It also lets you use the one 3-handed weapon you'll find in the game if you investigate the Graveyard. This is your crafty woodsman, your archer supreme, your tree-huggin' turf-sniffin' beast-trackin' wild man. The Mage and Monk skills are only for their own selves, and there's the Cheerleader Thief when she gets hit, and the Game Room blocking thing for individuals, but they're pretty weak. At level 40, that's about 40 x 32 (1280) more potential HP. If the condition sticks that's 154 damage for the hit, which is better than any other spell (which this is), but if you do that this is all the Hunter is good for. At the end of the game. Inflicting conditions on criticals, added threat or range or whatnot. That's a total (clutch) game changer! Oh the mysterious Warlock! Prepare to join Knights of Pen & Paper 2 in a turn-based, retro style, pixel-art adventure full of danger, intrigue, and semi-appropriate cultural references! Okay, so maybe you're asking yourself why this is SAKA. Rage is a little pointless to inflict as for the most part they just straight attack you anyway. In no gaming universe ever created does the Paladin not have this skill. Between the two of them and any other Condition inflicting skills your party has (including the Monk's flaming fist), and with the crazy high Threat, your Monk will get most of the hits and not feel a thing. In fact I'd say this skill is better than Restoration (great instead of good after all) as it splits up the good vibes. This is those guys, all put together. Complete Google sign-in (if you skipped step 2) to install Knights of Pen & Paper 2. In addition to helping the Ninja disintegrate anything he gets a crit on, he's the Thief's new best buddy as it's his Weakness infliction that makes Barrage of Knives glorious instead of just really good. Knights of Pen and Paper 2. While isnt a good final boss battle team, it is a good team for any other NPC teams go though and heres why. Here is, for once, a concrete reason to care about initiative. He's essentially a different kind of Mage, focusing largely on damage (but more ineffectually), with one protective skill just to mix it up and the super cool seeming ability to move monsters around the battlefield at will. The Knight's crazy high Threat boost will eclipse the Warrior's regardless, even when using Power Lunge when you're facing bosses and other high HP foes. Or is it lightning reflexes? You should be at a high enough level after the main quests and all that slaying that monster XP is going to be negligible no matter what, with the notable exception of the White Dragon and maybe some others. Create free Team Teams. So ultimately, this turns out to be another case of "why would I bring this guy instead of the other guy who's better at it?" And you'll also want 1 skill point in Frenzied Strike ASAP so that he has something to be enraged about. In fairness though it does have the bonus of not using up a feather if your player gets killed over and over in the same battle, which he well might as he's always coming back with low health. And unless you get some items for it, that's where it's gonna stay for the whole game. If all you've got is casters, it's gonna be a tough slog. Level Hail of Arrows and Ambush together so the casting cost stays low, and watch her blossom from a grub-like 3 target wiffle-batter to a full battlefield decimator when she finally gets going. Use your health instead! Kind of sucks. "You can set up fights with 1/2 more enemies" - I'm not much into setting up fights, I'm happy just following the story. Kill Kappas, Ghouls, Skeletons and Zombies to continue quest. But the only advantage to this option is how it makes your Barbarian sip MP. But in either case, you'd be better off just damaging the enemy to get the fight over with - protect your peeps through offense. And even if they manage that, they need to do it every turn or Thrud here will just keep healing back up to maximum. In theory. What this does is let you restore up to 160 MP and then swap your MP and HP. The Knight has a kind of ancillary healing effect to one of his skills, but it's pretty weak. Worth the sacrifice to your all-around damage-itude? Maxing this skill gives you +64% Critical chance until you get hit. Don't skip this skill. It's a have your cake and eat it too situation, where the Knight can wear crazy heavy armor and shield(s) but still have full energy which actually counts as health. And that weapon is the only 2 handed weapon in the game that adds no damage (and, I'll tell you right now, you're better off with the shuriken and anything else in his other hand). The most important factor you should be considering as you go about this is synergy, aiming for multiple interconnecting levels of synergy if you can. Knights of Pen & Paper 2 is the direct sequel of the iconic 2012 game of the same title. Riposte pairs well with this so you have at least