Die Liste der verwendeten Cookies kannst du auf der Seite deiner Cookie-Richtlinie mit Hilfe eines Shortcodes anzeigen. Under the General Data Protection Regulation, user consent for cookies … Corrected German translations (thanks to Max B), Bug in ‚Show cookie bar on selected pages‘ Filter fixed. Dieses Cookie beschränkt Cookies, indem es die Skripte optional lädt. The GDPR Cookie Consent is another plugin that monitors cookies usage in accordance with the GDPR law. GDPR Cookie Consent weist derzeit der Plugin-Website zufolge 700.000 aktive Installationen auf. Basic support included for Litespeed cache, WP Super Cache, Site ground cache, Endurance Cache, WP Fastest Cache. informiere dich über das „EU-Cookie-Gesetz“ (engl. ✅ (Optional) accept cookie notice if the user scrolls. ✅ (Optional) automatically close the cookie bar after a delay (delay is configurable). https://www.webtoffee.com/gdpr-cookie-consent-plugin-basic-version-user-guide/ Translate “WP Cookie Notice for GDPR, CCPA & ePrivacy Consent” into your language. While some businesses may need to collect personal or sensitive information due to the nature of the service being provided, ultimately, how this data is handled needs to be at the discretion of the customer. Updated shortcode [cookie_audit] with option to configure columns, Margin option added in all button shortcodes, Introduced an option to hide cookie bar on policy page, Translation updated – Danish, French, German, Compatibility added for Pixelyoursite plugin, Bug: Submenu sorting issue for custom user roles, Bug: submenu sorting issue for non administrator accounts. Wenn du eine fachgerechte Rechtsberatung in Hinsicht auf deine Website brauchst, solltest du immer einen Anwalt konsultieren. Feature: Added opacity option for Cookie consent notice. Die Cookies werden standardmäßig nicht gesetzt, sondern erst nach der Einwilligung der Benutzer. The WP Cookie Notice for GDPR, CCPA & ePrivacy Consent plugin helps you comply with the CCPA in the following ways: The WP Cookie Notice Plugin is lightweight, fast and complies with the latest WordPress coding standards. Addressed the conflict with [cookie_reject] shortcode for previous users who had the reject button option enabled. CookieLawInfoConsent – Speichert den voreingestellten Status des Buttons der entsprechenden Kategorie sowie den Status für CCPA. New enclosing shortcode added for better control of third party content. Dieses Plugin ergänzt deine Website entweder im Header oder im Footer um einen dezenten Cookie-Banner, damit du deinen Status in Sachen DSGVO/Datenschutz darlegen kannst. Es verfügt außerdem über ein Cookie-Audit-Modul, sodass du ganz einfach anzeigen kannst, welche Cookies von deiner Website verwendet werden. Schau dir unsere JavaScript-Lösung für die Ausführung von Drittanbieter-Skripten (engl. In the previous update a title with default text ‘This website uses cookies‘ would get added to the existing cookie bar. Feature: Added Gutenberg block for Cookie details. Fix: Previous version settings issue (with respect to Pro Version). The GDPR Cookie Consent is one of the popular WordPress plugin to manage your website cookies. GDPR Compliance and Cookie Consent is a plugin created by StylemixThemes. Filter added. Feature: Added custom blocking scripts settings to the plugin. (The cookie value will be set to ‘null’ by default; it takes a value ‘yes’ when the user clicks ‘Accept’ and ‘no’ upon ‘Reject’. Save time by using the default design which uses you website theme styles. (filter to edit audit table head). Bug: Flashing the cookie bar on page load. Das Plugin „GDPR Cookie Consent“ hilft dir dabei, deine Website gemäß der DSGVO (GDPR, RGPD) einzurichten. Das übersteigt die Möglichkeiten eines einzelnen Plugins. The cookie notice shows ‘Accept’ & ‘Decline’ buttons. Conclusion on WordPress cookie consent plugins [Bug fix] Show more / show less issue when custom text editor is used in the privacy overview content. Feature: Plugin updated to address CCPA Do Not Sell Requirements. End in: Join the club. Fix: Conflicting issues in deactivation feedback form. GDPR Cookie Consent: Dieses Plugin hilft dir, eine Cookie-Einverständniserklärung auf deiner WordPress-Seite anzuzeigen. [Bug fix] Hide non-necessary category on cookie settings popup if it is not enabled, [Bug fix] Translation issue with category cookies, [user_consent_state] added missing space in user consent states, Introduced new cookie settings popup option, Added a