It was constructed from 25,000 cubic feet of timber, cut from 52 acres of oak. [38] One firefighter and two police officers were injured. LISE LEROUX: The arches are built with a hard stone, with a resistant stone, to support the vault. For 850 years, this 226-foot-tall cathedral has been an enduring symbol at the heart of French culture and more. PHILIPPE VILLENEUVE: (Translated from French) Thank you for being here. Chaque dimanche à 18h30, depuis la cathédrale Notre-Dame de Paris, KTO retransmet la messe dominicale. Depuis un an, la cathédrale Notre-Dame de Paris, chef d’œuvre universel de notre patrimoine, vit au rythme d’un formidable défi, celui de la conservation, puis de la restauration, de ce joyau architectural et artistique, véritable monument d'histoire. CLAUDINE LOISEL: These cracks is due to the fire. NARRATOR: Just like the Notre Dame beams, the château’s original beam holds messages from the old carpenters. Millions of measurements form a cloud of data, called a “point cloud.”. Notre-Dame de Paris as seen from Quai de Montebello. LISE LEROUX: (Translated from French) On the vaults, we have the problem of the impact of the fire, and we will also have to evaluate the impact of the water used to extinguish the flames. Pouvez-vous regarder Notre-Dame de Paris sur un service de streaming ? But to stop the towers collapsing, they must send a team into the burning structure. RÉMY DESMONTS: (Translated from French) Extraordinary to find all these marks. Ce 15 avril 2020 à 20h, le Bourdon Emmanuel de la cathédrale Notre-Dame de Paris va sonner. NARRATOR: Had the vaulting collapsed next to the windows, the glass could have been badly damaged. Les flammes détruisent intégralement sa flèche, les toitures de la nef et du transept et sa charpente. "[132][133] The spire replacement project has gathered a variety of designs and some controversy, particularly its legal exemption from environmental and heritage rules. [25], Police evacuated the Île de la Cité. Underneath the charred scaffolding and vaulted ceilings of the cathedral, scientists study the components of Notre Dame’s iconic structure to puzzle out how best to repair it. CÉLINE BERVILLE (Heritage Architect): (Translated from French) The wood grain has been cut through. I need to work. This amendment awaits approval by the National Assembly of France. So, we have just to remove all the deposit, to clean this windows from the 19th century. NARRATOR: This protective glazing prevents corrosive condensation from forming on the 800-year-old stained glass that will sit behind it. Ninety-five is done and 96 is here. A number of statues, including those of the twelve Apostles at the base of the spire, had been removed in preparation for renovations. PHILIPPE VILLENEUVE: (Translated from French) From the bottom of my heart, I want to thank you all for your dedication, your approach, your passion to do a very difficult job, which is essential for the future of the cathedral. And the vault, itself, is logically constructed with a lighter, more porous stone. Un concert exceptionnel a été enregistré par la maîtrise de Notre-Dame de Paris et retransmis à la télévision pour la nuit de Noël du 24 décembre 2020. NARRATOR: At 6:18 p.m., a sensor detects smoke in the medieval roof timbers. NARRATOR: Along the way, there were many setbacks. NARRATOR: The carpenters use an original beam as a template to mark out the new beam on the oak. I saw the flames and saw the blaze. NARRATOR: Onsite, the teams of scientists meet the engineers and architects to share their findings. With Hélène Ségara, Daniel Lavoie, Bruno Pelletier, Garou. Notre-Dame Cathedral has always been a special landmark for us, representing the very heart of Paris. Tons of toxic lead that covered the roof have been sprayed into the air, contaminating the site. It’s quarried from the deepest seams of limestone beneath Paris. It did not find elevated levels of particulate air pollution at monitoring stations nearby. CLAUDINE LOISEL: And here we can see we have a good stability, adherence of the painting, so here is absolutely no thermal shocks. It was tragic. Miraculously, they survive the fire intact. The machine then measures the time it takes for the laser to return. And here you have a mark of carpenters. Revival version of the 1998 musical adaptation of Victor Hugo's The Hunchback of Notre Dame. [159] One year after the fire, from an estimated 320,000 contributors, close to €1 billion had been received. NARRATOR: This delay will have