The price is the only thing that would potentially put me off the Sage Bambino plus at the moment if I was in the market for a new espresso machine. I just shove a spare milk jug under the steam wand when it auto purges, to save space in the drip tray. Had to renew my Costco membership, but £189.89 for the Bambino in black. If you don’t have a big enough bowl then just use two bowls and replace one with the other half way through the rinsing cycle. 1-16 of 40 results for "breville bambino plus espresso machine" Skip to main search results Eligible for Free Shipping. The capability of this little machine when it comes to milk texture, is really, really impressive – when done manually. Life is like a box of chocolates, so join my Brew Time list, subscribe to my YouTube Channel,  follow me on Twitter & Instagram, follow the coffeeblog FaceBook page, and that’s all I have to say about that. Running very regular descaling cleans seems to be helping coax it along a little, and I cannot find a way to go directly into the main (not the descaling) cleaning cycle (which automatically starts after 200 cups). Kev. I start of with the bottom of the jug tilted slightly diagonally towards somewhere around seven or eight oclock, just to create a bit of an angle. i have tried descaling, new water softener. They don’t have a PID, and they don’t have the same ability for pre-infusion. The next competition is going to be launched soon! Cheers, Really enjoyed your review of the Bambino. For more on this see 15 bar machines & pressured baskets. In addition to the … With a 3 second heat up time and precise espresso extraction, you can go from bean to cup, faster than ever before. Also bought myself a Sage Smart Grinder from John Lewis, £176. Your blog is so helpful! But I had a bit of an issue with it. Note where the milk level is up to before you start stretching, for instance just before the beginning of the spout indentation – from there, just look at roughly how higher up the jug the stretched milk ends up being when you’ve got the perfect texture. But I’d choose the Bambino plus over most of the other lower cost espresso machines on the market – and when there are once again deals available for the Bambino allowing you to get hold of it again for the £200-£300 mark, I’d snap it up all day long at that price – and as I said earlier, at that kind of price I really don’t think it has any real competition at the moment. Alternatives: The best alternatives to the Bambino Plus are fellow Breville products. The Bambino will tell you it wants you to descale it by alternately flashing the shot button lights and the steam button light for 15 seconds each. Feel free to try other jugs. So overall, unless you find the Duo Temp Pro for a bargain, I’d go for the Bambino. So if you want to backflush before the Bambino winks at you, just do it manually, by doing putting the cleaning tablet on the backflush disk and then pulling five or six 10 second shots, or until the tablet or power dissolves. I’m going to start this review by cutting to the chase and telling you what I think of the Bambino plus in a nutshell, after using this machine as my main home espresso machine for a few weeks initially, followed by using it on many occasions over the past six months or so including taking it on holiday for a week – back in the days when that was allowed…. Available from Retailer. For a brilliant guide on all this technical stuff, I’d highly recommend James Hoffman’s YouTube series on dialing in, starting with: How I Dial-In Espresso – Part #1. Like professional machines, Breville the Bambino BES450BSS can deliver third wave specialty coffee. I’ve tasted absolutely awful espresso via other espresso machines that come with pressured baskets. It has to do with the programmable features of the machine. Dialing in (meaning to adjust the grind in order to nail the extraction) is a pain, it takes time and money in the terms of wasted coffee beans, and of course having a capable espresso grinder means investment too – so I understand the idea of pressured baskets. Comps. If you’ve already bought one of these and yours only came with pressured baskets, you can get them directly from Sage Appliances, when they’re in stock, for a fiver. But here’s a quick tip for you, if you are looking for a coffee machine to use in an office or another room which isn’t close to a sink. From a low-cost capsule (OK it was from Aldi and was surprisingly good) to the … You’ll see most lower cost espresso machines, and even some at a similar price point to the Bambino, being marketed as 15 bar pump machines, along with marketing blurb which appears to insist that 15 bars of pressure is a good thing. Login. If I go to a local coffee shop (or when I can again post lockdown) – if I ask for espresso