It seems good to work at a certain pace, definitely helps when you have to go back on a specific part of an assignment youre doing, it's a lively demonstration of books, it's great. The overall construction of the grading rubrics for code is awful. Welcome to zyBooks's home for real-time and historical data on system performance., .. . Easy to navigate. The questions in the book helped me master the topics. Fast and interactive way of learning. Interactive assignments within the text, easy to understand instructions. user_input= input () lines = user_input.split (',') mult_table = [ [int (num) for num in line.split ()] for line in lines] for row in mult_table: for i in range (len (row)): print (row [i],end . I enjoy the interactive activities in the chapters. I think the challenge problems are a bit confusing. The textbook stuff is great but the coding sections could be more user friendly. Comparing zyBooks with Codio for Computer Science Education I have enjoyed using zyBooks. The problems throughout the text are extremely helpful. I am very impressed with this system. I thought zybooks is a wonderful way to learn python. This zyBook was very helpful with understanding core concepts on ARM instruction. It was fine to use but not my favorite way to learn. The coding challenge exercises are well-executed and help me learn as I am reading. The point of this webpage is this: No matter where you land, you will see mostly positive comments. Clearly, some of those 50% of students are going to be upset they cant access our content free or just ignore it (due to points). But, students deserve the best learning we can provide. Extremely helpful resource and easy to navigate. Please take a short moment to answer by clicking the following link. I took another programming class that was a lot harder than this one. There is so much useful information packed on here that it really eases the stress that comes along with the class. Zybooks is a very good learning resource. It is easy to follow I have only seen one mistake on one of the labs. One of my only requests would be to be able to purchase a book. It's easy to navigate and the material is useful. I think it's really cool to learn like that I like the activities. Scroll to the bottom of this page for further discussion of recent survey results. zyBooks has made it possible to interact with my learning and apply what it has taught me. I like the feature where they let us to see answer, because sometimes I really have no idea what to right, and I don't need to struggle for too long. Katherine Murphy, Student, Clemson University, zyBooks gives just the right level of content for students learning to program, packaged in an interactive online experience that also allows for instructor customization. Anyways, there is a lot to work on. Great system overall. I like the setup. I like the information it covers, but I do wish it was more detailed. All reading material was readily available, due dates were clearly written and sections were clearly broken down which made completing homework assignments in multiple sessions very bearable. Unique to my education experience and appreciated. I love how as soon as you learn a topic you practice using it. The animations are also super helpful when trying to understand a concept. In spite of this, I have enjoyed the experience of learning through zybooks. 95% of the time the program worked well and I was able to learn the necessary content. I think the one issue I have with it is just that occasionally the challenge sets feel much more complicated than is to be expected. Will students be unhappy about having to pay? Ready to see zyBooks in action? I am not just learning it because I need to for my class, but I am actually WANTING to learn it. Zybooks is really cool, is a smart guy, and doesn't afraid of anything. This was my first time working with an interactive book and I was able to learn and understand concepts better. I get to the end and feel like all I've learned is how to do math. However in light of COVID-19 I have not found it as useful but that is partly my fault partly because zybook is not something that is tangible and in front of my face therefore I tend to forget about it. Jose Maya, Student, IUPUI, The combination of online exercises, lectures, and targeted programming assignments, in addition to the book material, provides an effective, multi-tiered approach. Excellent examples, animations, and exercises. I thought it was very engaging for the student. The way it is organized is very useful and the examples and participation activity are helpful. This, I feel, is VERY opposite the way coding takes place - especially since testing your code is a VERY important part of how a successful completion of a programming goal is achieved - and having no clue what the end result of the desired 'test' is for unit testing results in massive frustration and repeated attempts to push code through the grinder until the right size pieces of code come out. For example, one of the chapters used memory allocation in an example but the memory allocation topic wasn't until a few chapters later. I am really enjoying it. zybooks does a good job at explaining the material, but doesn't help much when you get stuck on a challenge. It has numerous spelling and grammar errors as well as confusing material. It is very helpful and compliments a lecture well. It