Le Ministre de l'Intérieur de Rhénanie-du-Nord-Westphalie, Walter Menzel, proposa que les travaux préparatoires de l'assemblée se tiennent d'abord dans la ville natale de Beethoven. In 1949, the Parliamentary Council in Bonn drafted and adopted the current German constitution, the Basic Law for the Federal Republic of Germany. Après les 30 ans de la chute du Mur en 2019, l’Allemagne fêtera le 3 octobre 2020 les 30 ans de sa réunification. Está rodeada por el distrito de Rin Sieg, excepto por el sur que… The city is one of the fastest-growing municipalities in Germany and the 18th most populous city in the country. Bonn's constituency is called Bundeswahlkreis Bonn (096). Bonn is part of the Verkehrsverbund Rhein-Sieg (Rhine-Sieg Transport Association) which is the public transport association covering the area of the Cologne/Bonn Region. [11], German reunification in 1990 made Berlin the nominal capital of Germany again. Encore presque la moitié des ministères possèdent leurs sièges principaux à Bonn. Its provisional capital was the city of Bonn. Notons aussi que se trouvent à Bonn le siège de la télévision Phoenix, celui de la Deutsche Welle, chaîne internationale d‘information (radio et télévision) et celui d‘une radio locale et régionale privée, Radio Bonn/Rhein-Sieg. Advocaat) pour ne citer que quelques exemples. Katja Dörner representing Bündnis 90/Die Grünen and Alexander Graf Lambsdorff for FDP were eleceted as well. Regbez. The geographical centre of Bonn is the Bundeskanzlerplatz (Chancellor Square) in Bonn-Gronau. Le Secrétariat de la convention-cadre de l’ONU sur les changements climatiques (CCNUCC), dirigé par la diplomate mexicaine Patricia Espinosa, est le plus grand organisme onusien à Bonn … Depuis, elle a un statut de ville fédérale qui est unique dans le pays. Bonn in the "Berlin Republic" Between 1950 and 1994, Villa Hammerschmidt was the primary official residence of the President of Germany. The city borders have a total length of 61 km (38 mi). From 1990 to 1999, Bonn served as the seat of government of reunited Germany. Bonn is shown on the 4th century Peutinger Map. AbeBooks.com: Bonn - Porträt der Bundeshaupstadt - a portrait of the Federal Capital - Portrait de la capitale Fédérale: RO80215189: Non daté. Fort romain, lieu de naissance de Beethoven, ancienne capitale allemande : Bonn est une ville riche en histoire. Regbez. The Rheinaue [de] is Bonn's most important leisure park, with its role being comparable to what Central Park is for New York City. La ville de Bonn est située sur les rives du Rhin et 300 000 habitants y vivent. Au nord-est, la limite de la commune se confond avec la Sieg, affluent droit du Rhin. In the very south of the city, on the border with Wachtberg and Rhineland-Palatinate, there is an extinct volcano, the Rodderberg, featuring a popular area for hikes. Bonn est aujourd'hui le deuxième siège du gouvernement fédéral. Cependant, pour des raisons plus financières que politiques (le fédéralisme notamment), de nombreux ministères, ambassades et autres institutions politiques sont restés à Bonn qui est aujourd'hui l'unique ville d'Allemagne à avoir obtenu un statut de « ville fédérale » (Bundesstadt). Cassel, trop proche de la Zone d'occupation soviétique, retira sa candidature. Bonn gewann in der Best-of-Five-Serie das erste Spiel, verlor jedoch die nächsten zwei Partien. La ville est constituée de quatre districts : Électorat de Cologne 953-1797 This decision, however, did not mandate that the republic's political institutions would also move. Next to the market place is the Old City Hall, built in 1737 in Rococo style, under the rule of Clemens August of Bavaria. Bonn. The federal motorway (Autobahn) A59 connects the airport with the city. The title of Federal City (German: Bundesstadt) reflects its important political status within Germany. In den 1870er Jahren wurde die Adolfstraße erschlossen als Parallele zur H… The fort covered an area of approximately 250,000 square metres (62 acres). En 2020, 6,2 millions de personnes travaillaient dans ce secteur en Allemagne. Lorsqu'en juillet 1948 les alliés occidentaux de la Trizone décidèrent de doter l'Allemagne occidentale de structures politiques démocratiques, il fallut choisir la ville qui accueillerait les parlementaires constituants. The nearby upper half of the Middle Rhine from Bingen to Koblenz is a UNESCO World Heritage Site with more than 40 castles and fortresses from the Middle Ages and important German vineyards. Willkommen auf der offiziellen Facebook-Seite des 1. For other uses, see, Learn how and when to remove this template message, Basic Law for the Federal Republic of Germany, Federal Commissioner for Data Protection and Freedom of Information, international airport of Cologne and Bonn, seventh-largest passenger airport in Germany, high-speed rail line between Cologne and Frankfurt, List of twin towns and sister cities in Germany, "Bevölkerung der Gemeinden Nordrhein-Westfalens am 31. Politically interesting, it is on the premises of the Museum