grind they do it in front of me on the same machine they use for their espresso – so would that not be appropriate to use at home in a single wall (non-pressurised) basket? At the moment Breville website and Amazon … Deals. Businesses will reduce their prices when they need to compete in order to move their stock. is this a common fault? If this is happening and you know you’ve properly cleaned the wand, I’d get in contact with Sage. Stainless Steel. Construction Materials. Hi Calum, you mean the razor tool? But if I was spending the exact same figure, given that the Classic is a machine that if looked after will go on for years, decades even. I think it’s a really good option for anyone wanting an espresso machine who’s looking for a particularly user friendly entry to home espresso. Not only that, but I can select from three milk temps, and three texture settings? I’ve steamed milk with quite a number of espresso machines, including domestic espresso machines, prosumer machines, all the way through to multi-group commercial machines, and I can honestly say that I’ve found the Bambino plus to be one of the best machines I’ve used when it comes to ease of use. Overall im pretty happy with my choice this far. Cheers Hi Kev. I’d go so far as to say that if you were thinking of buying any other consumer level semi auto espresso pump espresso machine, so basically just about any other machine on the market at under £300 – you’d probably be making a better decision by spending a little bit more on the Bambino. Pressured baskets (or dual walled baskets as Sage call them) on the other hand direct all of the extracted coffee through a very small hole, thus creating pressure in the basket itself, which is supposedly a way to produce espresso without a capable espresso grinder. As I mentioned earlier, I didn’t do this during my first video review, and as a result it didn’t work properly because the machine didn’t know what temp the milk was at. is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to If you invest in a higher quality espresso grinder, along with the pressure mod and the PID, then overall you have a machine which in all likelihood would be quite a bit more capable when it comes to espresso quality, than the Bambino. Press and hold both of the shot buttons for around 5 seconds, until both buttons light up. Just like your local café. Instead they’ve kept the price the same at £399, and have enabled customers to pre-order from the next available batch. This item: Sage SES500BSS Bambino Plus Espresso Maker, 1600 W, Stainless Steel £399.00. if so twin or single walled? Product Specification. Well, the newer stock does. Hi Julia :-), The Breville Bambino Plus is a great choice if you fall into this category. Turn the machine off, so it starts to cool down while you’re getting ready to descale. At some point (it’s supposed to be after 200 shots) the bambino will start winking at you – alternately flashing the single shot and double shot buttons. Your email address will not be published. Sorry if you’ve already answered this elsewhere! But opting out of some of these cookies may affect your browsing experience. The machine has an integrated semiautomatic steaming wand to compliment its semiautomatic brewer. The Sage blurb & instructions tell you that you need to use the jug that comes with the machine in order to use the auto milk texturing feature. Watch my manual milk steaming tutorial with the Sage Bambino plus below for more on this. So here’s what to do. I’ve had people round (often my mum), back when things were normal, and I’ve been caught without the main espresso machine I’ve been using at that point being ready to pull shots. I am just starting my espresso making journey and you convinced me to go for the bambino plus. Hi Chris. The position of the jug is towards the back of the drip tray, so you have to remember to push the jug towards the back so it’s sitting on top of the sensor. Just out of interest, I tried the Motta 500ml jug with the auto steaming, and it worked perfectly. Forums. But if you’ve changed the pre-set shot button settings and you want to put re-set them: Cheers, Kev. So all the above, combined means the Bambino plus has the ability for better espresso and better textured milk than with practically any other espresso machine on the market within a price range of up to around £300. EKM 150. I understand your Tesla vs Defender point, but would you say there’s any difference in shot quality between bambino and gaggia cp? We absolutely love it and use it to make, on average, 4 cappuccinos each day, but we keep hitting the same problem and are really now wondering if it is something we are missing or doing wrong. The Breville Bambino Plus espresso coffee machine serves as a great starting point regarding