Also, Jobs children didnt come back at the end of the book. yes you pointed out the few like cereal, that i already said were inaccurate. It is also a dangerous drug" (Proverbs 20:1). Share any teaching or belief that is contrary to what Jehovahs Witnesses are taught. Sure, a concordance may be used to figure out its meaning, but thats through reading the word in context in Hebrew. Five Scary Core Beliefs of the Jehovah's Witness - JW Answers 10 Things That Sucked About Growing Up A Jehovah's Witness Perhaps better than defining evil ones self, ask Christians to list behaviors they use to identify evil. In fact, 41 countries - or around a fifth (21%) of those evaluated - banned at least one religion-related group in 2019, according to a Pew Research Center analysis of laws and policies in effect in 198 countries in 2019, the most recent year for which comprehensive data is available. (3) Associate with people outside their organization when it is not necessary. Everything with them is mental and mind games but no one is going to physically hurt anyone. was used by Jehovah in creating all other things," Aid to Bible Understanding, p. 390-391. Jehovah's Witnesses worshipped Jesus until 1954, after which they were told such worship was idolatrous. Not even that of their family members. Top 25 things Jehovah witnesses can't do. It is truly terrifying. One of their chief gods was named Enlil. Leave the question to fester in their minds. Chances are they will include such behaviors as murder and genocide, animal and human sacrifice, torture, child abuse, animal abuse, theft, slavery, rape, incest, cannibalism, betrayal and lying. Door-to-door no more: How Jehovah's Witnesses have adapted in COVID Some of the things they say around other people embarasses me, because everything they are taught is by the Society, and just a group of old men that dont know shit about shit. Any of the cult members (myself included previously) will NEVER accept being misled and demonizing anyone who speaks out of the faith. Here are the 140 things Jehovah Witnesses can't do: (1) Belong to another organization or club for the purpose of socializing with nonbelievers. Necessary cookies are absolutely essential for the website to function properly. I was a Jehovahs Witness for 18 years. Some of them were counted illegal in many states until recently. I never baptized. List of Watch Tower Society publications - Wikipedia 1. 12 Outrageous Facts about Jehovah's Witnesses you need to Know I survived this cult too. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. 0. Say anything negative about their organization, 24. 1. There is no satan, just your own unchecked evil! Dealing with the bullying at school that accompanied with being a Witness. If a degree will help us make more money working less hours so we can have amoretti balanced life and time for spiritual growth, all the better. Members believe that, 3 years after 1914, Jesus came to "inspect and cleanse" the Watchtower Society, choosing it as the only organization . They tried to get my sister and I to go back, but we were almost combative over it. (86) Celebrate any holiday except the death of Jesus Why? Hence, it is against the tenets and teaching of Jehovah witness for its members to campaign for any political office aspirant. But Biblical Hebrew, at the time the Old Testament was written, didnt have the voiced labiodental fricative, either, which is what is usually written v. God. Now let's examine some questions related to topics directly addressed in the Bible. Library : Five Don'ts For Dealing With Jehovah's Witnesses Don't Allow The Witnesses To Bring Up Multiple Issues And Get You Sidetracked. The only explanation I can suggest is that the god of the O.T. My major question is about the distribution of personal assets, including real estate, bank accounts, investment accounts from a deceased Jehovah Witness? What Serena Williams Has Said About Being a Jehovah's Witness - Yahoo! it was also at the district conventions too. Jehovah's Witnesses' Rules - avoid People are biblical MORONS and why? The Holy Spirit . If they refuse to accept this as actually happening perhaps get them to think how they would react if hypothetically it had happened. (124) Believe in good luck or say things such as Good luck to you. But whatever the case may be, the above mentioned are the top 25 things Jehovah witnesses cant do. Christian: Let me ask you only one question and after you answer it, I'll answer any question you want. It contains deliberate changes to many verses of Scripture. For many years, artificial insemination has been employed in animal breeding. That is Satans birthday and about all things evil and Satanic. Its practically against their doctrines. The Jehovah's Witnesses have since had fewer encounters of the sort that led them to seek relief at the Supreme Court level, but they retain their legal department. YES! Now I always question when my wife will leave due to my inexperience and skepticism. Go against the organizations doctrines. Do Jehovah Witness Celebrate Anniversaries | Hearinnh In the same vein, substantial changes in the organizational continued as teaching and congregations programs came under centralized control. What do the Jehovah's Witnesses make of Serena Williams' cursing? Jehovahs Witnesses publications also suggest that Witnesses listen to this music in their personal time. Death is the opposite of life. It is listed in the book of cults. Are you asking if Witnesses use some sort of device to cause a person pain? A list of Jehovah's Witness Rules You won't Believe Are Real - JW Answers All of those billions of poor non-Trinitarian lost souls in the world yearning to worship Jesus as God and celebrate traditional Christian holidays Christmas, and celebrate . Why do you think that the comment section is for d. 2.Have best friends and activity buddies who are not Jehovah's Witnesses. Hi Jay, I will update the article with sources shortly. 