When the psalmist says, The heavens are telling the glory of God (Psalm 19:1), it does not mean that sunrises and sunsets are the glory of God. As new challenges arise, we can be confident of victory when we are continuing to position ourselves in the will of God. The church is God's chosen vessel to transform lives! You were made to know the glory of God, to taste and see the glory of God, to treasure the glory of God, to enjoy the glory of God. 21 If a man cleanses himself from the latter, he will be an instrument for noble purposes, made holy, useful to the Master and prepared to do any good work. YOU ARE A CHOSEN VESSEL FOR CHRIST. - Blogger I plead with you: dont throw your life away. Source:https://www.spreaker.com/user/pastorg/gods-chosen-vessel-for-his-purpose-and-d But God did not want just anyone ruling over His people. Having been cast to the earth, the Devil continues to fight, but his opposition is not leveled at God directly. Here are a few other posts that may encourage you. We love to hear that we are called for great things in God. Mary Finds Favor with GodLuke 1:26-28. At the Lords direction, I had not worked outside the home since getting married, and my husband was a full time minister in a very small independent ministry. 27 To a virgin who was to be married to a man named Joseph, of the family of David; and the name of the virgin was Mary. Your email address will not be published. With your focus and expectations on His purpose, you have real confidence, because you know that you are among His greatest possessions. Paul is also an example of suffering. Chosen Vessel - A Devotional by David Guzik | Enduring Word Through mercy, because every influence that worked on us to bring us to Christ was a mercy from God. god's chosen vessel for his purpose and directionplymouth township mi police scanner. Are you critical of yourself? "But we have this treasure in earthen vessels, that the excellency of the power may be of God, and not of us." (2 Corinthians 4:7) The only thing a vessel can do on its own is to simply exist, and be available. Thank you so much for commenting it encourages us so much to know that someone appreciates what we wrote. Saul was God's chosen instrument (or vessel), to bear His name before the Gentiles and kings and the sons of Israel. You were shaped and molded and sometimes pounded into a vessel able to know the glory of God. Scripture: Exodus 3:1-22. . Paul said these riches are unimaginable: What no eye has seen, nor ear heard, nor the heart of man imagined . Becoming God's Chosen--Messenger Series . It would mark you as a vessel of wrath. H. A new purpose and direction in life in line with God's sovereign will is a mark of true conversion. I was beating myself up and it really was angry at God . We tend to think that God does everything for us, but we have a part to play in this too. There may even be times when it is our obedience to the will of God that takes us from a physical state of plenty: Paul declared that he had experienced hunger and thirst in 2 Corinthians 11:27. When Paul accepted Christ, his whole life was radically changed. A vessel is not a fountain-it is not a creator of the water-but a container and holder of that which is poured intoit. I concluded that it was either the Devil who spoke to me about a husband so I could end up confused, or, I was mad. Beyond that, when He saved you He had a plan for your life. Despite the futility, he seeks to run "away from the presence of the Lord" (Jonah 1:3). . Those chosen by God are often surrounded and supported by an unseen power that guides them in the right direction. If you do, obey it and believe in the Son of God, Jesus Christ. . 2014-2022 Levaire. You become a vessel for God to use to accomplish His specific task. So what is the good pleasure of God's heart? May God bless you abundantly this upcoming year. Why did that have to happen? Look what He chose a lowly shepherd boy. He led him out of his comfort zone to experiences he could hardly have imagined. We even admire those who we see the Lord using and enjoy being fed by what God pours out through them. Moreover, God immediately blessed Saul with a heart to fulfill his calling: "God gave (Saul) another heart.and the Spirit of God came upon (Saul), and he prophesied" (verses 9-10). First of all verses 70 and 71 tells us that 1. You will never walk in your purpose as you should without acknowledging the reality of this war. We love it!) In eternity past, before anything existed, in God's heart was a desire, something He wanted. Survive the anointing by calling on God. He was a terrifying warrior. Heavenly Lord, my the words of our mouth be . Paul had a dear price to pay for serving His new master. Today's Verse: But the Lord said unto him, Go thy way: for he is a chosen vessel unto me, to bear my name before the Gentiles, and kings, and the children of Israel: ~Acts 9:15 What comes to your mind when you hear the word "vessel?" In the Bible, the word "vessel" implies something similar to a vase or utensil. The Keys to Overcoming the Spirit of Fear. Stripes, prisons, beatings and perils galore were among the apostles afflictions. It is all mercy. The vessel of mercy is very similar to the vessel of honor. You are His possessionfor His purposesand for His honor. God tells us still to do what he requires, with an assurance only