shortcode [cookie_settings] to control settings, Option to add descriptions for both necessary and non-necessary cookies, [Bug fix] Responsive styling issues for cookie audit table winter theme, Updated translation files for German, Danish, French, Dutch & Spanish, [Bug fix] [cookie_audit] shortcode conflict with heading. You can inherit theme styles wherever you want and set the cookie duration manually. Keeps a searchable log of consents given by all website users (Pro version only). Activa el plugin a través del menú «Plugins» en WordPress; Ve a «GDPR Cookie Consent» para configurar la barra de aviso de cookies con tus propios textos, colores y estilos; NOTA: La instalación de este plugin por si solo no hace que tu web sea compatible con el RGPD. Easy to use. NOTE: Installing this plugin does not alone make your website GDPR compliant. Behoben: Redakteure konnten aufgrund des jüngsten Sicherheitupdates das Dashboard nicht aufrufen, Verbesserung: Option zum Ändern des Titels für notwendige und nicht notwendige Kategorien. ✅ Customisable to look just like your own website’s style: customise the colours, styles and fonts. Update: Display Cookie consent details for categories in Popup on frontend. Therefore, your website must deploy a cookie consent system to be compliant. Additionally the styling has been improved and you are now able to customise the message. Felix Arntz 500+ aktive Installationen Getestet mit 5.5.3 Zuletzt aktualisiert vor 5 Monaten Implied Cookie Consent (5 Bewertungen gesamt) This plugin displays an unobtrusive information bar at the top of the page … There are already widely used cookie banner solutions like Borlabs Cookie, Complianz, GDPR Cookie Consent, GDPR Cookie Compliance or Cookie Notice for GDPR & CCPA. – DSGVO, DPA, PECR, CNIL and other data, privacy regulations and cookie laws. Helps you comply with EU GDPR. Feature: Added border options to cookie consent notice and buttons. Victoria Etherington, thewebsitementor.com, The cookies and ePrivacy Directive was passed in 2002 and amended in 2009 by the EU. The only WordPress plugin that helps you comply with the EU GDPR’s cookie consent and CCPA’s „Do Not Sell“ Opt-Out regulations. Behobene Probleme in den letzten zwei Monaten: Möchtest du die Weiterentwicklung dieses Plugins unterstützen? Would you like to support the advancement of this plugin? viewed_cookie_policy – Dies ist das Haupt-Cookie, das die Zustimmung der Benutzer zum Setzen von Cookies über „Akzeptieren“ oder „Ablehnen“ speichert. The plugin will enable a WordPress cookie notice with Accept and Reject options. This section describes how to install the plugin and get it working. Cookies when used to identify users, qualify as personal data and are therefore subject to the GDPR. Easily create, edit or delete information about cookies used on your website. Option to set “On scroll” offset (at what percent of screen scroll to accept consent). The pro version of the GDPR Cookie Consent plugin has a one-click scanner, that’ll scan your website. You can also classify cookies into ‘Necessary’, ‘Marketing’, ‘Analytics’, ‘Preferences’, and the ‘Unclassified’ categories. Works out of box with your existing theme. 4.2.2 (zu finden in der rechten unteren Ecke deines Dashboards). HAPPY NEW YEAR ! Display a … Fix: Database tables creation issue on plugin activation. Further the to comply with the regulations governing cookies and the ePrivacy directive you must –. In case one does not, the plugin will block unnecessary cookies of the website. Fix: Fatal error if Analytics SDK is included in two or more plugins, Fix: Read More URL is not rendered on Admin Dashboard. ✅ Add CCPA ‚Do Not Sell My Personal Information‘ control to the cookie notice. Fix: Minor plugin bugs fixed for compatibility with the latest WordPress version. 1. ✅ Scan and auto block scripts – Google Analytics, FB Pixel, Google tag manager, Hotjar, Instagram, etc. Mit Hilfe dieses Plugins kannst du den Cookie-Hinweis vollständig anpassen, sodass er zu deiner bestehenden Website passt: ändere Farben, Schriften, Stile, die Position auf der Seite und sogar das Verhalten beim Klick auf „Akzeptieren“. – LGPD (Brazil): The Brazilian General Data Protection Law In our point of view, many of these solutions only partially implement the legal requirements or advised behavior, which bears a risk for website operators. Die Installation von Cookies im Browser des Nutzers ist nur mit dessen ausdrücklicher Zustimmung möglich. I configured