100 Things Jehovah's Witnesses Can't Do. Do I think they are brainwashed? We areaways advised to put initial interests first. The brain washing I received was crazy. ****. Essentially, Jehovahs Witnesses are expected to martyr themselves in the name of the Watchtower and Bible Tract Society of New York. My experience has been when I have asked and keep asking like my life depended on it, He answered! Also, one of the things Jehovah witnesses cant do is to disagree with the organizations code of conduct and rules. 726 Followers. The retailers already have the trees and decorations in the stores and its not even Halloween (another fake one). Jehovah's Witnesses take the resurrection of Jesus to be non-physical. Can I post a list of 101 Things Astrid Likes to Do When She is Bored? God is essentially telling Adam, Google is dangerous! The New World Translation Bible says that blood is sacred to Jehovah, it is not to be messed with. Top 10 Reasons You Shouldn't Be a Jehovah's Witness - TheTopTens They just don't believe that a holiday that glorifies human beings is the proper way to do so. Performance cookies are used to understand and analyze the key performance indexes of the website which helps in delivering a better user experience for the visitors. God is nothing! Why? And Jehovah was a jealous and possessive God who was holding humans captive. In the beginning, Jehovah Witness is often regarded as an Adventist movement and it emerged around the predictions of William Miller in 1830s. Typically, Jehovahs Witnesses sing three songs at their meetings for worship. Funny enough, it is part of the Jehovah witness doctrine that they dont donate blood. So let me restate thatyes, it is a brainwashing cult! Go to Nightclubs Read philosophy, sociology, psychology; these are discouraged as non spiritual food JWs are discouraged from seeking psychological help from psychiatrists, psycho-therapists, and psychologists because they give "worldly" advice according to the WTBTS. What characteristics allow plants to survive in the desert? Associate with a disfellowshipped or disassociated individual, whether they are family or not. Any real scholar would also know that a concordance doesnt give the meaning of words. Because Im not baptized, they are not required to shun me, but they have actually asked me numerous times why I have a problem with their religion. Jehovah's Witness Funeral With Cremation: Is It Allowed? You cant be a practicing Jehovah witness believer and still be doing suggestive and immodest dancing. Youll eventually see the hypocrisy that you are actively defending. pierre gagnaire restaurant paris / harry potter lego nintendo switch walkthrough / 100 things jehovah's witnesses can't do. They work part time at a local shop. Some are biblical, but MOST are not. Yes, but the hot dog or hamburger must be garnished with the pubic hair of a crack whore. Is the world a pejorative term for Jehovahs Witnesses? Since 2001, the literature produced by the Watch Tower Society is said to have been "published by Jehovah's Witnesses". For this reason, Jehovah's Witnesses do not drink alcohol in any . Satan was not even thought of as Satan as we think of him until the NT. I pray God will show Himself and His marvelous love to you. It was written over thousands of years by people who believed different things. The dead do not see or hear . Just a big nothing burger! Why are most questions to Jehovah's Witnesses and a JW answers, the Jehovah's Witnesses's practices are based on the biblical interpretations of Charles Taze Russell (1852-1916), founder (c. 1881) of the Bible Student movement, and of successive presidents of the Watch Tower Society, Joseph Franklin Rutherford (from 1917 to 1942) and Nathan Homer Knorr (from 1942 to 1977). Remarry, unless they were granted a scriptural divorce by the elders on the basis of adultery, or if their spouse is dead. Or can they have a Will or Estate be given to whomever they choose even if they are Not a JW?? They always use the "little ones" because they are great calling cards. If you dont tithe at least 10% of what youre worth then your out. Abel was after all the inventor of killing, as he had mauled innocent sheep. Instead they teach that Jesus Christ is a created angel. Is it the parents?? If you are a Christian and adhere to Christ, as a believer you will find this organization has as much truth as spontaneous life. Associate with apostates (Those who have willfully left the religion). The cookies is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Necessary". i would also like to discuss though. Learn More About Jehovah's Witness and Cremation. - Neptune Society Yet their God is guilty of committing, ordering and/or condoning all the above behaviors. The reason behind this is that, Jehovah witness believed that their blood is clean and should not be mixed with that of the non-believers. As rigid as these rules may seem, the true and faithful Jehovah Witness members are sticking to them to the last letter. Once you are engaged as Jehovah witness, you cant break the engagement again. Biblical Responses to Jehovah's Witnesses | This people believes that the religion of Christian is clean and sacrosanct and as such, social vices shouldnt be mixed with it. They are so much about money. 