The Territorial Collectivities are the regions and the communes. Growth has been accompanied by a modest decline in poverty, but other human … He presides over the Superior Council of the Magistrature. Where there may be a risk of harm that could seriously and irreversibly affect the environment, the State and public communities are required to assess the potential harm and to adopt the necessary preventive measures by applying the precautionary principle. Political parties and groups contribute to the exercise of the right to vote. Before entry into their functions, they take an oath before the President of the Constitutional Council, in these terms: “I swear to well and faithfully fulfill my functions, to exercise them in all impartiality with respect of the Constitution and to maintain [garder] the secrecy of the deliberations and of the votes, the same after the cessation of my functions.”. No one can be prosecuted, arrested, detained [gardé à vue] or charged, except by virtue of a law previously promulgated to the acts of which he is accused. It argues that we are seeing the emergence … The official language is French. The Constitutional Council controls the regularity of the operations of the referendum and proclaims the results. The State guarantees all citizens equal access to culture. The President of the Republic presides over the Council of Ministers. On the proposal of the Prime Minister, the President of the Republic appoints the other members of the Government and determines their attributions. Legislative drafts in these matters prior to the enforcement of this Constitution may be amended by decree made after the opinion of the Constitutional Council. The family is the basic unit of the society. The President of the Constitutional Council is appointed by the President of the Republic for a term of six years, non-renewable, from among persons recognized for their competence in juridical or administrative matters. The principle of the Republic of Côte d'Ivoire is the government of the people, by the people and for the people. The draft bills and proposed bills are examined by the committees of each house. The State of Côte d'Ivoire is an independent and sovereign Republic. The President of the Republic is the guarantor of the independence of judicial power. The first session begins the last Wednesday of April[;] its duration cannot exceed three months. It contributes to the economic, social and cultural development of the Nation. A mediation body is hereby established, called "The Mediator of the Republic", Administrative authority with a public service mission. The State is committed to protecting its maritime space, its waterways, its natural parks as well as its historic sites and monuments against any form of degradation. It is prohibited to employ a child in an activity that puts them in danger or affects their health, their growth, as well as their physical and mental balance. The President of the Republic appoints the Prime Minister, Head of Government. The President of the Republic has the right of pardon. Mais tous ses experts qu’il a choisi lui-même, lui ont dit que l’article 185 de cette constitution ne prévoit pas que les compteurs soient mis à zéro par la nouvelle constitution. No member of the Constitutional Council may be prosecuted, arrested, detained or judged for criminal or correctional matters during their term of office, without the authorization of the Council, except in cases of flagrante delicto. The freedoms of assembly and demonstration are guaranteed by the law. No territorial collectivity may exercise guardianship over another. Adopted at the Referendum of 23 July 2000. The President of the Republic may, for the execution of his program, request authorization to take, by ordinance, for a limited period, measures normally falling within the purview of legislature. Cette constitution est la quatrième constitution adoptée par la Côte d'Ivoire, après celles de 1959, 1960 et de 2000. If before the first round, one of the candidates dies or finds himself incapacitated [empêché], the Constitutional Council declares the postponement of the election. The Constitutional Council is the judge of the conformity of the law with the constitutionality block. He terminates his functions. Le 24 septembre, le comité d’experts dirigé par le professeur Ouaraga Obou a remis au président de la République l’avant-projet du texte qui sera soumis … He informs the Nation thereof by message. It is presided over the by the President of the Court of Cassation. harmonization of monetary, economic and financial policy; pooling of their own resources to ensure national defense; coordination of jurisdictional organization; cooperation regarding security and protection of persons and property; cooperation in the fight against serious crime and terrorism; cooperation in the fight against corruption and related offenses; cooperation in the fight against tax fraud and tax evasion; cooperation in higher education, scientific research and technological innovation; cooperation in the fields of education, technical education and vocational training; harmonization of rules concerning the statutes for public service and labor law; coordination of transport, communication and telecommunication; cooperation in environmental protection and management of natural resources. The State ensures the security of savings, capital and investment. TITLE V Concerning Ivoirians residing abroad, the State provides for their participation in the life of the Nation. The deputies in the National Assembly are elected by direct universal suffrage for five years. The National House of Kings and Traditional Chefs is the Institution regrouping all the Traditional Kings and Chiefs of Côte d’Ivoire. Abidjan (Côte d'Ivoire)- - L'Impôt minimum forfaitaire (IMF), suspendu par l'Etat ivoirien dans la perspective d'une étude, a été reconduit dans l'annexe fiscale 2021. These communications do not give rise to any debate. This second deliberation may not be denied. School attendance is compulsory for children of both sexes, under the conditions determined by law. Open Articles. Every citizen has the right to decent working conditions and fair pay. of the regulations governing property, real rights and of civil and commercial obligations; of labor law, trade union rights and of social institutions; of the alienation and management of the domain of the State and of that of territorial communities; of the transfer