Life of St Alphonsus and the Holy Eucharist | EWTN It may be he was even too anxious, and on one occasion when he was over-whelmed by a fresh refusal, his friend the Marquis Brancone, Minister for Ecclesiastical Affairs and a man of deep piety, said to him gently: "It would seem as if you placed all your trust here below"; on which the Saint recovered his peace of mind. Here he laid his sword before the statue of Our Lady, and made a solemn resolution to enter the ecclesiastical state, and furthermore to offer himself as a novice to the Fathers of the Oratory. He said: "I have never preached a sermon which the poorest old woman in the congregation could not understand". [19], His Mariology, though mainly pastoral in nature, rediscovered, integrated and defended that of St Augustine of Hippo, St Ambrose of Milan and other fathers; it represented an intellectual defence of Mariology in the 18th century, the Age of Enlightenment, against the rationalism to which contrasted his fervent Marian devotion.[20]. The family was an old and noble one, though the branch to which the Saint belonged had become somewhat impoverished. The fifth book has two treatises "De Actibus Humanis" and "De Peccatis"; the sixth is on the sacraments, the seventh and last on the censures of the Church. He was named the patron of confessors and moral theologians by Pope Pius XII on 26 April 1950, who subsequently wrote of him in the encyclical Haurietis aquas. Dissension within the congregation culminated in 1777 when he was deceived into signing what he thought was a royal sanction for his rule. There he met Bishop Thomas Falcoia, founder of the Congregation of Pious Workers. Alphonsus had still one final storm to meet, and then the end. A religious founder, consummate theologian, and holy man of God, Saint Alphonsus never failed to utter a stirring word that draws out a lively penitence and redoubled dedication to the work of God from his congregation. In 1731, while he was ministering to earthquake victims in the town of Foggia, Alphonsus said he had a vision of the Virgin Mother in the appearance of a young girl of 13 or 14, wearing a white veil. Catholic Encyclopedia. If in some things Alphonsus was an Anglo-Saxon, in others he was a Neapolitan of the Neapolitans, though always a saint. It's a little awkward to ask, but we need your help. The Decree of 1779, however, seemed a great step in advance. Transcription. Cardinals Spinelli, Sersale, and Orsini; Popes Benedict XIV, Clement XIII, Clement XIV, and Pius VI, to each of whom Alphonsus dedicated a volume of his works. In addition, he published many editions of compendiums of his larger work, such as the "Homo Apostolicus", made in 1759. To all his administrative work we must add his continual literary labours, his many hours of daily prayer, his terrible austerities, and a stress of illness which made his life a martyrdom. I therefore repeat: If the divine teaching authority of the Church, and the obedience to it, are rejected, every error will be endorsed and must be tolerated. The prayer he recommended to his Congregation, of which we have beautiful examples in his ascetical works, is affective; the use of short aspirations, petitions, and acts of love, rather than discursive meditation with long reflection. He could never have said Mass again had not an Augustinian prior shown him how to support himself on a chair so that with the assistance of an acolyte he could raise the chalice to his lips. That legacy is the participation in the redemptive mission of Jesus. Home | St. Alphonsus Rock [4] When he was 18, like many other nobles, he joined the Confraternity of Our Lady of Mercy, with whom he assisted in the care of the sick at the hospital for "incurables". This article was most recently revised and updated by,, The Catholic Encyclopedia - Biography of St. Alphonsus Liguori. Liguori wrote 111 works on spirituality and theology. He had a love for the lower animals, and wild creatures who fled from all else would come to him as to a friend. [5] He remarked later that he was so small at the time that he was almost buried in his doctor's gown and that all the spectators laughed. In 1949, the Redemptorists founded the Alphonsian Academy for the advanced study of Catholic moral theology. At the time of his death, there were 72, with over 10,000 active participants. His intercession healed the sick; he read the secrets of hearts, and foretold the future. The "Moral Theology", after a historical introduction by the Saint's friend, P. Zaccaria, S.J., which was omitted, however, from the eighth and ninth editions, begins with a treatise "De Conscientia", followed by one "De Legibus". Except in '45, in all of these, down to the first shot fired at Lexington, the English-speaking world was on one side and the Bourbon States, including Naples, on the other. Could he have been what an Anglo-Saxon would consider a miracle of calm, he would have seemed to his companions absolutely inhuman. About 1729, however, Filangieri died, and on 8 October, 1730, Falcoia was consecrated Bishop of Castellamare. He who