14. Ask a question that is outside what they are told to think (or taught not to talk about) and you get something like 404 page not found Jehovah's Witnesses practices - Wikipedia they are! Since Jehovah's Witnesses appeal to Isa 43:12; 44:8 for scriptural support that they should be called, "Jehovah's Witnesses" then what was the "new name" prophesied in Isa 62:2? In no place does the Bible state that God prohibits cremation. here is a brief list of things Jehovahs Witnesses are not allowed to do when it comes to sex and dating: While Jehovahs Witnesses do not allow getting drunk, Jehovahs Witness culture revolves heavily around eating and drinking. If you dont think their brainwashed, how are you viewed if you didnt get the Jab? Some of their reasons for this prohibition is that other religions are not on the right path and as such, reading their publication will misled their own followers. May 31, 2017, 2:25am . This is exactly what happened in Malawi in the 70s whenJehovahs Witnesses were systematically massacred because their organization did not allow them to purchase a card indicating endorsement of the Malawi Congress Party. By clicking Accept All, you consent to the use of ALL the cookies. What kind of religion does this to its people? Stop attending door-to-door service or meetings. Dating was always a challenge, much less explaining to my wife about my upbringing. Take part in communion unless you have been confirmed as one of the elite 144,000. Worldly people is a pejorative term in the mind of a Jehovahs Witness as well. I was very young when I was encouraged to get married and have children so Im afraid to say I followed that advice for a while. The church is best known for its door-to-door evangelism and its belief that only 144,000 people will go to heaven and the rest of saved humanity will live forever on a restored earth. But neither does the letter A, or the letter B, or the letter C, or the letters D, E, F, G, etc. Celebrate Mother's Day. Worse yet, my other sibling broke nearly every single rule but was never subjected to the horror they put my brother through. Worship Jesus as God" Oh, the horror! Regarding the special nature of October 1914, the Jehovah's Witnesses say this: "'The appointed times of the nations' ended, and Jesus Christ was installed as God's heavenly King. For the best reason known to them, reading of any publication other than that of the Jehovah witness, believers of this religion are not allowed to read them. When he made a mistake he believed with all of his heart that God had abandoned him and that he was not worthy. Required fields are marked *. Jehovah's Witnesses are not allowed to celebrate birthdays and holidays such as Christmas or Easter. Dating is only allowed with the intention to get married and only allowed when the person is of legal age, referred to by Jehovahs Witnesses as the bloom of youth.. (6) Disagree with their organizations rules and code of conduct. Then in Isaiah 9:6 (NWT) we read: "For there has been a child . The result is that you look like an asshole every time someone sneezes as you just sit there staring at them blankly. Belong to another organization or club for the purpose of socializing with nonbelievers. 100 things jehovah's witnesses can't do. It is the duty of all Jehovah witnesses to report any act of insurbordination to the governing body. While the Bible does not lay out a list of explicit words to steer clear from, it is clear that Christians are to stay away from filthy language, unwholesome talk, and crude joking. Christians are instructed to keep from being polluted by the world and to reflect the image of God, therefore Christians should not . It also mentions that the related Ugaritic word hwt means spell, curse. I dont fault people that want it but its not a good cult in my opinion. Jehovahs Witnesses dont really have their own language to use, but rather weighted words and jargon that they use among themselves and/or while preaching to others. The world that we all live in. Celebrate Father's Day. Its a taboo and all Jehovah witness followers are prohibited from having it on their body. Blessings Phil! Biblically, while it is true that there is only one God ( Isa. You cant just ad a strange syllable and expect it to reflect a real etymology. The Jehovahs Witness organization has produced its own bogus version of the Bible. Jehovahs Witness women are not allowed to: Jehovahs Witnesses are directed that they will rely on Jehovah and not try to defend themselves. They seem happy enough and thats good enough. Jehovah's Witnesses still retain their legal department. To some believers, Jesus is the Son of God, to some he is God. We also use third-party cookies that help us analyze and understand how you use this website. ok so maybe they changed their policy on college. My brother lost his life to suicide because of their teachings of disfellowship and disassociation. 