some Threat boost, or you could level Power Lunge as well so you're more versatile. Meaning, you're gonna level the skills you're gonna level, and every so often an enemy will take more damage from them, but at least this way you'll know which of your skills will be most effective in any particular fight. And yeah, okay, maybe a very few times this will bring some kind of glass cannon opponent to the fore for proper pummeling, but really rarely - so rarely it's really not a boon at all. So there's nothing wrong with this skill, but you're most likely better off investing in something else. Kind of like the Druid, the Psion has some truly original skills that look and act cool, but they are ultimately less impressive in practice than in theory. He gets a Body point (or two, with the right Game Room item) and 2 damage reduction. Since this build does not have a paladin or cleric I decided to go for carapace after maxing out vines. Your special skill here is dragging a back row opponent to the front (unless they resist). HDO:HDO or High Damage Output is really self explanatory, lots of damage, and consists of the Wizard, Rogue . Okay, so two things. How lame is that? I tend to have an aggressive play style, and don't pay too much attention to what damage my guys are suffering so long as they're staying alive, but what this means is that the Knight is better at this than the Barbarian. Now, if you want the wounding itself to actually make a difference, you really aughta max out this skill (which gives you Wound 32). Is there a way to ensure that sudden death occurs during every single battle or even better still is it possible to inflict sudden death each and every combat round with close to 100% certainty, including against all bosses and dragons? He takes advantage of damage reduction in a way I didn't even know was possible before he showed up, he uses energy as health but intelligently for once, and he can build himself up to be the most threatening fighter on the field and take all the agro away from your casters and specialists. Each of the classes has four skills, one or two (sometimes three) of which are passive. Basically giving you the chance to be always at full health after fights in the early chapters. The runner ups in the critical category are the Barbarian, Thief and Monk (in that order), who all max out at about 45-50% (~65-70% with the Barbarian, if you know what you're doing), and don't have multiple hits (except the Barbarian, kind of, more on that later). Build your Druid with Animal Companion and either Feral Mauling or Grappling Vines as your two maxing skills, but put just one point here for the ward. The hard part was convincing the superstar that signing it was the right thing to do. Any battle with a good XP and gold reward is gonna be very difficult to finish in one round. Energy is very useful, but killing your enemies faster is still doing the same thing as you mostly use energy to kill them anyway. This means you can use a Paladin spamming Weakness or a Knight or Barbarian (or Thief maybe) complimenting those 5 with their own Stun critical. Play Knights of Pen and Paper 2 For Free on PC - EmulatorPC And I've been talking max level. Similar to its predecessor, this turn-based RPG title comes with retro-style graphics, an odd roster of characters, and tons of immersive quests moderated by a game master. The last category is in the middle-ground specialists are so fond of, the Thief and Druid, Hunter and Ninja. Assemble your party and control your group of pen and paper role-players as they are guided through their adventures by the Game Master. Which means after 3 turns you're on par with the Paladin and Cleric at their most healing-est, and after 4 or more turns you're crowned the new healing prima donna. Kyy Studios took over development of this sequel. Knights of Pen & Paper 2 Wiki is a FANDOM Games Community. Yes, you can bring him up to 10 or 12 body or whatever, but he's still gonna feel paper thin compared to any of the Fighters and what they can handle because the body boost doesn't actually add HP and there's no synergy skill like the Barbarian has to take care of that. 7 Points bulwark for the threat boost, and currently 14 in True strike. So, your choice of race has the least impact of your 3 choices. (Important note: as this skill is not weapon based, Backstab won't kick in here. Perhaps be more diligent in future, ensuring that you understand the full context before hitting that delete button (or backspace more likely backspace probably - either way). And sadly Renewing Carapace can't make up for these problems as it takes a turn to get that ward up, and you may or may not get the 80 HP heal depending on if someone hits you (which they well might, since you're a big threatening bear now). The extra trinket slot is delicious, no matter how you slice it, but also tempts one with some interesting choices. In