Ces principes moraux, que même les Arabes de la période d’ignorance pré-islamique, considéraient comme dignes de respect et inviolables n’ont été brisés que par un homme dans son inimité de l’Islam, et c’était Abou Lahab, fils de `Abd Al-Mou tt alib. tabeer. Berikut adalah Surat Arab,Latin, Terjemahan,Tafsir, Mp3 beserta Tajwid Warna-Warninya He will [enter to] burn in a Fire of [blazing] flame. Agamanya kami benci dan perintahnya kami bantah." 0 502 Less than a minute. The smell from Abu Lahab's wound was so repulsive that nobody could come near him. He therefore climbed Mount Ṣafā and shouted: "Wa ṣabāḥah!" Maka orang-orang Quraisy berkumpul kepadanya dan beliau bersabda: "Bagaimanakah pendapat kalian jika aku sampaikan berita kepada kalian bahwa musuh akan datang menyerang kalian di pagi atau petang hari, apakah kalian akan percaya kepadaku?” Mereka menjawab, "Ya.” Nabi Saw. Permulaan ayat ini adalah kutukan atas kebinasaan Abu Lahab dan penutupnya adalah sebagai keterangan dari Allah bahwa kutukan tersebut telah terbukti dan Abu Lahab pasti rugi di dunia dan di akhirat. Soon afterwards, he met his sister-in-law, Hind bint Utbah, and said to her, "Haven’t I helped Al-Lat and Al-Uzza, and haven’t I abandoned those who have abandoned them and assisted their opponents?” She replied, “Yes, and may god reward you well, O Abu Utba.”[21], After the boycott was lifted, another nephew, Abu Salama, came to Abu Talib asking for protection. 1 - Tabbat yada abee lahabin watabba 2 - Sa fortune ne lui sert à rien, ni ce qu'il a acquis. Nama kunyahnya adalah Abu ‘Utaibah. Ia berkata, "Hai Abu Bakar, aku mendapat kabar bahwa temanmu itu telah menghinaku." Dia tidak mencelamu." Demi Tuhan Pemilik Ka'bah. “Bila si kafir ini (Abu Lahab) saja yang selalu dicela dalam surat Tabbat Yada dan kekal di dalam neraka, mendapat dispensasi setiap hari Senin sebab merasa gembira atas (kelahiran) nabi Ahmad, bagaimana dengan seorang hamba yang selama hidupnya selalu mencintai nabi Ahmad dan meninggal dalam keadaan bertauhid (beriman)”. Hal itu seperti orang komunis memilih syiar merah dan golongan kiri karena golongan kiri adalah ashabusy-syimal.Permulaan ayat ini adalah kutukan atas kebinasaan Abu Lahab dan penutupnya adalah sebagai keterangan dari Allah bahwa kutukan tersebut telah terbukti dan Abu Lahab pasti rugi di dunia dan di akhirat.Ketika ayat tabbat yadA abi lahabin watabba turun, Ummu Jamil al-'AurA (wanita yang sebelah matanya buta) binti harb datang sambil berteriak-teriak. 3. bersabda, "Maka sesungguhnya aku memperingatkan kepada kalian akan datangnya azab yang keras.” Maka Abu Lahab berkata, "Celakalah kamu ini, karena inikah engkau mengumpulkan kami." Lalu turunlah ayat selanjutnya, yaitu: [[111 ~ AL-MASAD (JERAT SABUT) Pendahuluan: Makkiyyah, 5 ayat ~ Surat ini dimulai dengan pemberitaan tentang kebinasaan Abû Lahab, musuh Allah dan Rasul-Nya. sorah qurani Tabbat. Through a deep sense of animosity, Abu Lahab violated this ‘Arab tradition and took the side of non-Muslim Quraysh clans. Tabbat yadaa abi lahab yaitu celaka dan rugi. مَآ أَغْنَىٰ عَنْهُ مَالُهُۥ وَمَا كَسَبَ. Apprendre les versets de la sourate 111 - المسد / Al-masad en phonétique AL-MASAD récités en arabe. Surat Al-Lahab mengandung berita gaib bahwa Abu Lahab akan merugi, binasa dan celaka. Some commentators have translated tabbat yada Abi Lahab to mean: "May the hands of Abu Lahab be broken", and tabby to mean: ¦may he perish" or "he perished". 1. Whoever Allah guides none can misguide, and whoever He allows to fall astray, none can guide them aright. 