just as well as teens with the expanded schedule and 3-day weekend. Dr. Kelly S. Meier - Updated May 03, 2019, Copyright 2023 Leaf Group Ltd. / Leaf Group Education, Explore state by state cost analysis of US colleges in an interactive article, NavajoCode: Unbiased Longer School Days Pros and Cons. These crimes occurred all during the week, It starts too early, ends too late, and occurs far too often. A potential decline in academic performance for vulnerable groups. When shifted to a 4-day school week, they reported that they were forced to focus on instruction much more than they had previously. They question the value of a continuous . Some districts take just one week off at Christmas instead of two weeks because of these conflicts. One is that it would likely mean that teachers would have to teach more classes, which could lead to burnout. Your typical school week: Monday-Friday with the hours sometime between 7 am- 4 pm. Colorado, juvenile crime increased by 73% whenever a school changed their Over the course of a 2-year period on this alternative schedule, they reported up to a 20% increase in student attendance. There are several advantages and disadvantages of 4-day school weeks to examine based on the results that districts are reporting from their efforts to implement this schedule. 1. 2. Next, parents would not have to get day care except on Fridays instead of the whole summer. Wildbit, a company based in the US, a portion of whose workforce works remotely, tested the 4-day week to see whether the shorter working hours will affect employee productivity. In Lexington, Oregon, Morrow County was able to save about $250,000 their first year, but out of a budget of $14 million. Shorter class durations allow students to enroll in a variety of courses. It can help teachers and students better manage the process of learning. In-depth consultation between all constituents reveals the pros and cons of extended school days. You still have to go to practice, and dont forget the piles of homework that need done. The average time for school that is scheduled in a 4-day week is either 7:30am-5pm or 8am-5:30pm. One issue that schools face today is what kind of school schedule there should be throughout the year. After 12 hours of being away from home, students struggle to find time to study during the 4-day school week. Increase Engagement and Productivity. There will be days, even with the best efforts of everyone involved, where a student is stuck with an after-hours activity, deep into the night, after being in class for most of the day. The length of the school day in China varies from 7:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. With a shortened school day, the amount of instructional time would be reduced. The capital, insurance, maintenance, and administrative costs remain relatively constant. Because school buses are only running 4 days per week instead of 5 days, there is the potential of reducing transportation costs by up to 20% by shifting the schedule. Which one is the best? Public school everything for schoolchildren and students. It creates a long school day for students. However, disabled students often face additional challenges in accessing education and achieving academic success. Longer school days may have some positive impact on student achievement, but research on their effects is lacking. Many companies have found that when workers are able to work a schedule which suits their needs, letting them work how they like, then their workers are more productive. According to a Center for American Progress study, traditional school schedules are out of sync with the current economic environment. Why did they switch to 4-day school weeks? This occurs because a large number of students are moving around the school campus. Pros and cons of school dress code | University News In 2009, there were 3,000 schools in the United States operating on a year-round basis. The kids groan, complain about getting out of bed, and struggle to get through the morning routine. It's almost the end of the first semester, and realizations are starting to set in. Some districts have seen their disciplinary issues decline by more than 70% in the first two years of implementing a 4-day schedule. Spread the loveAre you looking for strategies to encourage students to take care of their personal property? Christmas and Spring holiday weeks may be extended as well. A poll where 2,700 random people were polled about 67% favoured a 4 day school week(university of Scranton). Year round schools, can actually benefit students in the long run. Custer School District, in rural South Dakota, believed they could save $70,000 with a 4-day school week. 4. Another is that shorter days could lead to shorter attention spans in classrooms. There are various school days in the United States. And the school districts in the state have stable student achievement levels on their standardized tests. Most students, especially younger ones, find that the traditional school schedule is already too long. Spread the loveOne of the questions that I am frequently asked is, what does a good teacher look like? What Are the Pros of a Longer School Day? NOTE : The information on this website is for general information purposes only. Although the final outcome was beneficial the origins of the extended day was not welcomed. Kids that go to schools with the 4-day week are often happier, stay happy throughout the school year, and look forward to going to school each day. According to new research, the four-day week is a popular way for parents and students to spend quality time together. In general, taking away recess as punishment may be seen as unfair or too harsh, especially for young children. . In the 4-day school week A local news reporter says thevve also saved substitute teacher costs because teachers don't have to take a day off for appointments (Chiaramonte 2 ). In many US school districts, the first class begins 1-2 hours after most parents need to be at work. If something goes wrong . Would a later school schedule be beneficial? That reorganization, though, and the underlying effort, will have much to do with reviving the American education system, and reviving a national love of learning. Having well-rested and happy employees can increase their overall work engagement and productivity. As you can see, there are a lot of pros and cons to the 4-day school week, but in terms of its long-term effect on academic outcomes, the jury is still out. Most parents have employment which requires them to be present for 8 hours per day, 5 days per week. When properly implemented, extended learning time programs have the potential to increase students academic progress as well as their social and emotional development. A small portion of the districts cash is saved, but not as much as intangibles. Does this sound exciting and rich with possibilities? Having students to fit 5 days' worth of classroom time into 4 days would make for a tiring schedule, where many of the younger school children would find it very difficult to focus on their study for such long periods. But recently, there has been a move towards shorter weeks across the United States. Students usually go to school about 6 hours each day in most districts. 