Social interaction is routinely appropriate. L. Code L-1 h, i (38 CFR 3.350(b)). For example, if there are two disabilities, the degree of one disability will be read in the left column and the degree of the other in the top row, whichever is appropriate. Complete inability to communicate either by spoken language, written language, or both, or to comprehend spoken language, written language, or both. Bursitis Thereafter, rate residuals of disease or medical treatment under the most appropriate diagnostic code(s) under the appropriate body system (, Note (3): If eye involvement, such as exophthalmos, corneal ulcer, blurred vision, or diplopia, is also present due to thyroid disease, also separately evaluate under the appropriate diagnostic code(s) in, For six months from date of discharge following surgery. Hip Labral Tear The labrum is a 9913 Teeth, loss of, due to loss of substance of body of maxilla or mandible without loss of continuity: Where the lost masticatory surface cannot be restored by suitable prosthesis: All upper and lower posterior teeth missing, All upper and lower anterior teeth missing, All upper and lower teeth on one side missing, Where the loss of masticatory surface can be restored by suitable prosthesis, With displacement, causing severe anterior or posterior open bite, With displacement, causing moderate anterior or posterior open bite, With displacement, causing mild anterior or posterior open bite. Albuminuria alone is not nephritis, nor will the presence of transient albumin and casts following acute febrile illness be taken as nephritis. A separate drafting site The conversion to the nearest degree divisible by 10 will be done only once per rating decision, will follow the combining of all disabilities, and will be the last procedure in determining the combined degree of disability. 6204 Peripheral vestibular disorders (Vertigo). Note (3): This section is for evaluating Raynaud's disease (primary Raynaud's). About VA disability ratings We assign you a disability rating based on the severity of your service-connected condition. Apply the provisions of. A total disability rating (100 percent) will be assigned without regard to other provisions of the rating schedule when it is established by report at hospital discharge (regular discharge or release to non-bed care) or outpatient release that entitlement is warranted under paragraph (a) (1), (2) or (3) of this section effective the date of hospital admission or outpatient treatment and continuing for a period of 1, 2, or 3 months from the first day of the month following such hospital discharge or outpatient release. The table titled Evaluation of Cognitive Impairment and Other Residuals of TBI Not Otherwise Classified contains 10 important facets of TBI related to cognitive impairment and subjective symptoms. 8523 Anterior tibial nerve (deep peroneal), paralysis. (eg: 6006 Retinopathy or maculopathy not otherwise specified, Note: This code includes orbital trauma, as well as penetrating or non-penetrating eye injury. (C) Diminished muscle excitability to pulsed electrical current in electrodiagnostic tests. Weakness is as important as limitation of motion, and a part which becomes painful on use must be regarded as seriously disabled. Added March 11, 1969; removed September 22, 1978. Schedule for Rating Disabilities; Dental and Oral Conditions Subastragalar or tarsal joint, ankylosis. Evaluate under the General Rating Formula for Diseases of the Eye, disfigurement (diagnostic code 7800), conjunctivitis (diagnostic code 6018), etc., depending on the particular findings, and combine in accordance with, Evaluate under the General Rating Formula for Diseases of the Eye. L. 90-493, the graduated ratings of 50 and 30 percent for inactive tuberculosis will not be elevated. Eleventh (spinal accessory, external branch) cranial nerve. Thereafter, use the General Rating Formula. 5054 Hip, resurfacing or replacement (prosthesis): For 4 months following implantation of prosthesis or resurfacing. 5206 Forearm, limitation of flexion. Diseases of the genitourinary system generally result in disabilities related to renal or voiding dysfunctions, infections, or a combination of these. With dietary restrictions to full liquid and pureed foods, With dietary restrictions to soft and semi-solid foods. Evaluate each condition separately, as long as the same signs and symptoms are not used to support more than one evaluation, and combine under, Consider the need for special monthly compensation for such problems as loss of use of an extremity, certain sensory impairments, erectile dysfunction, the need for aid and attendance (including for protection from hazards or dangers incident to the daily environment due to cognitive impairment), being housebound, etc. cm.) Keep in mind the VA will likely rate your shoulder injury using one type of rating criteria. Shoulder injuries are often caused by overuse, repetitive motions, or sudden trauma. See nerve involved for diagnostic code number and rating. The digestive system is made up of the mouth, throat, esophagus, stomach, small intestine, large intestine, rectum, and anus. Many of these medications cause other disabilities through side effects. The graduated ratings for nonpulmonary tuberculosis will not be combined with residuals of nonpulmonary tuberculosis unless the graduated rating and the rating for residual disability cover separate functional losses, e.g., graduated ratings for tuberculosis of the kidney and residuals of tuberculosis of the spine. 6208 Malignant neoplasm(other than skin only). Severely impaired. 