was extremely useful to learn from Zybooks. Its a great resource to use while coding an assignment. I really enjoy Zybooks. At first, I was skeptical, but I like the participation activities much more than the _____ format. Zybooks is a great source for practicing and testing your skills. There is some things that may not be taught the same format for coding in the zyBook. Argentina. It presents the material in an easy to understand way and looking back on the assignments is a great way to review material for tests. I really enjoy it. The labs are good. It's a very useful website with good technology that helps learning with answering questions. zyBooks combine the power of interactive tools, responsive questions, and animations to provide students with a rich learning experience. Pretty easy to use, although the sensitivity to white spaces was rather unnecessary. It is very easy to understand and the examples made the code stick. I'm ashamed to have done less than I wanted to, but the time I did put into the course I got a lot out of. The website has a very modern UI, easy to understand lessons, and has simple, yet clear graphics for the needed assistance. just a better ui for the transitions with fsm simulators, would be nice. zyBooks is easy to use and I enjoy it. It is easy to use. The questions at the end were also very useful as It made sure I was prepared for my class's tests and quizzes. It was a good tool that was paired with lectures and helped me learn the material. The fact that there are actually things for me to interact with (as opposed to a traditional textbook) helps a lot. Skip responses where students answered No to a question at the surveys end asking if we could use their survey comments in marketing materials. I think it helps the student to really learn the material and feel engaged in what is being taught. One of the challenge activities gave wrong answers for the questions, and chapter 7 had the sections out of order. I really enjoy the examples and the short activities within each lesson. Especially since we transitioned online. It's a really nice way to learn. The material is well-organized and presented concisely. So, this would be great to use on the side, but wouldn't be helpful for the assignments. zyBooks is a great way of keeping the readers engaged in the material with the ways i'ts formatted and the embedded book activities. When I miss something in lecture they are a great way to learn the code. I like how it is formed and lets me do the things I need to in order to learn. I like the organization of the textbook including the animations to demonstrate the subject matter, all in all this is a useful text that should be integrated for all subjects. zybooks detects cheating. That is what tech companies are looking for: people who can think, not just regurgitate whatever they just read. Its gotten a lot better. zyBooks was an an extremely helpful resource during the semester when classes were in session on campus. Input is very confusing. Instructors utilize zyBooks to know students' learning activities on the platform. It was so easy to navigate through the app. I wish there was an option to choose a specific problem, and try it again with different variables though. not reliable at times. It was also very helpful to reference later as I progressed in the course. I think it would be better if the website adds this feature that you can practice questions that you answered wrong frequently. The coding portion of the assignments is awful. Very helpful when I needed to refresh on some material. I actually love zyBooks because it encourages learning and doesn't penalize you for wrong answers. However, I think there may be some parts of the book that could be rewritten to make it more engaging to the reader. Well done. I thought it was very useful because a big part of learning computer science is by doing, and through zybooks I was able to practice my skills as I learned the concepts. I miss one character in a challenge exercise and the whole thing goes down the tube. The course material is not organized properly with some courses and the required participation activities are sometimes a hassle to complete. However, until now, everything points to Zybooks (if I have access to the book that's being used, I'll write an update). The interactive questions keep me engaged in the material. Its an amazing tool to use for classes, it helps greatly by making the material very easy to understand. Answers should not disappear after moving to the next page. I think its a pretty good program. You guys are doing great! ZyBooks is integrated with Canvas. zyBooks provides organization and clarity for your assignments, due dates, and other activities that you have to do. It is very helpful and does a great job making sure the student knows the taught material. That's great for the teacher, and that's how software is really tested in real life, however, students from SNHU (at least the ones I tutored) are going through the course without ever running a single line of code on their computers, and interacting with their programs, they just keep writing the code on the zylabs interface, and keep sending the code until the testing suite says the code is correct. Some of the graded code assigments were formatted poorly but otherwise not horrible. IT's a fantastic interactive learning platform. All of this without a