theory, this skill kicks major ass. Vines on their heads, vines squeezing the life out of enemies, and I suspect a heavy dose of the dried vine weed pipe at the end of a hard day battling evil the renewable green way. It's very much that kind of game. Also, you'll either want a high Senses score or a really low one. And really that's the best case scenario here and a solid build. To be competitive by the higher levels in this game, you really need your skills to be maxed out, and this means each class is always better off focusing on just two skills. Here's a hot steaming serving of fire in your face! This is all great, but starts looking even better combined with the Thief's Barrage of Knives, or a group that lays on the conditions so you're getting a Sudden Death once every battle or two. The fact that you can hit the back row with this as well is just sweet delicious blood-flavored icing on your death-dealing cake. Except not enough skill points. Pigmy shrew maybe? The glass half empty perspective is that, in order for this skill to kick in and allow you to damage anything that attacks you, your health needs to be all gone. Anger Management is the key here, bringing his, well, just about everything up by massive amounts. Which is why Confuse seemed like a good idea be able to inflict regularly, because it's dangerous for your team when they get confused by the enemy. You need to sign in or create an account to do that. So, great not SAKA. For me at least, it just doesn't feel powerful enough for all the skill points you need to pump into it, so I just can't bring myself to bump this up to the 'great' category. Light one handed weapons get +1 Damage and Threat per upgrade, heavy one-one handed weapons +2, light two-handed ones (staves and bows) gain +3 of each, and the heavy two handed-ones gain +5. Okay, so 1 point for Body and 2 for Senses. This does have some practical applications, such as providing another victim for Cleave and Lightning, or just getting that back row caster up front so your Barbarian can properly pummel him. If you inflict Burn, Poison or Wound with this, it's at level 1-9 (1 point every 3 levels of the skill). Knights of Pen and Paper 2 for Android - Download The Arcane Flow will help here as there's no other energy regen in the party, but still you're mostly leveling it to add damage to Lightning. Which is pretty close to that 136 from Frostbite, all things considered, except it's going to hit up to 4 creepies at once. Which, if you're not just a tweaker but also a completionist, you'll want to do anyway so you can play all the quests in the game (you'll need a complete bestiary for that). 1. Knights of Pen & Paper 2 Deluxiest Edition Walkthrough overview The thief. It's pretty rocking. But you should get past it, 'cause really, it's all about the dragons. So, since the olden days when, one presumes, Gary Gygax came up with the concept of experience points (and, if he didn't, he's the one who [stole it and] spread the good word - thanks Gary), we have this just wonderfully practical way of quantifying what learning is like. But this can work really well if you combine it with Touch of Blight. And I haven't even gotten into the Monk's skill, the Thief's skill, the Druid's skill, Criticals and Sudden Death and how all that works together. One is with weapons (or weapon-based skills) and the other with spells. Don't find it that useful, but it's not bad against some monsters with high damage reduction. Now, if you build your team around a Tank with 4 very low Threat companions, the difference the Kawaii Sofa makes is around 10% increased Threat Percentage for the tank. Knights of Pen and Paper 2. While fun in theory, it's also fun in practice. Download the best games on Windows & Mac. The part that is thoroughly awesome is that if you have this skill (at any level) you negate all incoming attacks from enemies with conditions. And then you'll start asking yourself why you brought the Hunter instead of the Mage or Warlock or Thief, Ninja, Paladin anyone else really. They might bop you on the way out with a single hit, then down a potion or two if you need to and go back into the same room. Each of them has a weapon based skill, and then one that isn't, but that is also not a spell. For the evil lord in all of us. Knights of Pen & Paper 2 is a turn-based, retro style, pixel-art adventure full of danger, intrigue, death, and saving throws! Mind invasion is a jolly good skill with pretty good damage, and it'll help with your acrobatic Monk, especially when the Confuse is resisted and Rage is inflicted instead, because Confuse ignores Threat. The beauty of it is that it can stack, and Shadow Chain can make this devastating - adding up to 96 Wound in just one turn. So what we have here is a walkthrough for Knights . However you feel about the whole "Investigate" mechanic in this game, you're gonna need many of the items