7808 Old World leishmaniasis (cutaneous, Oriental sore): Rate as disfigurement of the head, face, or neck (DC 7800), scars (DC's, 7801, 7802, 7803, 7804, or 7805), or dermatitis (DC 7806), depending upon the predominant disabililty. No complaints of impairment of memory, attention, concentration, or executive functions. between the thumb pad and the fingers, with the thumb attempting to oppose the fingers, evaluate as unfavorable ankylosis, (iv) If only the carpometacarpal or interphalangeal joint is ankylosed, and there is a gap of two inches (5.1 cm.) When the best interests of the service will be advanced by personal conference with the examiner, such conference may be arranged through channels. Each ear will be evaluated separately. (f) Pain on movement, swelling, deformity or atrophy of disuse. The eCFR is displayed with paragraphs split and indented to follow Objective evidence on testing of moderate impairment of memory, attention, concentration, or executive functions resulting in moderate functional impairment. 8714 Neuralgia, musculospiral nerve (radial). Note: Evaluate syphilitic aortic aneurysms under DC 7110 (Aortic aneurysm: Ascending, thoracic, abdominal). 7811 Tuberculosis luposa (lupus vulgaris), active or inactive: 7813 Dermatophytosis (ringworm: Of body, tinea corporis; of head, tinea capitis; of feet, tinea pedis; of beard area, tinea barbae; of nails, tinea unguium (onychomycosis); of inguinal area (jock itch), tinea cruris; tinea versicolor). Computation of average concentric contraction of visual fields. Rating Knee Pain 6843 Traumatic chest wall defect, pneumothorax, hernia, etc. When evaluating any claim involving complete organic aphonia, refer to 3.350 of this chapter to determine whether the veteran may be entitled to special monthly compensation. 1 Review for entitlement to special monthly compensation under 3.350 of this chapter. Evaluation of Ankylosis or Limitation of Motion of Single or Multiple Digits of the Hand. Narcolepsy VA Rating Complete Guide If you're a veteran who suffers from narcolepsy, you know how debilitating the condition can be. (b) More movement than normal (from flail joint, resections, nonunion of fracture, relaxation of ligaments, etc.). 7818 Malignant skin neoplasms (other than malignant melanoma): Rate as disfigurement of the head, face, or neck (DC 7800), scars (DC's 7801, 7802, 7803, 7804, or 7805), or impairment of function. (iv) When outpatient oxygen therapy is required. or more) and marked deformity, Without loss of bone substance or deformity. Yes, Back Pain is a VA disability. Since 2016, VA Claims Insider has helped thousands of Veterans just like you get the VA rating and compensation they deserve in less time. "Published Edition". When the involvement is wholly sensory, the rating should be for the mild, or at most, the moderate degree. How to File a Claim on (step-by-step)! May be unable to touch or name own body parts when asked by the examiner, identify the relative position in space of two different objects, or find the way from one room to another in a familiar environment. We know the pain of feeling stuck, frustrated, and alone, and we want to make this process as easy and painless as possible for you. Added March 10, 1976; criterion February 3, 1988; Title August 4, 2014. Since the areas of dysfunction described below do not cover all symptoms resulting from genitourinary diseases, specific diagnoses may include a description of symptoms assigned to that diagnosis. Musculocutaneous nerve (superficial peroneal), paralysis. Exercise with undeveloped or unbalanced musculature, producing chronic irritation, can be an aggravating factor. 5166 Forefoot, proximal to metatarsal bones. Where in the judgment of the rating board the veteran's unemployability is due to epilepsy and jurisdiction is not vested in that body by reason of schedular evaluations, the case should be submitted to the Compensation Service or the Director, Pension and Fiduciary Service. [29 FR 6718, May 22, 1964, as amended at 34 FR 5062, Mar. Determining Your Disability Rating - Inability to communicate either by spoken language, written language, or both, at least half of the time but not all of the time, or to comprehend spoken language, written language, or both, at least half of the time but not all of the time. 5278 Claw foot (pes cavus), acquired. Rate as for irritable colon syndrome, peritoneal adhesions, or colitis, ulcerative, depending upon the predominant disability picture. For use in rating cases in which the protective provisions of Pub. View the most recent official publication: These links go to the official, published CFR, which is updated annually. (1) An authorized absence in excess of 4 days which begins during the first 21 days of hospitalization will be regarded as the equivalent of hospital discharge effective the first day of such authorized absence. An evaluation of 20 percent is assigned for recurrent subluxation Convalescence ratings following extended hospitalization. 7801 Burn scar(s) or scar(s) due to other causes, not of the head, face, or neck, that are associated with underlying soft tissue damage: Area or areas of 144 square inches (929 sq. 30 to 34 mm of maximum unassisted vertical opening. 4.76a Computation of average concentric contraction of visual fields. 7615 Ovary, disease, injury, or adhesions of. With very frequent completely prostrating and prolonged attacks productive of severe economic inadaptability, With characteristic prostrating attacks occurring on an average once a month over last several months, With characteristic prostrating attacks averaging one in 2 months over last several months. With marked interference with absorption and nutrition, manifested by severe impairment of health objectively supported by examination findings including material weight loss, With definite interference with absorption and nutrition, manifested by impairment of health objectively supported by examination findings including definite weight loss, Symptomatic with diarrhea, anemia and inability to gain weight, With severe symptoms, objectively supported by examination findings.