4. The challenges of implementing such a schedule for parents, administrators, and even some teachers have caused some Colorado school districts to return to the traditional schedule instead of the alternative 4-day schedule. Those against extended lunches might argue . Finally, shorter school days could result in less time for extracurricular activities, which could have a negative impact on student morale. 2. According to the vast majority of states, spanking your child is against the law. One school said that they have saved a teacher in diesel fuel costs (chiaramonte 2 ). Harvest times were set in the old way and still are when most school calendars are set up, when the United States was a farm country. There is the possibility of making up for lost time, especially those who are at a disadvantage due to the digital divide. Since many of the families in these areas run farms, it gives families extra time to get work done during the week. It can also be difficult to monitor, as students may be able to find ways to sneak in a recess break even when they are supposed to be punished. 3. You wont have to run the electricity or pay for buses. Schools are facing many issues today. 4 Day School Week Pros and Cons. configuration, but nine districts were actually spending more. So it is illogical to think that a four day week will help other grade levels. After physical activity, children with or without ADHD appear to perform better at attention, memory, and mood. The benefits are many. Adds flexibility to teachers schedules. There are 21 states that have four-day school districts. During class time, young kids who are too exhausted to concentrate or perform well may experience tiredness or fall asleep. When a school opts to go with an early start time, then students are spending less time sitting in traffic as they head to class. Students feel less pressure because they have more time to study at their own pace at home, especially in the later grades. Spread the loveFor the past few decades, our countrys educational system has seen both struggle and tremendous change. If she is not receptive to your suggestions, you may want to get a doctors note stating that recess is required. The reason why school districts are going to a 4 day school week is to save money and the states that you see switching to a 4 days are states that have economic problems such as Oklahoma. It may improve overall student attendance. 6. Their students were more focused because they were more rested, which equated to fewer classroom disruptions. When it comes to school, we most likely understand what its like to go to school all year. Bisbee Unified School District (AZ) saved $154,000, Duval County Public School (FL) saved $7 million, and Lake Superior School District (MN) $200,000. Shortening the School Day | Education - Seattle PI Also, there have been studies that found that special populations do not thrive under this configuration. Anticipated savings are in transportation, food and food service workers, hourly workers and utilities. We must ensure that every child has the opportunity to learn by improving the effectiveness of our schools and ensuring that all children have access to them. Teachers in Seattle are deciding how to use an additional 20 minutes on top of the usual school day. By 2013, a dramatic improvement in scores was credited to the extended learning time. School Days Should Be Shorter: Persuasive Essay Revisiting Using Edtech for Bullying and Suicide Prevention. Students with less sleep have difficulty paying attention in class and are likely to have lower grades. "I get really tired throughout the day and I would love shorter school hours." It is important to consider all of the factors before making a decision. Spread the loveThe International Baccalaureate Program is a very intensive pre-college program in which when students get involved, they get college credit. There is a variety of emotional and behavioral problems, depression, alcohol use, and impaired cognitive function that can contribute to this. Spread the loveTo be twice-exceptional is to be exceptionally gifted in some academic aspects while being below average compared to peers in other aspects. Employment opportunities with a 3-day weekend are increasing. They argue that playing with classmates helps children develop social skills. Copyright (c) 2023 Matthew Lynch. From Disabled and $500k in Debt to a Pro Blogger with 5 Million Monthly Visitors, 20 Major Pros and Cons of a 4 Day School Week, 21 Best SMART Goals Examples for Teachers and Educators, "From Disabled and $500k in Debt to a Pro Blogger with 5 Million Monthly Visitors. The Pros and Cons of Year-Round School for Kids - Verywell Family The Advantages and Disadvantages of Extended School Days Advantage: More time to devote to learning. Staying at school for the majority of the day isn't allowing me . Pros and Cons of Year-Round School - American University Four Day School Week: The Pros And Cons - HonorsGradU More teaching: Covid-19 has resulted in a lot of disruption in teaching. The American Academy of Pediatrics states that children between the ages of 12 and 18 require at least eight hours of sleep per night, and in some cases as much as nine hours. The Cons of Longer School Days. Sometimes even starting school earlier in the . Other pros and cons exist in the school lunch debate. Younger people shouldn't have to work as long as some adults do. Shorter School Days Are the Way. This would help not only our school but also the parents if they cant afford the gas. This information is not intended to create, and receipt or viewing does not constitute, an attorney-client relationship. The Pros and Cons of a 4 Day Working Week - Change Recruitment The idea has been to cut hours while keeping pay the same. Extending the school days even longer would further cut into valuable time to bond with family. The Oakridge School District in Oregon reported that their test scores improved when they shifted to this alternative schedule as well. Moving to the 4-day schedule shifts student movement patterns, reducing the number of lost transition minutes. Does precision really make a program successful? List of the Major Cons of a 4-Day School Week 1. 3. There can be no one answer to this question because it is a matter of case by case. Although families benefit from the 3-day weekend and those scheduling benefits, the non-traditional time off given to students can offset some of that savings. The pros and cons of schools ditching a long summer break Advantages of a Shorter Work Week People who work a four-day week say they're healthier, happier, and less time-pressured, according to a report in The Atlantic - and their employers say their employees are much more focused and efficient.