For starters, their technology is circa 1700. Colony is the story of a beaten humanity, trying desperately to survive under tyrannical alien rule. } + google_ad_client + '" data-ad-slot="' La réponse est oui ! Oh, and when you kill someone on Z Nation to keep them from becoming a zombie, you say "I grant you mercy". Dans cette série apocalyptique, ... Family Business : la série Netflix française allumée qui vous fera pleurer de rire. If you continue to use this site we will assume that you are happy with it. It's weird. else J’ai décidé de mettre cette série dans mon top 20 des meilleures séries car j’ai beaucoup aimé, malgré qu’il y a plusieurs choses qui ne vont pas dans cette série. google_ad_client = "ca-pub-1733609739426816"; Série animée créée en 1978 par Hayao Miyazaki dans laquelle il créé un univers post apocalyptique et conte l’histoire d’un jeune garçon qui possède une force extraordinaire. Adaptée des bandes dessinées française de Jacques Lob et Jean-Marc Rochette, c’est Netflix qui s’empare de l’œuvre post apocalyptique Snowpiercer avec la première saison disponible sur la plateforme de streaming. Puisque les aventures de Layton sont terminées, nous... Les nouveautés Netflix de la semaine du 18 au 24 janvier 2021 Snowpiercer est la nouvelle série post-apocalyptique sans zombies, disponible sur Netflix depuis le 20 mai 2020. A few survivors band together and try to fend off the vamps - who clearly lack the impulse control required for the sustainable farming of humans. Netflix vient tout juste de mettre une bande-annonce en ligne. Still in second place, The 100 is a phenomenon - a huge hit especially among teens. Here is every single post apocalyptic TV show on Netflix. + google_ad_size[0] + 'px;height:' Note du public : 87% /* Replace 1234567890 with the AdSense Ad Slot ID */ The premise really jumps out at you from the start. + google_ad_size[1] + 'px" data-ad-client="' Netflix. adWidth = ad.getBoundingClientRect().width; // for modern browsers if (ad.getBoundingClientRect().width) { Z Nation has recently been cancelled, and now all five seasons are available for streaming. Attack on Titan Season 4 Episode 5 Isn’t Airing: New Date, Time & Links, Subscribe To Our Calendar With Your Google Account, Select And Add Upcoming Events To Your Phone's Calendar. else if ( adWidth >= 300 ) If you’re into alien invasions, Colony is the right… Nous allons vous en faire découvrir quelques-uns La Plateforme (Film) … What if humanity truly had no choice but to obey or die? Quand on est comme moi et qu’on ne connaissait pas du tout les livres ou le jeu vidéo, on a du mal à comprendre cette série. Earth's future is grim, so mankind bands together to send out colony seed ships to continue life on other planets. Formerly a licensed attorney in the State of Texas, he is currently prepping for the apocalypse. google_ad_size = ["125", "125"]; /* Button (125 x 125) */ Derek started Post Apocalyptic Media with his wife Stephanie. There is nothing on TV like Z Nation right now. Attack on Titan has only one season available on Netflix, but more seasons can be had elsewhere. } else { Then please share it by using the buttons below. (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); Jericho explores what would happen if America suffered a surprise nuclear attack. Big Mouth, saison 4 : série américaine d’animation pour adultes. In addition, while Netflix has allowed their post apocalyptic movie category to languish with b-rated titles, they continue to stream quality critically acclaimed hits on the TV side of things. Bump up The Rain There are 2 Seasons now, as well! Your email address will not be published. And feel free to come back to this page periodically to see a current list until the 2020 list is published. 4 choses à savoir : 1 - Il y a une épidémie. Below you'll find our list of the top ten post apocalyptic TV shows you can watch right now followed by an indiscriminate list of every TV show in the post apocalyptic genre that Netflix has available to stream. Si ce fut une année pas comme les autres, certaines choses ne changent pas, et malgré les interruptions de tournages, ces 23 séries Netflix sorties en 2020 valent vraiment la peine d'être vues.. Alors si tu te cherches une série à binge watch durant tes temps libres, … This show is really outside the box - melding zombie drama with comedy and games? + google_ad_slot + '">' "To the Lake est une série Netflix russe vraiment bonne. Elle donne un aperçu de ce qui attend les passagers des deux trains dans la saison 2 de la série. Watch the trailer of The Umbrella Academy, 2020 in Cinema: the 25 Films We Anticipate the Most, The Golden Age of Television: the 50 Best TV-shows of 2010-2019, Closing the Decade: the 15 Best Movies of 2019, Small Screen