huge repercussions. NARRATOR: Phillipe Villeneuve is in charge of historic monuments in France. NARRATOR: Workers at this factory race to cut and assemble around 250 tons of timber, to create the massive supports Philippe’s team needs to prop up the vaults. And when you’ve got air circulation, it’s regulating the temperature, which means that there’s less moisture on the glass. But the fire burned every beam in the forest. Nous vous prions de conserver votre billet de spectacle, celui-ci sera honoré lors de l’entrée en salle selon les dates suivantes : These can be triggered by gusts of wind, a warning before a possible full-scale collapse. The arches work together to support the roof and stabilize the outer walls, but the intense heat from the fire and the collapsing spire took out 15 percent of the stone vaulting. Catherine analyses core samples from Notre Dame’s roof trusses. Trouvez où regarder votre film préféré Notre Dame de Paris aujourd’hui en … LUKE BISBY (Fire Safety Researcher, The University of Edinburgh): A delay in responding to a fire of this nature is absolutely critical. SARAH BROWN (Director, York Glaziers Trust): It is one of the largest windows ever made, anywhere in the medieval world. I was fascinated by this architecture. They needed to create a way to access with ropes. In 2014, Rémi spent the entire year mapping every inch of the timber. LISE LEROUX: Oh, this one here is orbitolites complanatus! NARRATOR: Fortunately, these windows have not been cleaned for a hundred years, so the lead has settled on top of a dust layer, not on the glass itself. CLAUDINE LOISEL: So, we can identify each chemical element we have in the material. JOHN DICKAS: There was this horrifyingly huge plume of smoke billowing up out of it. We checked the nave. Interior of nave showing rib vaulting; in walls are clerestory windows (top), arches to triforium (middle), and arches to side aisles (bottom). LUKE BISBY: When the spire fell into the roof, the additional ventilation will have caused more oxygen-rich air to be sucked in at the bottom of the compartment. ‘This final opportunity to act humanely in the cause of upholding the sanctity of life’ Citing the teachings of the Catholic Church, University of Notre Dame President Rev. RÉMI FROMONT: (Translated from French) The fire on the ground, smoke everywhere, a hole in the ceiling. If the team rebuilding the vaults picks a limestone that is too heavy, the new vaults may not last as long as they should. L’association VMF a rassemblé deux acteurs de la reconstruction de Notre-Dame de Paris pour évoquer l’avancée des travaux, un an après le drame. LISE LEROUX: Go out. [114] The Paris prosecutor's office announced on 26 June that no evidence had been found to suggest a criminal motive. YouTube a affiché un message d'information au sujet des attaques du 11 septembre 2001 sur les directs de l'incendie de Notre-Dame, survenu lundi soir. Periodic renovations continue to this day. Firefighters then retreated from within the attic. Until the site is cleaned, team members must wear full protective clothing to pass into the contaminated zone. CLAUDINE LOISEL: After the spire fell, the cloud of dust, lead and different particle, push in the other direction, so we are a little bit more protected in this area. With Isabelle Guérin, Nicolas Le Riche, Laurent Hilaire, Manuel Legris. Notre Dame de Lourdes Catholic Church 210 N Carbon Ave. Price, UT 84501 435-637-1846 (Office) Mailing Address: 185 N Carbon Ave, Price, UT 84501-9998. I gave them all the advice that I could. We have a lot of work to do. [3][4], Most of the wood/metal roof and the spire of the cathedral was destroyed, with about one third of the roof remaining. Notre Dame Prep defeated Regina 25-14, 25-13, 25-20 in a Division 2 quarterfinal match at L'Anse Creuse North on January 12, 2021. MATT NICKELS: You don’t want to make it too small, because it’s going to obviously slide through. LISE LEROUX: (Translated from French) These are our ancestors. Can they use this geological fingerprint to discover the original source of the vaulting stone? It was really chaotic. FERDINAND DE GUILLEBON: We are working day and night. You saw the firetrucks come up alongside the cathedral, and ladders went up, and the hoses came out. The three famous Rose windows span up to 42 feet in diameter and are made up of over 1,100 panels of beautiful stained glass. This is the cathedral that inspired him to become an architect. NOVA Series TV Show from PBS - Saving Notre Dame - Scientists and engineers fight to save Notre Dame … Major funding for NOVA is provided by the David H. Koch Fund for Science, the NOVA Science Trust, the Corporation for Public Broadcasting, and PBS viewers. And can pioneering technology prevent another disaster? Despite the destruction, every single beam holds the history of Notre Dame. MATT NICKELS: The gap created means that there’s air circulation running through. La Maîtrise Notre-Dame de Paris dirigée par Henri Chalet, l’organiste de Notre-Dame, Yves Castagnet, le violoncelliste Gautier Capuçon et la soprano Julie Fuchs interprètent Les Anges dans nos campagnes (René Blin), Douce Nuit, sainte nuit (chant traditionnel de Noël), Voisins et voisines (Alexandre de Villeneuve), Ave Maria (Franz Schubert), Jingle Bells (Gordon Langford). Nobody knows how the fire started. CLAUDINE LOISEL: This is the best way to protect stained glass windows, so it will be, for sure, an option to protect the windows for Notre Dame. MATT NICKELS: They’re actually in fairly good condition considering they’re early 13th-century. [16][108], The renovations presented a fire risk from sparks, short-circuits, and heat from welding (roof repairs involved cutting, and welding lead sheets resting on timber[16]). The Cathedral of Notre Dame (meaning "Our Lady"), on the island called Île de la Cité in Paris, is shown in 1911. [21], Aerial firefighting was not used because water dropped from heights could have caused structural damage, and heated stone can crack if suddenly cooled. And rebuilding the entire cathedral could take much longer than the five years decreed by President Macron. Smoke billows as flames burn through the roof of the Notre-Dame de Paris Cathedral on April 15, 2019, in the French capital Paris. Tous les vendredis soirs à 18h15, depuis la cathédrale Notre-Dame de Paris, KTO retransmet la sainte messe. [54][55] The largest of the cathedral's bells, the bourdon, was not damaged. Scaffolding! La cathédrale Notre-Dame de Paris, communément appelée Notre-Dame, est l'un des monuments les plus emblématiques de Paris et de la France.Elle est située sur l'île de la Cité et est un lieu de culte catholique, siège de l'archidiocèse de Paris, dédiée à la Vierge Marie. But he finds nothing. Petite visite de la cathédrale Notre Dame A musical adaptation of Victor Hugo's novel "Notre Dame de Paris" which follows the gypsy dancer Esmeralda and the three men who vie for her love: the kind hunchback Quasimodo, the twisted priest Frollo, and the unfaithful soldier Phoebus. Getting this fire under control looks impossible. And at the front, two mighty towers, with 10 massive bronze bells inside, soar over 226-feet into the sky over Paris. The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, "Notre-Dame fire: Millions pledged to rebuild cathedral", "France vows to rebuild Notre Dame Cathedral after devastating fire", "What We Know and Don't Know About the Notre-Dame Fire", "Notre Dame will be rebuilt within the next five years, French President Emmanuel Macron says", "The Latest: Fire chaplain hailed as hero in Notre Dame blaze", "No Christmas mass at Notre Dame cathedral for first time since 1803", United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization, "Incendie de Notre-Dame de Paris: ce qui a été perdu et ce qui a été sauvé", "Notre-Dame de Paris: toute la charpente en feu, la flèche effondrée", "The entire wooden interior of Notre Dame Cathedral has been lost", "The story behind the towering Notre Dame spire and the 30-year-old architect commissioned to rebuild it", "Notre Dame was undergoing $6.8 million renovation when massive fire broke out", "Decades of Neglect Threatened Notre Dame, Well Before It Burned", "Six questions sur l'incendie de Notre-Dame de Paris", "Notre-Dame fire: Blaze breaks out amid renovations at 12th century cathedral", "Fire breaks out at top of Notre Dame Cathedral in Paris", "Fire guts Notre-Dame Cathedral in Paris; Macron pledges to rebuild", "Notre Dame Cathedral Fire Photos: Macron Vows To Rebuild 670-Year Old Church", "Notre-Dame Attic Was Known as 'the Forest'. We’ve got glass from the 12th right through to the 18th century, in quite significant quantities. But the steady wind doesn’t let up, and despite their efforts, the timber frame holding the bells has caught fire and could trigger the destruction of the cathedral at any moment. Me and my partner went there every night to enjoy the street performers and the gorgeous view, everybody around is friendly and happy to