the banner at hubspot fine and it is now showing up on the site. You own the Data Storage – all user provided data is stored within your website only – User data is not stored on any third party servers. [wpl_cookie_details], WPML, Polylang, QTranslate, WP Multilang compatible, W3C Web Accessibility Standards (WCAG) Compliant. Achte darauf, dass du dabei die folgenden Informationen angibst: Je mehr Informationen du angibst, umso schneller können wir antworten. Fix: Hot fix for display of cookies information in the table. Get granular cookie consent for cookie categories of their choice. The WP Cookie Notice for GDPR, CCPA & ePrivacy Consent plugin helps you comply with the GDPR in the following ways: Provides an easy-to-use admin area in the WordPress dashboard, where you can add details of cookies used on your website. Works with popular caching plugins. Yes, in the free version. ), WordPress-Version, z. You’ll still need to implement other aspects of the GDPR regulation. Die Bedienungsanleitung zu „GDPR Cookie Consent“ (engl.) GDPR compliance has been the center of attention- especially in the online world – ever since the implementation of the same on May 25th, 2018. B. bei Google Analytis oder Hotjar etc. Lässt sich nahtlos integrieren mit dem offiziellen Facebook-Pixel, dem Smash-Balloon-Instagram-Feed und dem Twitter-Feed. Manage cookie list (name, ID, description, duration, type & category). Penalty for Violating Cookie Laws: Keeping in mind that the EU Cookie Legislation isn’t a law, it hasn’t specified any penalties. Language support and translations for – French, Dutch, Czech, Spanish, Slovenian, Icelandic, Bulgaria, Deutsch, Danish, Croatian. Feature: Added option to select WordPress page for Readmore link, and synchronize with WordPress Privacy policy page. [cookie_after_accept]..content goes here..[/cookie_after_accept]. Thank you , WP Cookie Notice for GDPR, CCPA & ePrivacy Consent. Es speichert keine persönlichen Daten und wird nur nach einer Benutzer-Aktion gesetzt (Akzeptieren/Ablehnen). Only the ‘necessary’ cookies will be loaded until the user gives consent. Companies do have a right to process their users’ data as long as they receive consent. Heb ik altijd een opt-in nodig bij contactformulieren? Aktiviere das Plugin über das Menü „Plugins“ im Dashboard von WordPress, Deine URL (diese brauche ich, um dir helfen zu können! Gib in das Suchfeld „GDPR Cookie Consent“ oder einfach „gdpr“ ein und starte die Suche. – GDPR (EU): The General Data Protection Regulation Es ist derzeit technisch nicht möglich, alle Cookies in deiner WordPress-Website vollständig zu blockieren ohne vorher alle Plugins zu aktualisieren, die Cookies benutzen. It also support for cookie compliance in accordance with CCPA which is a state statute intended to enhance privacy rights and consumer protection for residents of California. ), Die Bedienungsanleitung zu „GDPR Cookie Consent“ (engl. Fix: Frontend translation issues for Cookie Categories and description. Dies funktioniert nur zusammen mit dem Haupt-Cookie. Fix: Fixed for Accept, Decline buttons link URL issue. Is it possible to remove the button in bottom and use a link to change to user consent ? Filter to display cookie bar only on selected pages. Fix: Cookie Bar display on frontend issue when Pro plugin is active. Continuously updated known cookie information database. Users can also choose to consent to use of cookies from a specific category. GDPR Compliance and Cookie Consent is a plugin created by StylemixThemes. Für die manuelle Installation musst du die ZIP-Datei des Plugins von der Plugin-Seite auf WordPress.org herunterladen. According to the directive –. Feature: Plugin updated to address ePrivacy cookie notice. Behoben: Konflikt mit dem Divi-Page-Builder, Korrektur – JavaScript-Fehler im IE nach 1.8.9-Update, Aktualisierte Übersetzungsdateien für Finnisch, Included support for CCPA ( Do not sell personal information ), JavaScript-basierte Lösung zum Ausführen von Skripten Dritter hinzugefügt, Unterstützung für externe Integration hinzugefügt, um das Standardverhalten des Plugins zu ändern, Introduced ‚wt_cli_enable_cache_flush‘ filter to enable / disable cache flushing, Cookie elements are excluded from the Google search engine indexing (Cookie Consent.. You can specify where you want the cookie bar to show up (bottom, top, left, right) and you can change the colour of the bar and its buttons, so it is easy to make it fit in with your site’s styling. Get