that his commands are just, and that there are good reasons for them. Its written by Rebecca and illustrated by her daughter, Hannah Forcier(click for Hannahs Youtube channel). The vessel featured 28,000 miles (45,000 km) of electrical circuits. prairie view elementary staff directory; accident a39 bideford today. Our identity in Christ is a function of our election. Got dents? God's Chosen People - Scripture Study Guide A chosen vessel doesnt just sit on a shelf in a closet somewhereit is frequently handled, moved, lifted, tipped and set in place on a family table. Even if their message was for us we cannot pickup the phone to speak to him and to ask him to personally pray for us. Then I would go pass the rest of my lunch time in the lecture hall waiting for my next class to start. pinkberry gossip girl. Posted on September 21, 2020 by Sabbath School Lesson. Thats how powerfully real God is. In Acts 9:15, God said, "But the Lord said to him, 'Go, for he is a chosen vessel of Mine to bear My name before Gentiles, kings, and the children of Israel'." And this chosen one of God. "But we have this treasure in earthen vessels, that the excellency of the power may be of God, and not of us." ( 2 Corinthians 4:7) *Prayer Points*. Lets look at (1) vessels of mercy, and then (2) prepared beforehand for glory, and then (3) knowing the riches of glory., Gods purpose in verse 23 is to make known the riches of his glory for vessels of mercy, which he has prepared beforehand for glory.. I am blessed to be afflicted because I get with it an equivalent level of consolation. But the Lord said to him, "Go, for he is a chosen vessel of Mine to bear My name before Gentiles, kings, and the children of Israel. Right on the road to Damascus with a letter in hand against the Lord! Today, find a quiet place where you can gaze upon the face of the Lord. And, Let every one that nameth the name of Christ depart from iniquity. In fact, the world is riddled with examples of persons who are even suffering because they have rejected Christ. They brought up the ark of the Lord and the tent of meeting and all the holy utensils, which were in the tent, and the priests and the Levites brought them up. Paul discovered the power of God when God opened his eyes to a new way of thinking. This category only includes cookies that ensures basic functionalities and security features of the website. All Rights Reserved. He desires to communicate with us and provide us with direction, inspiration, and encouragement. H. A new purpose and direction in life in line with God's sovereign will is a mark of true conversion. The apostle Pauls life teaches us five things we need to accept about being a chosen vessel. When we go out by ourselves, we go limited in power and authority because we bear witness of our limited selves. I may not get to meet any of them, but I can share the comfort of God with them through intercession. For tickets and more info call sis Mauriceline Jones 317-397-5914 or Elder Michael Woods. It was to provide water for strangers and . 2:1-15). Such are the redeemed of God. Humanly speaking, Saul was not a likely candidate for salvation. He now lives for God's purpose. Thank you. There are no words to fully describe the internal warfare I bore because of that. There will be a process!). This simply means at some point God made the choice for something to happen according to His perfect wisdom, foreknowledge, and will. Discovering God's Purpose for Your Life - C.S. Lewis Institute What kind of a holy, Supreme Being comes to unclean people seeking to draft them into His holy army with a holy cause?! God's choosing is designed to remove our boasting. God's Chosen Vessels R. Tuck Acts 9:15 But the Lord said to him, Go your way: for he is a chosen vessel to me, to bear my name before the Gentiles, and kings Take the single sentence, " He is a chosen vessel unto me;" literally, "a vessel of election." Are we people who fail to believe that we are a chosen Vessel for a specific purpose. Christ, then, is the obedient-sent servant of his Father's will. You can hardly find a story in the New Testament where an individual comes to faith apart from the involvement of another. The suffering of the world is comfortless; the suffering that comes with obedience to the call, purpose and will of God comes with consolation. As chosen vessels we did not take this on ourselves; it was God who called, chose, processed and sent us. I pray that God will lead you into His purposes, as you surrender to His will for your life. To obtain this desire, He made a plan. I Him to use me mightily, pls help me. People choosing themselves or being chosen by humans to be God's servants is what has brought false teachers, prophets, apostles, etc You can neither power yourself or be powered by humanity for the gospel of Jesus Christ. When I suffer in the will of God, I get front row seats to a revelation of His comforting capacity that other humans (and even some Christians) dont get. He uses Satan and the demons, even . There are specific assignments that you are chosen to do. God's chosen vessels are used for specific, intentional, and targeted pouring. . He had persecuted Christians and tried to stamp out the church. You were called out of spiritual deadness and sinful darkness by mercy, through mercy, and for mercy. 