Sensations: The Best New TV-Shows in 2018, Looking Forward: the 2019 Movies We Anticipate the Most, 2018 in Film: the 15 best movies of the year, The 25 most profitable low-budget movies of all time, Top 10 most beautiful films – Visually stunning films of 2010-2019, The Most Nerve-Racking Heist Movies in 2021 & 2020 (Netflix, Prime, Hulu & Cinema List), Best new Werewolf movies in 2021 & 2020 (Netflix, Prime, Hulu & Cinema List), Best new Time Travel movies in 2021 & 2020 (Netflix, Prime, Hulu & Cinema List), Best new Post-Apocalyptic movies in 2021 & 2020 (Netflix, Prime, Hulu & Cinema List), 34 most suspenseful psychological thriller films in 2021 & 2020 (Netflix, Prime, Hulu & Cinema List), Best new Feel-Good movies in 2021 & 2020 (Netflix, Prime, Hulu & Cinema List), Top 28 romantic movies in 2021 & 2020 (Netflix, Prime, Hulu & Cinema list), Best new Chick-Flicks in 2021 & 2020 (Netflix, Prime, Hulu & Cinema List), Top 13 best Russian movies in 2021 & 2020 (Netflix, Prime, Hulu & Cinema List), Best new Japanese Movies in 2021 & 2020 (Netflix, Prime, Hulu & Cinema List), Best new LGBT/Gay TV Shows in 2021 & 2020 (Netflix, Prime, Hulu & TV List), Best new Supernatural, Paranormal & Ghost TV Shows in 2021 & 2020 (Netflix, Prime, Hulu & TV List), Best new Legal TV Shows in 2021 & 2020 (Netflix, Prime, Hulu & TV List), Best new War TV Shows in 2021 & 2020 (Netflix, Prime, Hulu & TV List), Best new Medieval TV Shows in 2021 & 2020 (Netflix, Prime, Hulu & TV List), Best new Political TV Shows in 2021 & 2020 (Netflix, Prime, Hulu & TV List), Best new Time Travel TV Shows in 2021 & 2020 (Netflix, Prime, Hulu & TV List), Best new Space & Alien TV Shows in 2021 & 2020 (Netflix, Prime, Hulu & TV List), Best new Dystopian TV Shows in 2021 & 2020 (Netflix, Prime, Hulu & TV List), Best new Black TV Shows in 2021 & 2020 (Netflix, Prime, Hulu & TV List). Thanks! Découvrez la liste des meilleures séries et films thriller à suspense sur Netflix Rien de mieux qu'un bon Thriller à suspense en cette période de confinement, forte heureusement Netflix a de quoi nous rassasier. The best seasons are the newest seasons, no doubt about it, thought the series did lose momentum somewhere in season two and three, it is now running full speed ahead. Puisque les aventures de Layton sont terminées, nous vous révélons toutes nos informations sur la saison 2 de Snowpiercer. En ligne dès le 4 décembre. Colony has been cancelled after just two seasons, but it still deserves the number three spot on our list. Votre liste de « séries à regarder » vient de s’allonger. Not having enough nightmares? Look, it's not for everyone. Into the Badlands imagines a post apocalyptic world that has returned to something akin to feudalism, with small kingdoms constantly at various stages of war with one another. When supplies in space run out before the earth is safe, an expedition of 100 child-criminals are sent to the earth on a lark to see if it's survivable down there. L'apocalypse à la sauce Netflix, on adore. else if ( adWidth >= 180 ) Please leave us a comment below or send us a message through email or use the web form on our Tips page so we can add it to the list. ad = document.getElementById('google-ads-2'); /* Do not change anything after this line */ The Top 10 Post Apocalyptic Movies on Netflix. google_ad_size = ["300", "250"]; /* Medium Rectangle (300 x 250) */ Note des critiques : 97%. In between our 2017 and 2019 lists, Netflix dropped about 50 out of 58 post apocalyptic movies from the platform. While other shows get bogged down in moral dilemmas about killing the doomed, Z Nation makes a tradition of it. Keeping the top spot from last year (and the year before that), AMC’s The Walking Dead is the best post apocalyptic TV series on Netflix. adWidth = ad.offsetWidth; // for old IE Into the night (Netflix) : une saison 2 officiellement commandée pour la série apocalyptique belge ! Note du public : 83%. Le rendez-vous indispensable pour tous les amateurs de streaming vidéo : les grands films et les nouvelles séries proposés par Netflix et Amazon Prime Video en juin. The Top 10 Post Apocalyptic Movies on Netflix – 2019 Edition, Zombie Deer Disease Won’t Start an Apocalypse: It’s More Like Mad Cow, How to Watch Attack on Titan Season 4 Episode 6 Online, How to Watch the Attack on Titan Season 4 English Dub Online. Huge men with gas masks are called "Trolls", and remnants of modern civilization dot the landscape where elves, half-elves, humans, and other creatures struggle for supremacy. google_ad_slot = "3825440086"; Une série Netflix dystopique et post-apocalyptique créée par Josh Friedman et Graeme Manson et qui fait partie de notre sélection des meilleures séries 2020. We wrote all about this development here. It was fun while it lasted. When