be there. CLAUDINE LOISEL: (Translated from French) Look at the amount of soot. When the roof of Notre Dame Cathedral erupted in flames in April of 2019, firefighters battled for nine grueling hours to save the historic landmark. Underside of rib vaulting, whose thrust outward onto the walls is countered by the inward thrust of the flying buttresses. NARRATOR: After five wipes, Claudine checks to see if the glass is decontaminated. Medieval masons chose hard limestone for the towers, pillars and outer walls, to build tall and hold up the roof. ROPE ACCESS TEAM MEMBER #1: We’re going to try and finish this first zone here. L'artiste électro s'est produit dans le décor totalement virtuel de la cathédrale Notre-Dame pour un spectacle exceptionnel. Nous comparons Disney+, Netflix et Amazon Prime Video pour vous montrer le meilleur endroit où regarder Notre Dame de Paris. DANY SANDRON (Art History and Archaeology, Sorbonne University): There is a continuation, a historical continuation from the Middle Ages to nowadays, and it’s very important to build a kind of identity. (WFRV) – The Notre Dame girls cruised to a win over fellow FRCC contender De Pere on Tuesday night. [26] The remnants of the roof and spire fell atop the stone vault underneath, which forms the ceiling of the cathedral's interior. NARRATOR: There’s very little firsthand information about the construction of Notre Dame or the craftspeople who built it. For this reason, it was known as the “forest.” Every single oak in Notre Dame’s forest was handpicked for the physical properties needed in the roof structure, from dense straight oak for pillars, to curved oak for support arches. The crumbling stone vaults and twisted scaffolding make any visit inside, to investigate the stability of the structure, extremely dangerous. Hidden under the city streets is a rich source of limestone, a vast labyrinth of quarry tunnels. They have a single bevel, long cutting edge, and the handle is offset. The building is not yet out of danger. The cathedral of Notre-Dame de Paris: an 850-year-old Gothic wonder, it’s the heart of France. Diffusé le 24/02/2019. NARRATOR: Since 2013, Phillipe has been responsible for conserving Notre Dame. And for the vaults, they selected softer, more porous limestone that’s light, but strong. NARRATOR: So, instead of bracing the walls from the inside, the team will build timber frames under the buttresses outside. Every carpenter has his own way to mark, but in general it’s based on the Roman numbers. NARRATOR: To avert a catastrophic collapse, engineers could build a steel skeleton inside the nave to brace the walls. On 15 April 2019, just before 18:20 CEST, a structure fire broke out beneath the roof of Notre-Dame de Paris cathedral in Paris.By the time it was extinguished, the building's spire collapsed and most of its roof had been destroyed and its upper walls severely damaged. [needs update][48][49][50] Several pews were destroyed and the vaulted arches were blackened by smoke, though the church's main cross and altar survived, along with the statues surrounding it. It’s this building itself that generates this faith, even for atheists. NARRATOR: With the outer panel installed, they can reinstate the layer of medieval glass. Had the bells fallen, it was thought that the damage done as they fell could have collapsed the towers, and with them the entire cathedral. There’s just so much attached to the cathedral. NARRATOR: The restoration work here requires much of the same skill and knowledge it will take to rebuild Notre Dame’s lost forest. Almost a third of France is covered with forest. The cathedral can hold 9,000 worshippers, and its hundred-foot-tall walls contain more than 32,000 square feet of stained glass. NARRATOR: Amongst the bones, Lise and Claudine find traces left by the medieval miners. CLAUDINE LOISEL (Glass Conservation Scientist, Research Center for French Historic Monuments): It was really painful to see the catastrophe on the T.V. PHILIPPE VILLENEUVE: (Translated from French) It’s going to be an extremely dangerous operation. [31] Time-lapse images taken by a camera installed by them showed smoke first rising from the base of the spire. Timber scientist Catherine Lavier begins painstaking detective work to reveal how Notre Dame’s vast forest was originally assembled and could be rebuilt today. [109], On 25 April, the structure was considered safe enough for entry of investigators, who unofficially stated that they were considering theories involving