24:1-3 Harun kaagungan pottra lalake' kaempa, iya areya: Nadab, Abihu, Eleyazar ban Itamar. They spared nothing, and no one had a chance." (HR. Imam Ahmad dan Imam Tabrani telah meriwayatkan pula dengan lafaz yang sama.Firman Allah Swt:Binasalah kedua tangan Abu Lahab. (Al-Lahab: 1), hingga akhir suratMenurut riwayat yang lain, disebutkan bahwa lalu Abu Lahab menepiskan kedua tangannya seraya berkata, "Celakalah kamu sepanjang hari ini, karena inikah engkau mengumpulkan kami?" 2. Maka janganlah kalian dengar dan jangan pula kalian ikuti. 0 379 Less than a minute. Kemudian Nabi membaca sebuah ayat dan berlindung dengan menggunakan ayat itu. Hukum tajwid dalam surat Al Lahab diatas disebut qolqolah kubro bila berhenti, karena ada huruf qolqolah yang sukun (mati) karena diwaqofkan, sedangkan bila disambung ke ayat berikutnya dinamakan idghom bi ghunnah. He hit so hard that his feet began to bleed profusely and his slippers were filled with his own blood causing great pain and difficulty in walking. He is described as "an artful spruce fellow with two locks of hair, wearing an Aden cloak"[3] and as "very generous". Muhammad and most of the Muslims left Mecca in 622, and Abu Lahab had no further direct interaction with his nephew. [7], His daughter Durrah embraced Islam and became a narrator of Hadīth. Sourate les fibres 1. E bakto meyarsa parkara Rehabeyam, Yerobeyam jareya laju abali ka Isra'il. TABBA MOBİLYA TEKSTİL SAN. Maka, hijrahmu tak berguna untukmu.” ; مَآ اَغْنٰى عَنْهُ مَالُهٗ وَمَا كَسَبَۗ … [citation needed]. Abu Lahab went to the large tent of Zamzam, "his face as black as thunder". But this, in fact, was not a curse which was invoked on him, but a prophecy in which an event taking place in the future, has been described in the past tense, to suggest that its occurrence in the future is certain and inevitable. Surat Al-Lahab - Surah Al-Lahab adalah surat Al-Quran yang ke 111 berjumlah 5 ayat, termasuk kedalam surat dan diturunkan di kota Mekkah, Al-Lahab artinya adalah "Api Yang Bergejolak". Bismillaahir Rahmaanir Raheem. Read Surah Lahab daily for 1000 times, Within 10 days you will get your desired result. TİC.LTD.ŞTİ. Arti Bahasa Indonesia Qs Al-Lahab. He was born in Mecca c. 549, the son of Abdul Muttalib, chief of the Hashim clan, and the paternal grandfather of Muhammad. Surat Al-Lahab - Surah Al-Lahab adalah surat Al-Quran yang ke 111 berjumlah 5 ayat, termasuk kedalam surat dan diturunkan di kota Mekkah, Al-Lahab artinya adalah "Api Yang Bergejolak". But this, in fact, was not a curse which was invoked on him, but a prophecy in which an event taking place in the future, has been described in the past tense, to suggest that its occurrence in the future is certain and inevitable. [8] Its English translation by Sahih International reads:[10][11], In the name of Allah, the most compassionate, the most merciful (بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم), Umm Jamil is called “the bearer of the wood” because she is said to have carried thorns and cast them in Muhammad's pathway. In Arabia this alarm was traditionally raised by any person who noticed an enemy tribe advancing against his own tribe at dawn. Ia pun binasa pula bersama dengan kedua tangannya itu. Address of Tabib Abu Bakar Abdullah - Kota Bharu, submit your review or ask any question, search nearby places on map. They brought excrements and threw them before my door and they brought offensive material and threw it before my door." Advertisement. Wamratuhu hammalatal hatab. ", Lubaba wounded Abu Lahab so severely that his head was split open, laying bare part of his skull. Binasalah kedua tangan Abû Lahab yang selalu digunakannya untuk menyakiti kaum muslimin. At this point, Abu Lahab