clue as to WHAT would be considered passing Long story short - help out the instructors for the long game. One thing I'd improve would be saving the work done on some of the examples upon completing. I thought it made the content more enjoyable and harder to lose focus while reading. The challenge activities are very useful in making sure you learn the content. zyBooks has been an instrumental tool in my undergraduate CS courses. I didnt really like it, it doesnt explain the concepts really well. Laiba Mustafa, Student, University of Guelph, zyBooks increased my confidence in coding. Overall experience is great! Make it easy and fun. Fantastic! Not a big fan. Good material, good examples, good practice. This way no other student ends up like me with some backwards test that everyone pulls their hair out trying to figure out what the test is actually testing for (Shaving bit after bit out of the script until it tells you that you got 1/9 points as opposed to 0/9, etc etc etc) On to my next point: You guys do feedback VERY well. and taking so many classes at a time that is critical. I can learn in my own time. first experience was really positive. Easy to use, good supplament, doesn't replace good lecture/teacher. Students: Using a zyBook in your class? Some of the participation questions are tedious but the examples are super helpful.The overall structure of the course is also very well organized. I think having the activities throughout definitely helps strengthen and visualize my understanding of the material. - zyBooks content and platform ? The lessons were interactive and easily accessible . Interface is really intuitive. Zybooks really helped me understand the course material for this class. Some topics are harder to understand than others, but zyBooks does its best to explain it. However, I truly wish the book wouldn't disappear after the semester. Zybooks is the best learning tool i have ever used, It's been a nice applicable method for teaching people programming in Java. This is the zyBooks company profile. The first textbook I've actually used in my college career. They help me grasp the concepts taught in the book. It allowed me to keep on track with my work through practice problems and participation throughout the entire course. Also I love that if there is a question that I don't fully understand I can show the answer and Work backwards if I need to. I loved that the book was interactive it made it easier to learn and understand. It was a very helpful and organized tool that helped with the material for my class. I just started my Software Dev degree at WGU in July. We have users at all such schools, and student responses are overwhelmingly positive across all. Personally, I've only used it for learning programming languages. The step-by-step visuals where you had to press play over and over felt more tedious than useful since they often didn't demonstrate concepts difficult enough to need such detailed explanations. The participation activities are a great help when I don't understand a topic all that well, but sometimes the challenge activities can be quite tough for a beginner. It is so much easier to go through a chapter with interactive examples and questions to reinforce the concepts. It was good, I like how there was no penalization for getting the wrong answer creating better learning environment. Though I would love if there would be an easy way to access table of contents at the left side of the screen so I can open it even when I am doing the chapters. Watch this quick video to see how zyBooks bridges barriers between instructors and students, re-energizing the classroom and yielding stronger academic results. The zylabs were an awful part of the course tho and ended up hurting learning a lot. Zybooks is great but the only thing is that I wish some of the challenge activities were more simple like the practice problems. The script will do: All multiple choice activities. I hope future online classes use zyBooks. I think its a better alternative to online classes since it explains things relatively concisely however, i prefer actual classes. It's a great resource but reading the lessons is more time consuming then I would like - I wish I could make it move a little faster. zyBooks was helpful in reviewing or getting ahead in the class. It is very difficult for me to grasp a concept through lectures or information. I neither dislike or like zybook, but I find the format more useful than other forms of online instruction. Asking for help, clarification, or responding to other answers. We had issues, however, as we progressed to more advanced materials. Overall I found zybooks to be helpful these past two semesters as the way the lessons were provided, helped give a low risk environment while still being able to teach. over simplifies the concepts and the graphic things are too slow, Easy to use learning platform, and the challenge activities can help students learn better. I think it is helpful for me to understand. I feel that I now understand a lot more than I did coming into the quarantine and that the extra time has helped me fully realized how helpful the zyBook activities are when they are correctly used. My students love it! inspired by a Chinese philosopher, 818 AD. Some of the challenge questions were a little too challenging and I had to look up the answer. The built in compiler is absolutely