malfunction of electric bell-ringing apparatus, and cigarette butts discovered on the renovation scaffolding. NARRATOR: A southeasterly wind picks up and pushes the blaze towards the famous bell towers. And that’s where our ventilated, environmental protective glazing comes into play. CATHERINE LAVIER: (Translated from French) This screen shows the size of each ring I measured. CARLO BLASI: (Translated from French) And we can see from here the inside of…. She must then formulate a strategy to clean every single panel; a vast decontamination program. So, the original building stones that we have at Notre Dame are blocks with this height. His world is about to be turned upside down. One weakened window may need to be dismantled for safekeeping. And in the quarry located in Paris, we have this two kind of stone. Daylight reveals the full extent of the terrible destruction wrought by the fire. NARRATOR: Each frame is custom made and takes great skill to fit. And then you see that the beam is completely eaten away, the wood is degraded, eaten by the fungus. Why in the world is @YouTube putting information about 9/11 underneath the Notre Dame livestream from @FRANCE24? Architecture was not learned at the university, so the architects and all workers learnt mostly on site. Cathédrale Notre-Dame de Paris, Paris : consultez 71 262 avis, articles et 47 586 photos de Cathédrale Notre-Dame de Paris, classée n°7 sur 3 250 activités à Paris sur Tripadvisor. [5][59] Settling dust substantially raised surface lead levels in some places nearby,[60] notably the cordoned-off area and places left open during the fire. [106], On 16 April, the Paris prosecutor said there was no evidence of a deliberate act. We are still very much in the phase of the stabilization of the cathedral. The samples reveal vital clues about the spread of the lead contamination. Eventually, the firefighters get the upper hand. This remarkable 3D scan will combine with Rémi’s 2014 survey in Livio’s digital twin for Notre Dame. The system sends a coded fire alert to the security team. [38][45][46] Some contents were moved by a human chain of emergency workers and civil servants. The Notre Dame Fighting Irish football team is the intercollegiate football team representing the University of Notre Dame in South Bend, Indiana. We couldn’t do anything. The one person who can unlock the lost forest’s geometrical secrets is architect Rémi Fromont. Oak is a vital strategic resource throughout the Middle Ages and the Renaissance. L’incendie de Notre-Dame de Paris est un incendie majeur survenu à la cathédrale Notre-Dame de Paris, les 15 et 16 avril 2019, pendant près de 15 heures. The challenge is that we have to take action very quickly. He climbs up into the church attic, but by the time he gets there, he’s too late. But inside Notre Dame, the lower-level stained glass appears to have survived unscathed. Directed by André Flédérick. [21], The fire has been compared to the similar 1992 Windsor Castle fire and the Uppark fire, among others,[107] and has raised old questions about the safety of similar structures and the techniques used to restore them. PATRICK CHAUVET: (Translated from French) President Macron said, “No doubt, we must send the firefighters in. It was surreal. ", "Notre Dame fire: police say air not toxic despite high lead levels on ground", "Notre Dame Fire: Environmental Group Files Lead Poisoning Lawsuit", "Blood tests recommended over Notre Dame lead risk", "Information aux riverains et aux personnes travaillant aux abords de la cathédrale Notre-Dame de Paris", "Officials warn of lead pollution risks after Notre-Dame blaze", "Children and pregnant women around Notre Dame warned over lead", "Notre-Dame de Paris : le chantier suspendu à cause du plomb", "The Notre Dame Fire Spread Toxic Lead Dust Over Paris", "IMPACT DES MATÉRIAUX DE TOITURES SUR LA CONTAMINATION MÉTALLIQUE DES EAUX DE RUISSELLEMENT URBAINES", "Plomb de Notre-Dame: l'Agence régionale de santé se veut rassurante", "Notre Dame firefighters should be tested for lead, say campaigners", "France's Macron requests post-fire pause from politics", "Notre Dame fire 'fully extinguished' as fundraising starts", "The Latest: French leader vows to rebuild damaged Notre Dame", "Hope from ashes: Why the Notre Dame fire is a symbol of rebirth during Holy Week", "Incendio Notre Dame, lo sgomento del mondo: "Brucia una parte di noi, "UN chief: 'Horrified by the pictures coming from Paris, "Notre-Dame de Paris est Notre-Dame de