visitor consent for cookies using a fully customizable cookie consent bar on your website. ), JavaScript-Lösung für die Ausführung von Drittanbieter-Skripten (engl.). “WP Cookie Notice for GDPR, CCPA & ePrivacy Consent” has been translated into 13 locales. The following people have contributed to this plugin. Update: Made compatible with WordPress 5.2.3. These plugins deal with various aspects of a website and help you to make them GDPR-ready. Um zu sehen, ob der Cookie-Banner eingeschaltet ist, gehe zu „GDPR Cookie Consent > Einstellungen“ und aktiviere die Cookie-Leiste. This plugin is the closest that I have found to complying with all of the new regulation guidance and is the easiest to implement. Give your users granual control on cookies or Option to refuse the consent or for particular non-essential categories only (like marketing or analytics). Fix: Required table creation issue on plugin activation. Diese kannst du in einer übersichtlichen Tabelle z.B. B. Größere Websites mit riesigen Budgets können durchaus in diese Technologie investieren. Cookie consent is just one aspect of GDPR. Support for underline tag in the message bar. ✅ Export/import cookies and related information via CSV file. The users can give their consent from this notification. Mit der Erweiterung kann man mit WordPress erstellte Internetseiten für … Übertrage den Plugin-Ordner in der Verzeichnis „/wp-content/plugins/“. ✅ (Optional) cookie banner can be permanently dismissed or accessible through a “show again” tab. Set the position of the Cookie Consent Banner: at the top or bottom of your pages Flexible – decide which scripts will be loaded by default or only when the user gives consent Includes both ‘Accept’ and ‘Reject’ … ✅ Manage Cookie Categories. Supports WPML so your translation needs are covered. Auf jeden Fall musst du die Verwendung von Cookies auf deiner Website überprüfen und dir geeignete Maßnahmen überlegen. Weitere Informationen zu den Anforderungen findest du unter https://cookielawinfo.com. Give your users the choice to revoke their consent. Melde dich an, um eine Rezension einzureichen. Catalan, Croatian, Czech, Danish, Dutch, English (Australia), English (Canada), English (New Zealand), English (UK), English (US), French (France), German, German (Austria), German (Switzerland), Italian, Japanese, Persian, Portuguese (Portugal), Romanian, Slovak, Slovenian, Spanish (Argentina), Spanish (Colombia), Spanish (Ecuador), Spanish (Mexico), Spanish (Spain), Spanish (Venezuela) und Swedish. Es werden nur die „notwendigen“ Cookies geladen, bis der Benutzer seine Zustimmung gibt. Folgende Menschen haben an diesem Plugin mitgewirkt: „GDPR Cookie Consent (CCPA Ready)“ wurde in 27 Sprachen übersetzt. WP GDPR Cookie Notice (11 Bewertungen gesamt) Simple performant cookie consent notice that supports AMP, granular cookie control and live preview customization. Default options as per ICO compliance to quickly launch. Vollständig an das Aussehen deiner Website anpassbar: ändere Farben, Stile und Schriften, Platziere die Cookie-Leiste entweder im Bereich des Headers oder des Footers, (Optional) Cookie-Richtlinie akzeptieren, wenn der Benutzer scrollt, (Optional) Cookie-Leiste automatisch nach Ablauf einer bestimmten Zeit schließen (Verzögerung ist einstellbar), (Optional) Cookie-Banner kann dauerhaft ausgeblendet werden oder über ein Tab „Erneut anzeigen“ erreichbar bleiben, (Optional) Tab „Erneut anzeigen“ ist vollständig anpassbar, inklusive der Position auf der Seite und der Gestaltung, Shortcode „Cookie-Überprüfung“ für die Erstellung einer schön gestalteten Datenschutz- und Cookie-Richtlinie. Bitte melde Fehler im Supportforum. Show a subtle, non-intrusive cookie consent notice on your website. Geo-coding to detect visitor’s location & optionally show/hide the cookie notice bar. The WP Cookie Notice for GDPR, CCPA & ePrivacy Consent plugin helps you comply with the GDPR in the following ways: The California Consumer Protection Act (CCPA) came into effect on 1st January 2020. Gehe in deinem Dashboard zu „Plugins > Installieren“. GDPR Cookie Consent Banner is a free plugin with a very straightforward setup. Option to choose from the built-in pages for ‚Read More‘ link. Such con… Keeps a searchable log of consents given by all website users (Pro version). Feature: Option added to reload the page after accepting the notice. Displays the cookies in your CCPA privacy policy or anywhere on your website, along with categories with an