ruled and directed others so wisely, had, where his own soul was concerned, to depend on obedience like a little child. The English translation of the work is projected to be around 5 volumes. Dedicated to Fr. [4] He was ordained on 21 December 1726, at the age of 30. Bishop, Doctor of the Church, and the founder of the Redemptorist Congregation. To follow an opinion in favour of liberty without weighing it, merely because it is held by someone else, would have seemed to Alphonsus an abdication of the judicial office with which as a confessor he was invested. Stay up to date with the latest news, information, and special offers. Saint Alphonsus Liguori | Franciscan Media In September of the next year he received the tonsure and soon after joined the association of missionary secular priests called the "Neapolitan Propaganda", membership of which did not entail residence in common. It would be a sacrilege to say otherwise." Alphonsus was preaching missions in the rural areas and writing. "St. Alphonsus Liguori." St. Alphonsus does not offer as much directly to the student of mystical theology as do some contemplative saints who have led more retired lives. Federal Tax Identification Number: 81-0596847. Soon after, Falcoia made known to the latter his vocation to leave Naples and establish an order of missionaries at Scala, who should work above all for the neglected goatherds of the mountains. Alphonsus Liguori, Saint, b. at Marianella, near Naples, September 27, 1696; d. at Nocera de' Pagani, . Even if there be some exaggeration in this, for it is not in an advocate's power always to be on the winning side, the tradition shows that he was extraordinarily able and successful. Alphonsus Liguori - Wikipedia Pope Benedict XIV gave his approval for the men's congregation in 1749 and for the women's in 1750. St. Alphonsus Ligouri ''Rock'' Church, Saint Louis - Tripadvisor From the year 1759 two former benefactors of the Congregation, Baron Sarnelli and Francis Maffei, by one of those changes not uncommon in Naples, had become its bitter enemies, and waged a vendetta against it in the law courts which lasted for twenty-four years. Alphonsus said nothing in his "Moral Theology" which is not the common teaching of Catholic theologians. To this altered Rule or "Regolamento", as it came to be called, the unsuspecting Saint was induced to put his signature. By 1777, the Saint, in addition to four houses in Naples and one in Sicily, had four others at Scifelli, Frosinone, St. Angelo a Cupolo, and Beneventum, in the States of the Church. His own prayer was perhaps for the most part what some call "active", others "ordinary", contemplation. Corrections? The life of St. Alphonsus Maria de Liguori, Bishop of St. Agatha of the She became known in religion as Sister Maria Celeste. He had even tried to form a branch of the Institute by uniting twelve priests in a common life at Tarentum, but the community soon broke up. He was somewhat worldly and ambitious, at any rate for his son, and was rough tempered when opposed. Dignity and Duties of the Priest, Eugene Grimm ed., Benziger Brothers, New York, 1889, Free scores by Alphonsus Maria de' Liguori in the Choral Public Domain Library (ChoralWiki), "St Alphonsus", St. Alphonsus on Catholic Online,, Founders of Catholic religious communities, 18th-century Italian Roman Catholic bishops, 18th-century Italian Roman Catholic theologians, Articles incorporating a citation from the 1913 Catholic Encyclopedia with Wikisource reference, Articles incorporating text from the 1913 Catholic Encyclopedia with Wikisource reference, All articles with bare URLs for citations, Articles with bare URLs for citations from March 2022, Articles with PDF format bare URLs for citations, Articles containing Neapolitan-language text, Articles containing Italian-language text, Pages using sidebar with the child parameter, Articles incorporating a citation from the 1913 Catholic Encyclopedia without Wikisource reference, Articles incorporating text from the 1913 Catholic Encyclopedia without Wikisource reference, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License 3.0, Bishop, Moral Theologian, Confessor and Doctor of the Church, This page was last edited on 23 February 2023, at 13:49. The saints are not inhuman but real men of flesh and blood, however much some hagiographers may ignore the fact. Encyclopaedia Britannica's editors oversee subject areas in which they have extensive knowledge, whether from years of experience gained by working on that content or via study for an advanced degree. He both made and kept a vow not to lose a single moment of time. The Superior of the Propaganda and even Falcoia's friend, Matthew Ripa, opposed the project with all their might. A piece of evidence was handed to him which he had read and re-read many times, but always in a sense the exact contrary of that which he now saw it to have. See also HASSALL, The Balance of Power (1715-89) (London, 1901); COLLETTA, History of the Kingdom of Naples, 1734-1825, 2 vols., tr. March 1, 1907. A year of trouble and anxiety followed. Indeed, apart