of enterprises from the public to the private sector; of environmental protection and sustainable development; of regulations governing political parties and the statutes of political opposition; of regulations governing transport and telecommunications; of regulations governing the resources and expenses of the State; of the scheduling of the objectives of the economic and social action of the State; of the organization and functioning of public bodies. TITLE XI The functions of members of the Constitutional Council are incompatible with the exercise of any political function, of any public or elective office and of any professional activity. The Court of Cassation is the highest court of the judiciary. Should the new President of the Republic, in turn, be prevented, for whatever reason, the official duties of the President of the Republic are exercised by the Government in the order of protocol. Acquired rights are guaranteed. The powers of the President of the Republic in office expire at the date of the taking of office of the President-elect, which occurs at the taking of the oath. The session of the National Assembly begins on the first working day of the month of April and ends on the last working day of the month of December. Wikisource has original text related to this article: Côte d’Ivoire Portal. 12/14/2020 ... Alhaji Dr. Mahamudu Bawumia, will, in accordance with Article 60(8) of the Constitution, act in his stead. The Republic may recognize the jurisdiction of the International Criminal Court under the conditions prescribed by the Treaty signed on 17 July 1998. The President of the Republic, after consulting the Joint-Conventions Bureau, may submit to referendum any draft or matter that he deems to demand direct consultation with the people. The Court of Auditors supervises the management of accounts concerning Government services, national public institutions, territorial communities, independent administrative authorities and any body benefiting from financial assistance from the State or from another legal person governed by public law as well as from any other body benefiting from financial assistance from public enterprises and their subsidiaries and/or affiliates. Magistrates on the bench are irremovable. The republican form and the secular [form] of the State cannot be made the object of a revision. The Constitution also stipulates that the executive and the National Assembly share the power to initiate legislation, but the pertinent article appears in the chapter dealing with executive--not legislative--responsibilities. Ordinances are made in the Council of Ministers after a possible opinion of the Constitutional Council. The conditions of recourse to the referendum and of designation of the representatives of the people are determined by this Constitution and by an organic law. The absolute impediment of the President of the Republic, by reason of incapacity to perform his official duties, is recognized immediately by the Constitutional Council called upon for this purpose by a Government request approved by the majority of its members. After the final proclamation of the results by the Constitutional Council, the President-elect of the Republic takes the oath of office, on the Constitution before the Constitutional Council, in a formal sitting. The bills of program law of an economic and social character are submitted to it for advice. Until the implementation of the other Institutions, the Institutions established continue to exercise their functions and attributions conforming to the laws and regulations in force. The irreceivability is declared by the President of the National Assembly. The President of the Republic-elect enters into [his] functions, and the National Assembly meets within a time period of six months counted from this promulgation. The meeting venue is that of the National Assembly. The Vice-President of the Republic acting as President of the Republic may not appoint a vice-president for the remainder of the term of office. The right of every citizen to free enterprise is guaranteed within the limits prescribed by law. Un nouveau pas a été franchi dans l’élaboration de la nouvelle constitution en Côte d’Ivoire samedi dernier. He can be terminated in his functions, before the expiration of this time period, in case of incapacity declared by the Constitutional Council seized by the President of the Republic. The Council of State hears cases at the first and last instances concerning actions for annulment of the acts of the central administrative authorities and bodies with national competence. He is assisted by the Superior Council of the Magistracy. Every year, the President of the Republic delivers to the Parliament a message on the state of the Nation. Voters in Cote d'Ivoire head to the polls on Sunday 18th December. The detention or the prosecution of a member of Parliament is suspended if the National Assembly requires it. The High Court of Justice is a court of exceptional jurisdiction. Constitution of Côte d’Ivoire. the former Presidents of the Republic, with the exception of an express waiver on their part; six councilors, three of whom are appointed by the President of the Republic, two by the President of the National Assembly and one by the President of the Senate. TITLE XII In the event of the vacancy of the Presidency of the Republic by death, resignation or absolute incapacity of the President of the Republic, the official duties of President of the Republic are exercised by the Vice-President of the Republic. If, as a result of a disagreement between the two houses, a draft bill or proposed bill cannot be adopted after two readings by each house or, if the President of the Republic declares that the matter is urgent after only one reading in each house, the President of the Republic may call a meeting of the joint committee of equal representation that proposes a draft on the remaining provisions under discussion. In case of death, resignation or absolute incapacity for whatever cause that may be, the President and the councillors are replaced within a time period of eight days for the term of the functions remaining to be served [courrir]. The obligation of residence indicated in this article is not applicable to the members of diplomatic and consular representations and to the persons designated by the State to occupy a post or accomplish a mission abroad, to international functionaries and to political exiles. The Deputies