easy to use WordPress shortcode. Cookie Law Info bar can be shown in header or footer, New animations on page load / close header. The key features are clear privacy policies and cookie information, GDPR consent checkboxes, a cookie blocker, consumer data access, and the right of website users to be forgotten. Option to accept the notice on scroll (Option to configure – Allowed in some countries). Cookiebot is a WordPress GDPR plugin that gets consent for cookies in different categories. Option provided to change default settings as per your local laws. The GDPR Cookie Consent plugin will assist you in making your website GDPR (RGPD, DSVGO) compliant. Users can choose to ‘Accept’ or ‘Decline’ the use of cookies. The GDPR Compliance & Cookie Consent plugin has been carefully designed with the specific goal of protecting the personal data of your customers and other visitors to your website. 1 Site 50% OFF | SAVE $15 $ 29 $ 14 5 Sites 50% OFF | SAVE $25 $ 49 $ 24 Unlimited Sites 50% OFF | SAVE $40 $ 79 $ 39 Add to cart. Du kannst bestimmen, dass die Cookie-Leiste nach einigen Sekunden verschwindet (vollständig konfigurierbar) oder ob du das „Akzeptieren durch Scrollen“ anwenden möchtest (eine nach italienischem Recht verfügbare Option). Zusätzlich unterstützt es die Konformität gemäß des brasilianischen LGPD und des „California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA)“, einem Gesetz des Staates Kalifornien, das die Datenschutzrechte und den Verbraucherschutz für die Bewohner Kaliforniens verbessert. Nein. Displays a “Do Not Sell My Personal Information” link on the homepage which can be pointed to a custom page, where a user can request to opt-out of the sale of the user’s personal information. Update: Made compatible with WordPress 5.3.2. Activate the plugin through the ‘Plugins’ menu in WordPress, Go to “GDPR Cookie Consent” to configure the cookie notice bar with your own text, colours and styles. Aber wenn ein anderes Plugin Skripte hinzufügt oder ein Cookie setzt, dann haben wir keinerlei Kontrolle darüber, denn wir können nicht wissen, welche Plugins du verwendest oder wie sie funktionieren. Install the plugin and add a notification that the user's cookies are used by the website. Very professional appearance. Feature: Customization options for Cookie Settings Button. The key features are clear privacy policies and cookie information, GDPR consent checkboxes, a cookie blocker, consumer data access, and the right of website users to be forgotten. Let us see how we can achieve GDPR Compliance with the WordPress GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. GDPR Cookie Consent (CCPA Ready) Obtaining user consent before storing cookies on their device is mandatory per GDPR. Ready to use, pre-designed templates for cookie consent notice. Fully customisable to match your website’s design. Allow access to your website, even if users do not consent to non-necessary cookies. Die automatische Installation ist die einfachste Art, das Plugin zu installieren. ✅ Allow to display cookie notice settings popup where site visitors can opt-in or give consent to cookie categories. Pricing; or Join the Club (88% OFF) WPS Cookie Consent Plans. Update: Added help mascot within the plugin. Changed Reject button colour for Open URL and Close Header options. “WP Cookie Notice for GDPR, CCPA & ePrivacy Consent” is open source software. Sponsored advertisements By visiting our web site, you conform to our phrases and circumstances and privateness coverage. Is the best!! The cookie message bar has been defaulted to include Reject option in addition to Accept. This cookie policy simply means that the websites that originated in any of the EU countries will have to take consent from their visitors before storing or retrieving any information from their devices. Provides an easy-to-use admin area in the WordPress dashboard, where you can add details of cookies used on your website. In unserer Premium-Version können Besucher die Kategorie von Cookies ablehnen, die sie nicht gesetzt haben möchten. Feature: Added pre-designed templates for cookie consent notice. The cookies are not rendered by default and only upon user consent. Get visitor consent for cookies using a fully customizable cookie consent bar on your website. The issue is we already have other scripts and a gdpr consent plugin which launches some scripts on load with a turn off option. Feature: Provide option for user to change prior consent. Feature: Option