5:1-6; . We pray that your impact goes far and wide for the Lord Jesus. If you are a Christian or willing to become one by faith in Jesus Christ you were prepared beforehand for glory that is to know the glory of God. God has chosen you to be His vessel. That is what you were made for. Lets look at some characteristics that you possess, as a chosen vessel. Now as we all know, a vessel is nothing but areceiver. It is not to say that they did not know how to choose a leader even though they cried out for and was happy with Saul as their king. Undeserved. The angel Gabriel is sent to a young virgin who is engaged to marry Joseph, of the house of David. "You have to choose the leader . God Transforms Evil into A Chosen Vessel God reaches into darkness, establishes vessels there, and shines, also meeting the lost wherever they are. God's purpose for our life has two major aspects: (1) His purpose in the world to come and (2) His purpose in the present world. We only need to gird up our minds with the expectation that there will be a cost to being called. There was a reason the Lord chose him and it was the same reason the other apostles recognized Peter's authority and standing. The Bible is very clear that there are people chosen by God to do specific things. God doesnt want a stationary vessel with a haphazard spillage all over the place. Then, we became tenants for three years. It is God who creates some human vessels to be for honor and others to be vessels fit for destruction (Romans 9:19-26). But I have realize that it is nobodies fault . Paul had been there. Youve got to trust that your Makerthe One who created the universeknew what He was doing when He made you. Isnt it great to know you are chosen? Consecrate yourselfset yourself, and your own will, asidefor His Purposes. God Chooses the Nation of Israel. But thats what I went through in the will of God. (2 Corinthians 4:7) The only thing a vessel can do on its own is to simply exist, and be available. A servant of the LORD must display attributes of live for another, sincerity, loyalty, honesty rather than manipulation and self-deception. Meditate. So on this 17th anniversary of our pastor let us take a look at this lesson that we can identify Gods Chosen Vessel. You can selectively provide your consent below to allow such third party embeds. Perhaps the most difficult truth for the natural mind to accept regarding God is the doctrine of divine election. Read the thirty-eighth verse: "For I came down from heaven, not to do mine own will, but the will of him that sent me.". god's chosen vessel for his purpose and direction Daniel 5:2 Verse Concepts The people of the Christian community are vessels of mercy, prepared before hand by the Divine Potter to be filled with glory. In conclusion, Saul, an enemy to Christians, became Gods chosen vessel. Why does he use that word? (Did I mention he was a mess?). God told one of His servants Ananias to go pray for Paul. The called of God are his primary target. We saw in the last chapter that God designed you on purpose for His purpose. Or perhaps you dont pursue this purpose for your life because you dont want to see glory, you want to be glory. Love is the only context in which Spiritual gifts can fulfil God's purpose in the church . This is a trust you display in spite of what you see in front of you. Those who keep Christ at their center are never in need of bread. . A man without a purpose is like a ship without a rudder, never likely to reach home port . Sheep had no sense of direction, so they needed to be led, sheep would eat grass down to the rocks then would eat the rock and parasites, that is why they need fresh graving grass. Through the Holy Spirit's guidance, the apostle Paul proclaimed the Word of God to thousands throughout the Mediterranean world. All of our resources exist to guide you toward everlasting joy in Jesus Christ. Answer: The chosen people of the New Covenant: the Jews and Gentiles He has called into covenant, who exercising their own free will, have responded to that call. Some containers are intended for long-term storage of a substance, but a chosen vessel is not one of them. GOD'S CHOSEN VESSEL. I dare not give you the impression that this is easy. I had a stroke in 2011 and I was so empty inside. It is not to say that they did not know how to choose a leader even though they cried out for and was happy with Saul as their king. If not, I wonder why. Imagine the flannel graph with me. Many Churches has made a terrible mistake, by choosing people by their own, and not seeking God directions in order to be lead by the Spirit to chose the minister in the church. Because in the end you will not be glorious, and everyone will see that and turn their face away. For your own souls, dont make that mistake. Have you ever tasted sexual desire? The 5 C's of a Chosen Vessel: Lessons from the Life of Paul Imagine God suddenly shining His light through someone whod been evil. Gods people, those indwelled with His Holy Spirit, have refuge from evil here and now. (Please note I said start off! Can Independents Vote In Primaries In Ny 2021, We use cookies to enhance your experience while using our website. When I was a university student, my low financial status meant that I would buy a cheap pack of biscuits, sip some water from the water coolers, and call that lunch! God's Chosen Vessel for His Purpose and Directionpz - YouTube As being called by God brings authority over the Devil, so ongoing submission to God and His will help to maintain that authority. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); You have entered an incorrect email address! . The Hebrew meaning of the word for expected literally means a cord, as an attachment. 13 Bible Verses about Holy Vessels Most Relevant Verses 2 Timothy 2:21 Verse Concepts Therefore, if anyone cleanses himself from these things, he will be a vessel for honor, sanctified, useful to the Master, prepared for every good work. People have suffered for the sake of getting a University degree for example. But I also have an ongoing responsibility to daily honour God in my marriage and familyloving, submitting to, supporting and reverencing my husband; loving my children and teaching them to fear God. And he did it out of the same lump of clay that others came from who do not see or love the glory of God (Romans 9:21). We also use third-party cookies that help us analyze and understand how you use this website. 3. Youchosen oneare holy. If thats how you feel, please remember it is all mercy. Survive the anointing by knowing Who to run to when pressured. Revelation 12:7-9,17, Isaiah 14:12-15,Ezekiel 28:11-17, The Bible is a mysterious book. Rather, it is bearing a limp from a wounded hip, so we can have power with God (Genesis 3:24-31). He now lives for God's purpose. Your email address will not be published. The Lord your God has chosen you to be a people for his treasured possession, out of all the peoples who are on the face of the earth. . I am a chosen vessel of Gods I feel it I have been told Im a chosen vessel I want to learn more as I age become more humble more knowledgeable staying prayed up in the word daily as much as possible is important to my spirit,mind,body n soul also repentance daily for every unkind word, thought n deed because the devil is working 24/7 and we must stay focused. That statement alone should separate hands on pastors from even those we see and hear on T.V. Are You Broken? Is Yoga Dangerous? Paul had an advantage over some of us, though, because at least God told him he would suffer! God's Chosen Vessel | Lincoln We scramble to purchase the latest and greatest, and try to become the kind of person they say we should beor we simply give up trying. Paul: God's Chosen Vessel When Paul accepted Christ, his whole life was radically changed. Key Verse: Ananias went to the house. You see, I cant tell God that Im too sinful for Him to use, then direct Him to yonder hills to find someone else over there who is more worthy. There is an intimacy with God that is reserved for only those who suffer. Most of the time they didn't because even though they were physically from one of God's chosen 12 tribes of Israel, they really weren't God's chosen after all. They are defined by Gods call. Saul was God's chosen instrument (or vessel), to bear His name before the Gentiles and kings and the sons of Israel. It is an embrace so tender, and is hidden from and inaccessible to those who have never been tried. I didnt ask for marriage. The point of using that word the word for wealth and riches is to awaken in us a sense that our inheritance in God is infinitely greater than the greatest riches on earth. Do you live for this? If we look back or look around us, we have seen, and some of us have even experienced, suffering in non-Christian circles. 4:4-11; 2 Thess. and 20 gold bowls worth 1,000 darics, and two utensils of fine shiny bronze, precious as gold. Necessary cookies are absolutely essential for the website to function properly. Theme: You are a chosen vessel of Christ. It's your choice to choose to embrace . Im praying that God will lead me in what His purpose is for my life. If we had all the money in the world we would be paupers compared to those who have only the glory of God. The Psalmist Asaph is encouraging his generation to keep the Law and forget not Gods wonderful works. Chosen Vessel of Grace - Conversation with the Father | Sermo cum Deus Oh, may the glorious doctrine of unconditional election election unto mercy! Welcome to my Chosen Vessels Pray Podcast! Maybe we are saving ourselves for the big purpose we keep searching for, to see the simple ways He wants to use us in our daily walk. So here comes God seeking vessels to use and what does He do? dog names that go with maverick A Servant of the Great High Priest: God's Chosen Vessel 13 Bible verses about Holy Vessels - Knowing Jesus Know here cannot mean be aware of intellectually while feeling indifferent. That would not mark you as a vessel of mercy. What does it mean that Saul/Paul was a chosen vessel (Acts 9:15)? You say you havent tasted Gods glory. We find a synopsis of this prophecys fulfilment in 2 Corinthians 11:23-27. Are You Broken? A quick look through the Old Testament reveals to us how God has always used His chosen vessels to bring forth His prophetic purposes. Translation: Miss, I dont even want to get married let alone to marry a Pastor! Here's why. As a Christian, you are a vessel of mercy. First we must become shepherds or wise stewards, second we must seek God's direction, and third we must be willing to Go for God. When Paul says Gods purpose is to make known Gods glory he means make known as infinitely precious and infinitely pleasing.