1997-2023 BabyCenter, LLC, a Ziff Davis company. Theres nothing in the Christianity religion that is as controversial as calling or referring to Jesus as God. That was changed by the emperor Constantine. Terri O'Sullivan left the religion 17 years ago, aged 21, and . Here's a list of some that immediately spring to mind, this list is not exhaustive - the. 7. 3.Associate with people outside their organization when it is not necessary. Im not sure where their stance is on that at the moment but when I was growing up spankings were a-ok with this group. Breaking off an engagement without a good reason to do so. To look up the meaning of a word, you use a dictionary, not a concordance. Thus that 10 should be added to Gods number. Celebrate Birthdays. What do Jehovah's Witnesses believe? - The Sun Since jehovahs witnesses cannot celebrate holidays , like 4th of July, would it be permissible for them to take an empty hot dog or hamburger bun and fill it with the ass gravy of the governing body and eat that ? God gave man dominion over such creatures and allows him to use them for food, clothing, and so forth. In fact, I was encouraged to spank my own children. This is a topic in which Jehovah's Witness are in agreement with most other religions. Christianity as a religion has different sect or group of believers with different ideology and believes. Associate with people outside their organization when it is not necessary. Jehovahs Witnesses do not observe holidays they believe to have pagan origins, such as Christmas, Easter, and birthdays. But JW believe everything is Satanic. My mom said that Mormons are Devil Worshippers and I had to correct her because Mormons are Mormons and Devil Worshippers are Satanists. We worship the one true and Almighty God, the Creator, whose name is Jehovah. Unlike many other religions, Jehovah's Witnesses believe that death is not just the death of the physical body but also the death of the soul. because of the initial sense of being accepted whatever your circumstances. Fear of judgment or reprisals from your peers or guilt by not following the FFDS which is directed by Jehovah, disappointment from Almighty God. I have spoken to some who believe that the serpent in the garden actually represented the true God (Not Jehovah). Jehovah's Witnesses don't say "god bless you" when someone sneezes, because that practice supposedly has a pagan origin. (4) Attend social functions sponsored by their employer unless attendance is required, (5) Associate with coworkers after business hours in a social settings. JESUS was NOT born on Dec. 25th. The Jehovah Witness belong to the millennialist denomination that was formed in the 19th-century within the larger Adventist movement in the United States. Can't be "Jehovah's Witnesses", for God already used it 20 chapters earlier. Here are 100 things Jehovah's Witnesses can't do: 1. These cookies will be stored in your browser only with your consent. 5 Is the world a pejorative term for Jehovahs Witnesses? Jehovah's Witnesses believe that the Trinity is unbiblical because the word is not in the Bible and because the Bible emphasizes that there is one God. Beliefs. It is in the contention of the proponents of this religion believe that studying those courses might shake the faith of their followers. Bible Student missionaries were sent to England in 1881 and the first overseas branch was opened in London in 1900. Satan is everywhere. If your an ex witness- its a popcorn moment. The first murderer some might, if they realize that God never killed Adam and Eve, say was Cain, but I say it might have been God in the flood. Perform any job that involves the use or carrying of a firearm. "The facts show that this group is a deceptive sect." However, the Bible clearly teaches that Jesus Christ, the Son, is God. 22. I get ALL of that I really do, but they are right about Xmas being a pagan holiday. It does not store any personal data. Such wickedness was to an extent that He did not want His creation to suffer anymore. In the NT it was about love and tolerance. What can Jehovah Witnesses not do list? - Sage-Answer Engage in any homosexual activity or accept the homosexual behavior of others. He only cares about the condition of our hearts. In the OT Jehovah was a warrior God. Jehovah's Witness: Cremation & the Bible. Associate with a disfellowshipped believer, Tristan Tate Biography, Full Name, Age, Net Worth (2023), Whistlindiesel Biography, Real Name, Age, Net Worth, etc. Go on a date without the supervision of a reputable chaperone. 101 Things Jehovahs Witness Cannot Do List. The word parousia (presence) is Greek and it suggests that Jesus Christ would appear again with an invisible presence. This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. To be more accurate, Jehovah's Witnesses recognize the purpose behind the Sabbath Day. Before listing out these things, it is very important we take a clue from the history and formation of the Jehovah witness sect. : Attend College (The Society has lightened up on this somewhat, but if you attend you are not putting Kingdom interests first, and will be judged.)