interrupted: "Woe be on you the rest of the day! [2], He married Arwā Umm Jamīl bint Harb, sister of Abu Sufyān (Sakhr), whose father Ḥarb was chief of the Umayya clan. Tabbat(s) yada abii lahabiw watab. Tatkala turun surat “Tabbat yada Abi lahab” Maka abu lahab berkata kepada kedua anaknya : Organize Sanayi Bölgesi 23. Dia adalah seorang yang banyak menyakiti Rasulullah Saw., sangat membenci dan meremehkannya serta selalu memojokkannya dan juga memojokkan agamanya.Imam Ahmad mengatakan, telah menceritakan kepada kami Ibrahim ibnu Abul Abbas, telah menceritakan kepada kami Abdur Rahman ibnu Abu Zanad, dari ayahnya yang mengatakan bahwa telah menceritakan kepadaku seorang lelaki yang dikenal dengan nama Rabi'ah ibnu Abbad, dari Banid Dail, pada mulanya dia adalah seorang jahiliah, lalu masuk Islam. Abu Bakar berkata, "Tidak. berdiri di hadapan kabilah, lalu bersabda:Hai Bani Fulan, sesungguhnya aku adalah utusan Allah kepada kalian aku memerintahkan kepada kalian untuk menyembah Allah dan janganlah kalian persekutukan Dia dengan sesuatu pun; benarkanlah aku dan belalah aku hingga aku dapat melaksanakan semua yang diutuskan oleh Allah kepadaku.Apabila Rasulullah Saw. His real name was Abd al-Uzza, and he was called Abu Lahab on account of his glowing, ruddy complexion. Ma aghna anhu maluhu wa ma kasab. Tabbat is a curse. I cannot blame our tribesmen because they faced not only them but men wearing white robes riding piebald horses, who were between heaven and earth. Namun para ulama berpendapat bahwa dikatakan Abu Lahab karena ia pasti menjadi penghuni neraka yang bergejolak apinya. Orang yang berwajah cerah itu selalu mengikuti Nabi Saw. mā agnā ‘an-hu māluhụ wa mā kasab. Muhammad said he came out of his house, saying: "O sons of Abdumanaf! Binasa pada kedua belah tangannya karena tangan adalah alat bekerja dan bertindak. 2. Sourate les fibres 1. 5. Binasalah kedua tangan Abu Lahab dan sesungguhnya dia akan binasa . His family left his decaying body decomposing in his home for two or three nights until a neighbour rebuked them. [17], When the Quraysh began to torture the Muslims, Abu Lahab's brother Abu Talib called upon the Hashim and Al-Muttalib clans to stand with him in protecting his nephew. 1. The surah of Al Lahab … Some commentators have translated tabbat yada Abi Lahab to mean: May the hands of Abu Lahab be broken, and tabba to mean: may he perish or he perished. ... A. tabbat yadȃ abi lahabiu watabb B. sayash lȃ naaron dzata lahab C. wamro’atuhu hamma latal hatho b. D. fijidiha hablum mim masad. 10:3 Ra'yat bagiyan dhaja ngatore rabuna Yerobeyam,… Quran surah Al Lahab 1 in english translation Sahih International (111:1) May the hands of Abu Lahab be ruined, and ruined is he. ... Switch skin; Sidebar; Home/sorah qurani/ Tabbat. Surah al-Fiil diturunkan berkenaan dengan kejadian . By God, you must either stop this or we will stand in with him until he gains his object.” The Makhzumites wanted to keep Abu Lahab's support, and therefore they agreed not to annoy Abu Salama. 0 379 Less than a minute. İletişim. He died a week later. 2. Dan itu benar-benar terjadi karena ia mati mengenaskan di saat sakit yang membuat jijik teman-temannya hingga. Karena kebenciannya kepada Nabi dan penentangannya terhadap dakwah beliau dengan cara yang menyakitkan, maka celaka dan binasalah kedua tangan Abu Lahab yakni diri Abù Lahab, yang bernama ‘Abdul ‘Uzzà bin ‘Abdul Muttalib; dan benar-benar binasa dia! Hadis ini diriwayatkan oleh Imam Ahmad secara munfarid.Muhammad ibnu Ishaq mengatakan, telah menceritakan kepadaku Husain ibnu Abdullah ibnu Ubaidillah ibnu Abbas yang mengatakan bahwa ia pernah mendengar Rabi'ah ibnu Abbas Ad-Daili mengatakan, "Sesungguhnya saat ia bersama ayahnya —telah berusia remaja— melihat Rasulullah Saw. When this unbeliever, in whose condemnation “Tabbat yada” was revealed And he will remain in Hell forever. Don’t obey him and take no notice of him.”