from those who become saints by the altogether special grace of martyrdom, it may be doubted if many men and women of phlegmatic temperament have been canonized. The version with Italian lyrics was based on his original song written in Neapolitan, which began Quanno nascette Ninno ("When the child was born"). The Glories of Mary - Wikipedia PDF Traditional Stations of the Cross by St. Alphonsus Liguori [9], In 1729, Liguori left his family home and took up residence at the Chinese Institute in Naples. [7] At 27, after having lost an important case, the first he had lost in eight years of practising law, he made a firm resolution to leave the profession of law. But, before relating the episode of the "Regolamento", as it is called, we must speak of the period of the Saint's episcopate which intervened. Alphonsus Liguori. The favors and graces by which God attested his sanctity 526 CHAPTER XXXVI. Please help support the mission of New Advent and get the full contents of this website as an instant download. CATHOLIC ENCYCLOPEDIA: St. Alphonsus Liguori - New Advent The editor of New Advent is Kevin Knight. He continued to live with the Redemptorist community in Pagani, Italy, where he died on 1 August 1787. He was declared "Venerable", 4 May, 1796; was beatified in 1816, and canonized in 1839. But one may easily overcrowd a narrow canvas and it is better in so slight a sketch to leave the central figure in solitary relief. Raised in a pious home, Alphonsus went on retreats with his father, Don Joseph, who was a naval officer and a captain of the Royal Galleys. He finally agreed to become a priest but to live at home as a member of a group of secular missionaries. Vague rumours of impending treachery had got about and had been made known to him, but he had refused to believe them. It is the following of Jesus as a community of disciples, aware that we are sent to be a clear . His system of moral theology is noted for its prudence, avoiding both laxism and excessive rigour. The chapels were centres of prayer and piety, preaching, community, social activities, and education. As it was, he was refused the royal exequatur to the Brief of Benedict XIV, and State recognition of his Institute as a religious congregation till the day of his death. In early manhood he became very fond of the opera, but only that he might listen to the music, for when the curtain went up he took his glasses off, so as not to see the players distinctly. Liguoris extensive works fall into three genres: moral theology, best represented by his celebrated Theologia moralis (1748); ascetical and devotional writings, including Visits to the Blessed Sacrament, The True Spouse of Jesus Christ (for nuns), Selva (for priests), and The Glories of Mary, the latter of which became one of the most widely used manuals of devotion to the Virgin Mary; and dogmatic writings on such subjects as papal infallibility and the power of prayer. The difficulty about strong wills and strong passions is that they are hard to tame, but when they are tamed they are the raw material of sanctity. The early years, following the founding of the new order, were not promising. "The life of St. Alphonsus Maria de Liguori" (1855)John Murphy & Co., Baltimore, 1855, "Saint Alphonsus Maria de Liguori", St. Alphonsus Liguori Parish, Peterborough, Ontario, The life of St. Alphonsus Maria de Liguori, Bishop of St. Agatha of the Goths and founder of the Congregation of the Holy Redeemer, Tannoja, Antonio (d. 1808), John Murphy & Co. (1855), "CATHOLIC ENCYCLOPEDIA: St. Alphonsus Liguori", "Alphonsus Maria de Liguori", Saint Alphonsus Mary de Liguori Parish, Makati City Philippines, "1st English Translation of St. Alphonsus Liguori's Moral Theology",, Liguori, Alphonsus. What are Revelations? In 1762 he was appointed Bishop of Sant'Agata dei Goti. Alphonsus was lawyer, founder, religious superior, bishop, theologian, and mystic, but he was above all a missionary, and no true biography of the Saint will neglect to give this due prominence. Saint Alphonsus Liguori's Story Moral theology, Vatican II said, should be more thoroughly nourished by Scripture, and show the nobility of the Christian vocation of the faithful and their obligation to bring forth fruit in charity for the life of the world. This combination of practical common sense with extraordinary energy in administrative work ought to make Alphonsus, if he were better known, particularly attractive to the English-speaking nations, especially as he is so modern a saint. The eighteenth century was not an age remarkable for depth of spiritual life, yet it produced three of the greatest missionaries of the Church, St. Leonard of Port Maurice, St. Paul of the Cross, and St. Alphonsus Liguori. In 1762 he was appointed Bishop of Sant'Agata dei Goti. With Don Carlos, or as he is generally called, Charles III, from his later title as King of Spain, came the lawyer, Bernard Tanucci, who governed Naples as Prime Minister and regent for the next forty-two years. He thought his mistake would be ascribed not to oversight but to deliberate deceit.