you find this way, especially the immunity items. What it does is fill up the details in your Bestiary twice as fast. Use your Knight for what he's best at, I say. Leave him in the game room with the Goth, I say, so they can exchange existential love poems and kiss violently behind the pinball machine. But the damage is a little less (at max level: 308% of weapon damage instead of 324% like the Warrior and Barbarian skills - you know, just to put him in his place because he hasn't dedicated his entire existence to killing - that's 16% less for you buddy), the Threat boost (56 max) is impressive but you lose it every turn, so in a long battle (which is when you'll really want your Threat) the Warrior will serve you better. But quests work differently here, in that (and it took me a while to figure this out) when you complete a quest, the XP you receive is not related directly to your level. Reveal your secrets, Monk! If you can dig it, though, it is pretty sweet getting to level 84 (my personal best with a 2 man team) with 3 skills maxed and the last still at half mast. There's obviously a lot of . Sort of unexpected since this guy is all about the Rage. This game - is awesome! So, if you love stunning things and you want this skill, probably better to commit all the way and skip Power Lunge. Or at least advisable. Many of them are practically pointless and a good number do qualify as an advantage, but just barely. Solid bonus for those utilizing consumables. It will be up to Rodgers, who has to decide if he wants to . I suppose if you think Confuse is like the bestest thing to inflict it might make sense, except Confuse backfires more often than not. What with the Threat, he's sure to be attacked soon no matter who else is thumping his chest in your group. if you really want offensive magic in your team, there's a perfectly good Mage sitting over there waiting for the chance). If you do get hit, by a group attack like Lightning or something, you waste a turn switching the skill on again, and that can be annoying. Burn stacks, so that's always nice, and combined with the Monk's Acrobatics it gives another chance to avoid any damage from a monster that's on fire. Likewise level 6 will carry you through to level 25 or so, allowing you to focus on leveling Radiance throughout. So I'll go over three teams that I like that represent a basic approach (defense, offense, and 'fun but kinda weak'), and leave further experimenting to you. But once again his Initiative skill is a step behind the Thief's. The good news is that, with the last update, there are 3 new caves with 3 levels each, and each of those corresponding to a range of levels of monsters. Is it the bald head? The most recent departures are Bertuzzi, who made his Red Wings debut during the 2016-17 season, and Hronek, who made his debut during the 2018-19 season. More to the point, if you max out the upcoming SAKA skill - like you should - this skill is a better balance than leveling up Guiding Strike, which is going to be weaker than Smite even for a single target for the first 10 levels or so. There are 5 of each of the 7 types of item in the Game Room, you can only have 1 of the 5 active at any time, and generally there's an obvious winner - but sometimes you do have to make a difficult choice between bonuses. Knights of Pen & Paper Review - RPGamer Let's see what they're all packing: Oh boy, is it hard to not take this guy along in any party. So, you've played through the game a few times, you're feeling pretty done and you don't have a strategy guide to write that keeps you coming back (excessively) for more. It's like the Barbarian's version of this skill but without the health boost and a twist instead. This adds 4/5 status on a single enemy. So unless you go with the slice and dice critical beast mentioned above, this is gonna be your bread and butter skill. The Knight would block 13.12 of the damage, which I'm assuming with standard math means 13. I'm gonna skip the basics. Knights Sports, Sporting Memorabilia, Wisden Almanack Auctions Knights of Pen & Paper is a role-playing video game developed by Behold Studios and published by Paradox Interactive and Seaven Studio.It was released on October 30, 2012, for iOS and Android, and on June 18, 2013, for Windows, OS X and Linux (the latter under the name Knights of Pen & Paper: +1 Edition).A Nintendo Switch version, entitled Knights of Pen & Paper: +1 Deluxier Edition, was . Best Combinations? - Knights of Pen & Paper 2 - GameFAQs So yay, here we have another specialist to join the thiefy classes. It increases your critical chance by up to 32%, but more importantly gives you an extra hit after a critical with the potential for more criticals and more hits. Whatever, a delightful little animal companion to plop on the gaming table. So, along with the Paladin (and the Cleric obviously), this is the only class that has a heal skill.