amazing. I feel that is a good resource that is organized well and it helped me to better understand the java language. All content is posted anonymously by employees working at zyBooks. Zybook was SUPER helpful in learning the material and way better than reading normal textbook chapters. It is a great platform for a class such as CSE which is computer-based. I liked zyBooks but the labs were a lot harder than the assignments. I heavily rely on zybooks for learning to code, and it has not only been a great learning tool, but it is also a resource I find myself very often turning back to when problem solving in programming. Zybooks has given me great insight on both classes I have used it for. It was an effective way to learn the material. Operational 90 days ago 100.0 % uptime . The responses are to our end-of-term survey question: Please share your thoughts on zyBooks. I enjoy the coding part at the end of sections, but the interactive slides are not as helpful for reading. I love zybooks!! zyBooks is very helpful and very informative. I really like how zyBooks is formatted, normally I am really bad with online textbooks, but the fact that there are places to self-test and more dynamic visuals really makes it much easier to learn and remember the information. The website was useful as learning material, and my course relied heavily on it. Overall a great resource I relied heavily on. I actually enjoyed most of the zybooks activities, challenges, and explanations. A very convenient platform to access information about the course. The materials are very easy to understand. Fun to use because assignments are baked into the reading. Where my instructor lacked code examples, zybooks picked up that slack. Some to the point where I had to look at other sources for the answer. Easy to use, reading is clear, and the challenges help a lot. Link: Student survey Basics A loop commonly must iterate a specic number of times, such as 10 times. Now that classes are taking place virtually, zyBooks has become even more important in my learning experience. I dont love the format. It's more engaging than just reading a textbook and it is really helpful to see these sometimes abstract concepts illustrated/animated, especially for someone like me as a visual learner. So the first 1000 responses above are the first 1000 who answered Yes to that last question. Good for learning the material,TERRIBLE for going back to review it again. Zybooks was very organized and the presentation of the material was very easy to digest. The interactivity and the sample questions makes the learning process much more engaging and efficient. I love the zybook! It is a great way to learn content. I enjoy the interactive modules. "They say a picture is worth a thousand words. I liked how the site was but some of the coding problems were really difficult and we should not have deadlines on the homeworks. However it is no substitute for someone teaching you about abstract concepts. It was very unhelpful when it came to the written portion because if you wrote the wrong answer there was no help on what the right answer was so you pretty much just had to continue to guess until you got it right or just not do them. The interactive learning segments and in-text quizzes allowed me to really grasp a deeper understanding of the text I was reading. The only reason I dislike zyBooks for the class in question right now is because I feel like it does not link with the class at all, and just that overall the EE__ class at ___ is very poorly structured. I enjoy the progress bar and the participation question that allow multiple tries, It lessens the stress of getting it right the first time for a 100% grade. I really enjoyed doing my homework on zybooks because it helps me understand what I am doing. It's easy to use and easy to read the material. I wish the tasks were more creative and more challenging. However, submitting autograded code was a pain sometimes, forcing me to wait a couple minutes between each upload because the code wasn't exactly how Zybooks wanted. zyBooks is a good way to learn coding due to its step by step nature. They do not have clear instructions or teach what to do clearly. I love the search tool. This is my first computer science I've ever taken, and I haven't had good experiences with past online textbooks so this was a pleasant surprise. What's the point of paying for some resource that is worst than what's free on the internet? I would, however, recommend reviewing the order of information. I am disappointed that this wasn't the case. These principles drove zyBooks founders, who are also ICS alumni, Smita Bakshi (Ph.D. 1996) and Frank Vahid (Ph.D. 1994) to craft STEM material native for the web using "less text, more action," as they put it. The content is great and is easy to use. While grinding and irritating at times, it truly helped me understand the material. However, the only drawback is the price since it's a bit expensive for the use of 1 school quarter only. The only thing I would like different is to have explanations for coding parts that are very confusing. The zybooks allow the student an interactive way to complete homework assignments and learn the material. Other than these select problems, I overall found the book really really useful. I think zyBooks is a very easy program to use and is very convenient since all of it is online.