toute l'Europe. [16] Deluge guns[30][32][33] were used at lower-than-usual pressures to minimise damage to the cathedral and its contents. RÉMY DESMONTS (Carpenter): (Translated from French) It was built in seven years. [39][40] Some sections of this vaulting collapsed in turn,[39] allowing debris from the burning roof to fall to the marble floor below,[23] but most sections remained intact due to the use of rib vaulting, greatly reducing damage to the cathedral's interior and objects within. [9] The liturgical treasury of the cathedral and the "grands Mays" paintings were moved to safety. A lot of us realized that this fire was just going to ravage the cathedral. This will make sourcing new stone of the same type even trickier. Burned roof timbers cover the vaulting. Ce film grandiose, librement adapté du roman de Victor Hugo a bénéficié à l’époque d'un budget considérable. Claudine hunts for hairline cracks caused by thermal shock, the rapid heating and cooling of the glass. The distance from Paris to all other places is traditionally measured from this iconic structure. PHILIPPE VILLENEUVE: (Translated from French) It is very difficult to endure, for the workers who have had to deal for months with these procedures, which are not routine. The cathedral's altar, two pipe organs, and its three 13th-century rose windows suffered little to no damage. [41], The cathedral contained a large number of artworks, religious relics, and other irreplaceable treasures,[42] including a crown of thorns said to be the one Jesus wore at his crucifixion, a purported piece of the cross on which Jesus was crucified, the Tunic of St. Louis,[43][44] a much-rebuilt pipe organ by Aristide Cavaillé-Coll, and the 14th-century Virgin of Paris statue. NARRATOR: Claudine uses X-ray spectroscopy to determine exactly how many wipes it takes to bring the lead down to normal levels. While the sight of Notre-Dame de Paris on fire a month ago shocked the world, the cathedral has been under siege many a time—and has been rebuilt and … NARRATOR: The carpenters who built Notre Dame would be familiar with the tools this team uses to hew the raw timber. Three gaping holes in the stone vaults weaken the entire structure, and the 550-ton scorched carcass of scaffolding could collapse at any moment, something unthinkable to those tasked with preserving France’s rich cultural heritage. NARRATOR: Motion sensors are installed in the melted jumble of scaffolding overhead. Only then can the team put up a temporary roof to protect them from the elements while they rebuild Notre Dame. [15] The roof timbers were dry, spongy and powdery with age. A complex 550-ton web of timber forms a cross-shaped roof, topped with 1,300 lead tiles and a 300-foot-tall central spire. The spire of the cathedral collapsed at 19:50, creating a draft that slammed all the doors and sent a fireball through the attic. [9], Airparif said winds rapidly dispersed the smoke, carrying it away aloft along the Seine corridor. NARRATOR: Architects around the world have unleashed their imaginations to submit grand plans for what the new spire above Notre Dame could look like, from mirrored roofs with kaleidoscopic pinnacles and vast solar panels powering nearby buildings, to stained glass edifices, that will light up the Paris skyline. NARRATOR: To douse the fire on the roof, firefighters pump water from the River Seine and feed it to fire trucks around the cathedral. CLAUDINE LOISEL: (Translated from French) Oh, yeah, impressive. And why it could take decades to repair", "Steelmaker ArcelorMittal to offer steel for Notre-Dame Cathedral restoration", "How new tech might help Notre-Dame rebuild", "After the Fire, a 21st-Century Notre Dame", "Opinion: The reconstruction of Notre-Dame is not the only answer", "Notre-Dame, Ravaged by Fire, Faces a New Threat: Rain", "Notre Dame fire: Global contest launched to design new spire for blaze-hit cathedral", "Notre Dame Fire: France Is Holding an International Competition for Architects to Design the Cathedral's New Spire", "Glass, Golden Flames or a Beam of Light: What Should Replace Notre-Dame's Spire? NARRATOR: Inside the ingeniously engineered 13th-century north tower, a scaffold of wooden beams holds eight bells, the biggest weighing more than four tons. In the wake of the fire, new studies of the cathedral’s materials could unlock these secrets. 1482) est un roman historique de l'écrivain français Victor Hugo, publié en 1831.

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