to set cookie expiry time for the GDPR consent given by users. ✅ Put the cookie banner in either the header or the footer, as pop-up or even as widget. Browse the code, check out the SVN repository, or subscribe to the development log by RSS. Provide a clear and conspicuous link on the business’s Internet homepage, titled “Do Not Sell My Personal Information,” to an Internet Web page that enables a consumer, or a person authorized by the consumer, to opt-out of the sale of the consumer’s personal information. Automatically fills cookie information for all known cookies. I activated it and in a minute I knew how it works. ✅ Option to renew consents when there is a change in policy. Defaulted the minimize cookie bar option for Read more link to disabled state. No. Auto-hide cookie notice after delay (Can be configured). If you want to have your own design – It’s a completely customisable cookie notice plugin. The only WordPress plugin that helps you comply with the EU GDPR’s cookie consent and CCPA’s “Do Not Sell” Opt-Out regulations. Fix: Fixed conflicting issue with BootStrap js. Du kannst diese Liste z. Daher würde das Blockieren/Löschen von Cookies auf einer WordPress-Website/Blog möglicherweise/wahrscheinlich deine Website beschädigen. Fix: Cookie Expiry and Settings Button option save functionality issue. Animate your banner appearance. The consequences of non-compliance including the hefty fine made it almost impossible for people to take it lightly, as they did with most other online privacy laws. Feature: Auto-hide cookie notice after delay (Can be configured). Das Plugin „GDPR Cookie Consent“ hilft dir dabei, deine Website gemäß der DSGVO (GDPR, RGPD) einzurichten. In der kostenlosen Variante kannst du die Skripte ebenfalls blockieren, allerdings ohne die Wahlmöglichkeit auf Kategorie-Basis. ✅ Manage list of cookies ( Name, CookieID, Description, Duration, Type, Category, Header Script, Footer Script). Styling issues with winter style of cookie audit table shortcode fixed. ✅ Scan and import/export the cookies. Update: Improvements in Cookie notice display design. ✅ Location based exclusion of cookie notice for EU countries. It will help you to make your website GDR compliant in simple way. ✅ “Cookie Audit” shortcode to construct a nicely-styled ‘Privacy & Cookie Policy’. Du wirst über jedes Update auf der Seite der installierten Plugins informiert und kannst direkt von deinem Dashboard aus aktualisieren. Niet altijd. Nein. There are features to translate the cookies into five different languages. It offers you tons of customization options. – googleoff: all ->), [Bug fix] Privacy overview is not visible if the content is in Cyrillic alphabets, [Improvements] Fixed compatibility issues with Decorator – WooCommerce Email Customizer, Bug fix w.r.t the plugin release version 1.8.4, Defaulted privacy overview heading tag to H4, Introduced ‚wt_cli_change_privacy_overview_title_tag‘ filter to change privacy overview heading tag, Introduced ‚wt_cli_add_custom_cookie_categories_name‘ filter to change cookie category names, Added option in admin to modify the default button state of the non-necessary cookie category. ✅ WPML, qTranslate, Polylang compatible. Feature: Automatically accept cookie consent on scroll and close cookie notice (Option to configure – Allowed in some countries). Customise the text, colour picker, font customizer to give your own unique look. Functionality issues with reject button on open URL fixed. Feature: Accept All button on consent bar. Helps you comply with EU GDPR. Helps you comply with CCPA. Complianz | GDPR/CCPA Cookie Consent zal dit automatisch voor je bepalen op basis van de wetgeving in het gebied of de gebieden waar de meeste bezoekers vandaan komen. If you encounter any issues associate Yes, It has an iFrame Blocker – The user data is not tracked via iFrames unless they give the consent. No auto ticked consent by users. Dann klicke auf den „Installieren“-Button neben dem Plugin „GDPR Cookie Consent“ von WebToffee. One-click cookie scan, so you don’t have to manually enter cookie list details. Issue with the plugin interfering with breadcrumb fixed. Administratoren können Cookie-Details und deren Beschreibung im Backend konfigurieren. Auf allen Seiten deiner Website (am Kopf oder Fuß der Seite) einen Cookie-Hinweis einfügen, in dem du deine Besucher auf deine klar definierten Datenschutz- und Cookie-Richtlinien hinweist.

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