earth is covered in deadly radiation, people launched orbiting space ships to live in until the radiation died down. Meilleures séries télé post-apocalyptiques sur Netflix, Prime, Canal VOD ou DVD de 2021 ... également connu sous le nom d'Homme des Ténèbres. Great series with phenomenal acting all around. if ( adWidth >= 728 ) We cast a wide net so dystopia, end of the world, alien invasion, and robot uprising - it's all fair game. It has Crixus from Spartacus starring as a magical druid. You’ll know very quickly if this show is for you. Netflix : Sorti ce 24 octobre sur Netflix, la série déjantée Daybreak mérite-t-elle d'être regardée ? Vu que les précédentes saisons ont été diffusées à l'automne, Radio Times indique que la dernière saison sera probablement disponible à l'automne 2020. List of the latest post-apocalyptic TV series in 2021 on tv and the best post-apocalyptic TV series of 2020 & the 2010's. Elite. Lost in Space starts strong and never lets off the gas. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.. Best new Chilean TV Shows in 2021 & 2020 (Netflix, Prime, Hulu & TV List), Best new Teen TV Shows + High school drama in 2021 & 2020 (Netflix, Prime, Hulu & TV List), Best New TV Shows on Netflix, Amazon Prime & Hulu in 2020 by Genre - Originals, Best new Post-Apocalyptic TV Shows in 2021 & 2020 (Netflix, Prime, Hulu & TV List). Netflix respecte les principes de l'Alliance de la publicité numérique. Lire la suite Que signifie le pourcentage à côté des programmes Netflix ? /* Replace ca-pub-XXX with your AdSense Publisher ID */ We use cookies to ensure that we give you the best experience on our website. La série Netflix post-apocalyptique : Daybreak Également dévoilée sur Netflix il y a peu, Daybreak dépeint un univers post-apocalyptique dans lequel il existe des zombies et d’étranges goules. Also, man eating giants the size of skyscrapers are pretty much everywhere. ©
We've looked through the entire catalog to make sure we didn't leave anything out. This will definitely not be for everyone, but some people will love it. Actor Lennie James really knocked it out of the ballpark with his role as Robert Hawkins. Most alien stories outline the great struggle of man against the aliens. What Date & Time Does Attack on Titan Season 4 Episode 6 Air? Temps de lecture : 3 minutes. Learn how your comment data is processed. This is my kind of zombie show. Mankind is fighting for survival against insurmountable odds. Top post-apocalyptic TV series to watch on Netflix, Hulu, Amazon Prime & other Streaming services, out on DVD/Blu-ray or on tv right now. This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. He currently stars on The Walking Dead with a similarly awesome character named Morgan Jones. google_ad_size = ["728", "90"]; /* Leaderboard 728x90 */ /* Calculate the width of available ad space */ But I have to watch it as soon as it airs - so it certainly meets the “addictive” test. Vers le lac: la terrifiante série post-apocalyptique russe est sur Netflix 8 octobre 2020 0 Par Jean Francois Cloutier Mise à jour: 8 octobre, 2020 @ 20:19 Shannara Chronicles is now cancelled after a great second season. Sometimes the characters act like stupid teenagers and it frustrates me. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. The Shannara Chronicles is kind of like the Lord of the Rings if it were set in a post-apocalyptic earth. You can also sign up for our email list in the right-hand sidebar. Netflix : La série apocalyptique Daybreak n'a pas été renouvelée par le géant du streaming pour une deuxième saison. But fans of the series rejoice! A few characters inexplicably gain combat skills, or lose their political power. If it's a TV series about the end of the world, and it's on Netflix, it will be in this list. Bien entendu, tu as déjà entendu parler – et tu l’as même sûrement regardé! La série d'animation pour adultes cocréée par Nick Kroll, Big Mouth, est de retour pour une quatrième saison. 'La Fête à la maison : 20 ans après' proposera la deuxième partie de sa cinquième saison en 2020. In that time, they also added about 52 new movies, bringing the total to an impressive 60 on-demand post apocalyptic movies. Humanity is doomed and it's clear to see why. A lot of people like this show, and there was even a pair of movies released recently. – de The Walking Dead, LA série de zombie la plus populaire. Watch this anime about creepy smiling naked giants who eat people alive. Netflix et des tiers utilisent des cookies et des technologies similaires sur ce site Web afin de collecter certaines données sur vos activités en ligne que nous utilisons pour analyser votre utilisation du site Web dans le but de personnaliser nos services et nos publicités en ligne. And who doesn't want