Koenig where the Parlamentarischer Rat first met. Four delegates represent the Federal city of Bonn in the Landtag of North Rhine-Westphalia. En ce jour de 1990, le traité d’unification est entré en vigueur et Berlin est devenue la capitale de la République fédérale en 1991. There are currently 66 seats in the city council of Bonn. Berlin est la capitale de l’Allemagne. Ce faisant, il donnait le signal du déménagement définitif, le monde politique quittant la petite ville de Bonn pour s’installer dans la capitale de l’Allemagne réunie / unifiée. While some argued for the seat of government to move to Berlin, others advocated leaving it in Bonn – a situation roughly analogous to that of the Netherlands, where Amsterdam is the capital but The Hague is the seat of government. Bonn — Bonn, Stadt (Stadtkreis) im preuß. The Haus der Geschichte is one of the foremost German museums of contemporary German history, with branches in Berlin and Leipzig. After several decades, the army gave up the small camp linked to the Ubii-settlement. En Allemagne, le petit déjeuner est copieux. Avec l’université et de nouveaux centres d’études et de recherches comme CAESAR (Center of Advanced European Studies and Research), Bonn est devenue une ville de recherche et de science. Viennent ensuite la Deutsche Post - DHL, (SA de transport de courrier et de fret aérien) avec 9 000 emplois, la Deutsche Postbank (la banque postale) avec 3 300 emplois et les Stadtwerke Bonn (services municipaux) chargés de l'énergie, de l‘eau, des déchets et des transports publics avec 2 350 emplois. As the political centre of West Germany, Bonn saw six Chancellors and six Presidents of the Federal Republic of Germany. Entre 1949 et 1990, la ville était la capitale de la République fédérale d'Allemagne. However, the Bundestag, seated in Bonn's Bundeshaus, affirmed Berlin's status as the German capital. Elle s'étend sur 141,2 km2, de part et d’autre du fleuve, les trois quarts du territoire étant sur la rive gauche. Encore presque la … Contact . This was necessary for the city council to accommodate the increased number of representatives. Regbez. It was felt that a new peacefully united Germany should not be governed from a city connected to such overtones of war. [42], The following list shows the largest groups of origin of minorites with "migration background" in Bonn as of 31 December 2017[update].[43]. They were used by Frankish kings until they fell into disuse. the Prima Legio Minervia, seems to have served here the longest. Née d’une agglomération celte, située sur la rive… … Encyclopédie Universelle. Affiliated with the University of Bonn, it is also a zoological research institution housing the Leibniz-Institut für Biodiversität der Tiere. The city of Bonn also has project partnerships with: This article is about the city in Germany. Au sud-est se dresse la coulisse pittoresque du Siebengebirge, dont la partie nord fait partie du territoire de la commune, qui culmine ici à 195 m, le point le plus bas (46 m) se trouvant au confluent de la Sieg et du Rhin. These are Bonn, Bonn-Bad Godesberg, Bonn-Beuel and Bonn-Hardtberg. In addition he was a patron of the young Ludwig van Beethoven, who was born in Bonn in 1770; the elector financed the composer's first journey to Vienna. Located in the northern sub-district of Graurheindorf, the inland harbour of Bonn is used for container traffic as well as oversea transport. It connects the Kurfürstliches Schloss with the Poppelsdorfer Schloss, a palace that was built as a resort for the prince-electors in the first half of the 18th century, and whose grounds are now a botanical garden (the Botanischer Garten Bonn). In late antiquity, much of the town seems to have been destroyed by marauding invaders. Germany was de facto divided into two countries and two special territories, the Saarland and a divided Berlin. Three Bundesstraßen, which have a general 100 kilometres per hour (62 miles per hour) speed limit in contrast to the Autobahn, connect Bonn to its immediate surroundings (Bundesstraßen B9, B42 and B56). The last election took place in May 2017. Das Angebot reicht von luxuriösen und komfortablen Unterkünften bis hin zu gemütlichen Gästehäusern und Jugendherbergen. Informations complémentaires. The Latin name for that settlement, "Bonna", may stem from the original population of this and many other settlements in the area, the Eburoni. Traductions en contexte de "Bonn" en allemand-français avec Reverso Context : Universität Bonn From 1949 to 1990, Bonn was the capital of West Germany, and Germany's present constitution, the Basic Law, was declared in the city in 1949. The mayor of Bonn still sits in the Altes Rathaus, which is also used for representative and official purposes. Bonn's time as the capital of West Germany is commonly referred to as the Bonn Republic, in contrast to the Berlin Republic which followed reunification in 1990. In late 2016, around 80 long distance and more than 165 regional trains departed to or from Bonn every day. Between its walls