price, ease of use, and versatility, allowing users to have a convenient way to make authentic espresso at home. In short, I think this is an amazing little espresso machine. What this means is better shot quality and more consistent shots than would be the case if the temperature wasn’t PID controlled. Remove the filter from the water tank. Maybe I’m missing something – probably, I’m no machine designer! I like steaming milk manually, it’s taken me ages to (just about – but still not quite) master the art of properly texturing milk, and I don’t really want to press a button. On most jugs I find you need to fill them to just below the indentation of the spout, and with 500ml jugs (which I prefer to use) this will mean that if you’re drinking 6 or 8 ounce drinks, you’ll probably have some milk left in the jug after pouring. Merci My machine started doing this when it didn’t used to for the first couple of months and I can’t tell if this is a fault or a normal process? Thanks to everything else this machine has going for it including the 9 bar pressure, PID & pre infusion, the bambino is capable of OK espresso even with pressured baskets & pre-ground coffee – as long as you use good quality coffee, of course. We’re all different, you may like your coffee hotter or cooler than me, you may like a more dry foam than me, etc., so just experiment and see what temp and foam combination works best for you. For starters, this machine uses a proprietary heating system not like unlike a thermal coil that enables the machine to be ready in 3 seconds after turning it on. I wish the pid was adjustable, but that would be asking a lot at this price. Peut on faire des cafés long avec la Bambino ? Hi Kev, really appreciate your time making enquiries. The Breville Bambino Plus is a welcome refresh to the bulky espresso machines of years past. Appreciate you taking the time to get back to us Kev. This is a feature you would usually only find on MUCH higher cost espresso machines, and again it gives the Bambino better shot quality potential as pre-infused shots are less likely to suffer from channelling, which is one of the most common causes of poor tasting espresso. Keep the sensor dry. FREE Delivery in the UK. I just got my Sage Bambino Plus and noticed that when screwing the Portafilter into the group head it doesn’t allow me to turn it all the way to a central position and in a right angle to the machine, there is a resistance where I can’t push it further when the handle is still pointing slightly to the left. Hello! Most coffee machine reviews and “best coffee machines” type blog posts (not just coffee machines either, it’s true of all products), are written by professional writers who’re hired to write articles for blogs and other websites. It’s very lightweight machine, so it has a tendency to slide around when you lock and unlock the portafilter – you’ll just get into the habit of holding it with one hand as you lock & unlock the portafilter with the other. You can cancel it by pressing any of the flashing buttons, but it’ll prompt you again the next time you turn on the Bambino. By the way, re pre-infusion time, I’d recommend somewhere between 6-10 seconds, but whatever you pick, I’d recommend sticking with and only changing if you’re trying to tweak to improve results, and I’d recommend keeping all the other elements the same & only change one thing at a time, I.e. Buy the selected items together. If you’re a seasoned barista, and you’re used to the entire process taking 15-30 seconds, then OK you’re probably going to find this a bit slow – but if you’re a beginner home barista, and you’re just honing in your milk texturing skills (which are much harder to develop, and take a lot more practice than most people realise), then I think you’ll find the Bambino plus a great machine when it comes to developing your milk texturing skills. Thanks to the Breville Bambino Plus we can make the latter, or is that latte? Know when to stop stretching. Vous pouvez chauffer de l’eau avec la buse vapeur ou obtenir de l’eau chaude du groupe café. Necessary cookies are absolutely essential for the website to function properly. It has the ability to produce decent milk texture automatically, with three different temperature settings and three texture settings – and the ability to create brilliant milk texture manually, with a little bit of practice. Many thanks for this thorough and detailed review which has been terrifically helpful for me when trying to choose my first “proper” home espresso machine. Sorry for the delayed reply David. If you’re a home barista, with an expensive E61 group machine, for example – you may occasionally run into an issue based on the longer warm up time with your machine.

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