that? This series takes place in Los Angeles not too far in the future. Une série que l’on vous conseille pour son coté sombre, authentique et brut. The plot is solid, and the nuclear wasteland is believable. Snowpiercer est la nouvelle série post-apocalyptique sans zombies, disponible sur Netflix depuis le 20 mai 2020. google_ad_size = ["250", "250"]; /* Square (250 x 250) */ 16. Netflix a lancé ce vendredi sa première série belge originale, "Into the Night", au pitch ultra-accrocheur. google_ad_size = ["200", "200"]; /* Small Square (200 x 200) */ This list was made on February 13 2019, and I'll keep it updated all year long, so if you see something good on Netflix that I don't have; Please leave us a comment below or send us a message through email or use the web form on our Tips page (whatever floats your boat) so we can add it to the list. But what if the aliens were so much better than us that it didn't even make sense to fight back? else if ( adWidth >= 200 ) Netflix currently has 29 different post apocalyptic TV shows you can watch right now on instant streaming. Alas. 2021 COPYRIGHT © 2020 THE VORE. The Robinson family deals with psychopaths and diplomacy and insurrection and injury - all in season one. Note des critiques : 96%. La puberté est un épisode sensible dans la vie de tous garçons et jeunes filles, avec divers changements. It's hard to describe, but the absurd things that happen in Z Nation somehow remind me of genre games like Fallout and Left 4 Dead. Your email address will not be published. If you do that, we might make money. In Van Helsing, the vampire-human war has come and gone with humanity on the losing side. document.write ( Série post-apocalyptique, « The 100 » offre une nouvelle alternative fantastique aux adolescents lassés des traditionnels loups-garous sexy, vampires torrides et vierges effarouchées. Cette série est une adaptation de la série de romans graphiques “Le Transperceneige” et du film Snowpiercer de Bong Joon-Ho (2013). That is a very high amount of turnover. But if it is for you - then its really for you. There is still time to bring it back, and we wrote about those efforts here. Netflix currently has 29 different post apocalyptic TV shows you can watch right now on instant streaming. Synopsis : “Échappée d’une secte apocalyptique, une femme atterrit à New York et part à la reconquête d’un monde qu’elle croyait ne plus exister.” 13. A Z Nation prequel called Black Summer has been green-lit by Netflix. La série commence au milieu de la forêt où une adolescente, Kim (Maisy Williams donc) vit avec sa mère. Below you'll find our list of the top ten post apocalyptic TV shows you can watch right now followed by an indiscriminate list of every TV show in the post apocalyptic genre that Netflix has available to stream. "Snowpiercer": la série post-apocalyptique débarque sur Netflix aujourd'hui Deux épisodes inédits de "Snowpiercer" sont déjà disponibles sur Netflix, et la suite arrive … Also, there are no guns and they follow the basic combat rules of Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon. '= 250 ) But Netflix does not have the same philosophy when it comes to TV shows. Read more about the plot and whether it is technically "post-apocalyptic". Tu as possiblement entendu parler d’autres séries post-apocalyptiques aussi, comme 12 Monkeys, Jericho ou Wayward Pines, mais sache que tu peux trouver de vrais bijoux sur Netflix! Voici notre sélection de 5 contenus sur le sujet à découvrir. Many of which are currently running series. And like Revolution, it was promptly cancelled. Entrez dans la série policière scandinave, un genre qui a gagné un public international pour ses histoires sombres, à suspense, sinistres, parfois complexes, toujours passionnantes. No warning, no war declaration, just bombs, all over the country. 2 - Il y a beaucoup de neige et de froid (La Russie forcément, idiot). Whatever the case, this is a fun one to watch with the kids... Or the pastor. C’est une série d’animation créée par Dan Harmon et Justin Roiland. From the time we began making this list several years ago, Netflix has only removed 18 TV series from their catalog and between 2017 and 2019, only one of our top ten has been removed. Required fields are marked *. If we make money, we'll be able to bring you more and better post apocalyptic content. To The Lake sur Netflix : c'est quoi cette série post-apocalyptique en temps de pandémie ? The creepy factor might be a hurdle for you, or it might be the main draw. I guess I’m saying that there’s a lot to love and a lot to hate about the 100. This show is about a small town that is thrust into that situation, coupled with a complete lack of communication with the outside world.
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