it contained a dense grid of streets and a multitude of buildings, ranging from spacious headquarters and large officers' quarters to barracks, stables and a military jail. /bawn/, n. a city in W Germany, on the Rhine: seat of the government; former capital of West Germany. Depuis lors, le 3 octobre est le jour de la fête nationale. Among the legions stationed in Bonn, the "1st", i.e. At the onset of the Cold War, Europe was divided between the Western and Eastern blocs. His work is also on display in the August-Macke-Haus, located in Macke's former home where he lived from 1911 to 1914. Die Zusammenstellung des Bundesligateams für die neuen Saison ist bei den Bonn Capitals schon weit fortgeschritten. Just as Bonn's other four major museums, the Haus der Geschichte or Museum of the History of the Federal Republic of Germany, is located on the so-called Museumsmeile ("Museum Mile"). [6] These institutions include the headquarters for Secretariat of the UN Framework Convention Climate Change (UNFCCC), the Secretariat of the UN Convention to Combat Desertification (UNCCD), and the UN Volunteers programme.[7]. It is also the location of the German research institute Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) offices and of the German Academic Exchange Service (Deutscher Akademischer Austauschdienst – DAAD). It is about 40 square kilometres (15 square miles) in area and part of the Rhineland Nature Park (1,045 km2 or 403 sq mi).[34]. Bonn's population is predicted to surpass the populations of Wuppertal and Bochum before the year 2030. Als wesentliche Erschließungsachsen fungierten frühere Flurwege, u. a. die Breite Straße und die Heerstraße. During the final decades of Imperial rule, the troops were supplied by Franci chieftains employed by the Roman administration. • Bonn • capital of the former West Germany • former capital of West Germany Les Romains construisirent un pont sur le Rhin vers l'an 10 av. The headquarters of the International Paralympic Committee has been located in Bonn since 1999. The city was subject to a major bombardment during the Siege of Bonn in 1689. In 1794, the city was seized by French troops, becoming a part of the First French Empire. Bonn was chosen because Adenauer and other prominent politicians intended to make Berlin the capital of the reunified Germany, and felt that locating the capital in a major city like Frankfurt or Hamburg would imply a permanent capital and weaken support in West Germany for reunification. Bonn est une ville fédérale allemande située au bord du Rhin dans le sud du Land de Rhénanie-du-Nord-Westphalie, à 25 km au sud de Cologne et 54 km au nord de Coblence. Though probably best known as the capital of West Germany from 1949 to 1990 (and of reunified Germany until 1999), Bonn actually has a history dating back to the 1st century BC. As of the 2020–2025 election cycle, the Christian Democrats (CDU) and the Greens (Bündnis'90/Die Grünen) hold 17 seats respectively, followed by the Social Democrats (SPD) with 11 seats, the local Bürgerbund Bonn with 5 seats, the Liberals (FDP) and Volt with 3 seats respectively, the Left (Die Linke) with 4 seats, , the Alternative for Germany (AfD) with 2 seats, and independent candidates with a total of 4 seats. Die heutige Nordstadt entstand etwa zur selben Zeit wie die Südstadt. [37][38][39] The other major railway station (Siegburg/Bonn) lies on the high-speed rail line between Cologne and Frankfurt. Même les partis allemands se divisèrent sur la question : Francfort avait la faveur du SPD, tandis que Bonn recevait le soutien de la coalition CDU/CSU.  République française (Rhin-et-Moselle) 1802-1804 However, due to the enlargement of Bonn in 1969 through the incorporation of Beuel and Bad Godesberg, it moved into the larger Stadthaus facilities further up north. In recognition of its former status as German capital, it holds the name of Federal City (German: Bundesstadt). In 1815 following the Napoleonic Wars, Bonn became part of the Kingdom of Prussia. On both sides of the road, the local settlement, Bonna, grew into a sizeable Roman town. Baseballclub & Softballclub Bonn Capitals e.V. The urban district of Bonn is then again divided into four administrative municipal districts (German: Stadtbezirk). Des projets de jumelages existent avec les villes de : Un article de Wikipédia, l'encyclopédie libre. Administered within the Prussian Rhine Province, the city became part of the German Empire in 1871 during the Prussian-led unification of Germany. Daily, more than 67,000 people travel via Bonn Hauptbahnhof. Assurance maladie. From the fort, the Bonnburg, as well as from a new medieval settlement to the South centered around what later became the minster, grew the medieval city of Bonn. Entre 1949 et 1990, la ville était la capitale de la République fédérale d'Allemagne (Allemagne de l'Ouest). rénové du Reichstag. Bonn has an oceanic climate (Cfb). Köln, liegt in reizender Gegend am linken Ufer des Rheins, über …

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