are elected by universal direct suffrage. The provisions of the first and 5th sentences of Article 38 are applied in the case of [an] interim. The declaration of war is authorized by the National Assembly. Le président ivoirien, Alassane Ouattara a énuméré jeudi 05 mars lors d’un discours devant le parlement les trois grandes nouveautés de cette réforme constitutionnelle. The President of the Republic has the right to grant pardon. The people exercise their sovereignty by way of referendum and by their elected representatives. The councilors are appointed for a non-renewable period of six years by the President of the Republic among persons recognized for their proven competence and expertise in legal or administrative affairs. At the end of the period referred to in the second paragraph of this article, the ordinances may no longer be amended by the law in their provisions falling within the purview of legislature. Should the institutions of the Republic, the independence of the Nation, the integrity of its territory or the execution of its international commitments become seriously and immediately threatened, and the regular functioning of the constitutional public bodies be interrupted, the President of the Republic takes the exceptional measures required by these circumstances, after consultation with the President of the National Assembly, President of the Senate and the President of the Constitutional Council. This paper describes the recent economic developments and economic outlook and risks of the Côte d’Ivoire’s economy. « Devant le peuple souverain de Côte d’Ivoire, je jure solennellement et sur l’honneur de respecter et de défendre fidèlement la Constitution, d’incarner l’unité nationale, d’assurer la continuité de l’Etat et de défendre son intégrité territoriale, de protéger les Droits et Libertés des citoyens, de remplir consciencieusement les devoirs de ma charge dans l’intérêt supérieur de la Nation. The functions of he Mediator of the Republic are incompatible with the exercise of any political function, of any public office and of any professional activity. The President of the Republic can, for the execution of his program, demand of the National Assembly, the authorization to take by ordinance, for a limited time, the measures which are normally of the domain of the law. They are heard at the demand of the commissions. Every Deputy is the representative of the entire Nation. Modification de la nouvelle constitution – Adoptée par une large majorité par les élus parlementaires, 246 voix pour, la nouvelle constitution ivoirienne a été promulguée par le président de la République dans la soirée du 19 mars, par un communiqué lu sur les antennes nationales par le secrétaire général de la présidence de la République. A state of siege is decreed in the Council of Ministers. Everyone has the right to choose their profession or employment freely. The responsibilities, organization and functioning of the Mediator of the Republic are determined by an organic law. When the referendum has concluded the adoption of the draft, the President of the Republic promulgates it within the periods set forth in Article 74 paragraph 2. OF THE PRESIDENT OF THE REPUBLIC AND OF THE GOVERNMENT. Until the establishment of new institutions, existing institutions continue their official duties and responsibilities in accordance with applicable laws and regulations. OF THE ASSOCIATION AND OF THE COOPERATION It rules sovereignly on decisions rendered in the last instance by the administrative tribunals and by the administrative courts specialized in administrative disputes. The provisions of Articles 60 and 61 of this Constitution apply to the Vice-President of the Republic. TITLE X Committed to the promotion of regional and sub-regional integration, in view of the constitution of African Unity. Any punishment leading to the deprivation of human life is forbidden. The Vice-President of the Republic so appointed is sworn in, under the conditions set forth in the law, before the Constitutional Council, in a formal sitting. Everyone is entitled to education and professional training. The rights of the human person is inviolable. 184) texte modifiant et/ou completant la constitution ivoirienne. No one may be prosecuted, arrested, detained or charged, except by virtue of a law promulgated prior to the facts alleged against them. The magistrates are only submitted, in the exercise of their functions, to the authority of the law. Le sujet suscite des débats. TITLE XI It accepts to create with these States the intergovernmental organisms of common management, of coordination, and of free cooperation. Extraordinary sessions are adjourned as soon as the agenda is exhausted. They guarantee their rights in the educational, medical and economic spheres as well as in those of sports and leisure. Before taking office, he takes an oath on the Constitution before the President of the Republic, in these terms: "I hereby undertake to perform my official duties well and faithfully, to discharge them with complete independence and impartiality with respect for the Constitution, to keep the secrecy of deliberations and votes, even after the termination of my official duties, to take no public position in the legal, political, economic or social spheres, to give no private consultation on matters within the competence of the Constitutional Council.". In case of disagreement between the two houses, the decision is made by the National Assembly. However, everyone has the right to donate their organs, under the conditions prescribed by law. These messages are not the subject of any debate. The national anthem is the "Song of Abidjan" (l’Abidjanaise). Upon referral by the President of the Republic, bills or proposals may be submitted to the Constitutional Council for an opinion. Before their promulgation, laws may be referred to the Constitutional Council by the President of the Republic, the President of the National Assembly or the President of the Senate or at least one tenth of the deputies or senators or by parliamentary groups. Article 1 The State of Cote d’Ivoire recognizes the freedoms, the fundamental rights and duties provided [énoncer] in this Constitution and commits itself to take the legislative or regulatory measures to assure its effective application. He must demonstrate impartiality, neutrality and honesty in the exercise of his official duties.
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