[23], Someone reported: “Before my own Islam I used to see the Prophet in markets outside Makkah calling out: ‘People, say there is no deity save Allah and you will prosper.’ People would gather around him but a man, bright faced, intelligent looking, with two locks of hair (hanging down), would appear from the rear and say: ‘This man has renounced the religion (of his forefathers). A small crowd gathered around the two as Abū Sufyān told his uncle, "The facts are the Quraysh met our enemy and turned their backs. [citation needed]. 111|2|Ma aghna ‘anhu maluhu wama kasaba 111|3|Il sera brûlé dans un Feu plein de flammes, 111|3|Sayasla naran thata lahabin 111|4|de même sa femme, la porteuse de bois, Magaciisa waa Maxamed Cali Akbar, waxa uu jiraa 50 sano, waxa uuna kasoo jeedaa dalka Bangaladesh, waa xaasle leh 3 caruur ah. Carrier of Firewood. Samia. Recognize Al Lahab Surah. [2] People from the Khuza'a tribe were the caretakers of the Ka'bah for several centuries, before the Quraysh took over the responsibility through their ancestor Qusai ibn Kilab. Orang itu mengatakan, "Sesungguhnya dia adalah orang pemeluk agama baru lagi pendusta." We have … Ia membawa batu sekepalan tangan, seraya berkata. فروری 18, 2015. Contents of the Surah. Abu Lahab was the only member of Banu Hāshim who supported the boycott and did not join his clan. However, the marriages were never consummated. A Mosque in the area of Medina, possibly: This page was last edited on 4 January 2021, at 00:13. There are two opinions on what this means: One is that the wife of Abu Lahab used to enflame people. Fi jiidiha hablu-minmasad," Yang artinya: "Binasalah kedua tangan Abu Lahab, dan benar-benar binasa dia. [24], The first people to reach Mecca with the news of the Quraysh defeat in the Battle of Badr were al-Haysuman and 'Abdullāh ibn al-Khuzā'ī, who bewailed the fact that so many of their chieftains had fallen on the battlefield. Their children included Utbah,[2][4] Utaybah,[5] Muattab,[5] Durrah (Fakhita), 'Uzzā and Khālida. [14] After the announcement of Al-Masadd, Abu Lahab told his sons: "My head is unlawful to your head if you do not divorce Muhammad's daughters." تَبَّتْ يَدَآ اَبِيْ لَهَبٍ وَّتَبَّۗ tabbat yadā abī lahabiw wa tabb Binasalah kedua tangan Abu Lahab dan benar-benar binasa dia! Quran surah Al Lahab 1 in arabic text. They [the Muslims] put us to flight, taking prisoners as they pleased. . Tidaklah berguna baginya hartanya dan apa yang dia usahakan. Ketika itu Nabi saw. amiin. Untuk lebih lengkapnya bisa disimak … khawab main dekhy ky sorah lahab parhta hai daleel hai makkar aor farebbi hoga. namun semoga membawa manfaat bagi kita semua. Daddi Eleyazar ban Itamar, tan-taretanna, se epadaddi imam. In the name of Allah, The Beneficent, The Merciful. [19] Muhammad later told Aisha: "I was between two bad neighbours, Abu Lahab and Uqba ibn Abu Mu'ayt. Surah Al-Masad (tabbat yada abi lahab) سورة المسد‎ December 21, 2019 January 6, 2019 Surah Al Masad سورة المسد The Palm Fiber Classification: Meccan Position: Juzʼ 30 No. Some commentators have translated tabbat yada Abi Lahab to mean: May the hands of Abu Lahab be broken, and tabba to mean: may he perish or he perished. Tabbat yada abi lahabin watabba. 1. Apprendre les versets de la sourate 111 - المسد / Al-masad en phonétique AL-MASAD récités en arabe. 5. Namun beliau lebih dikenal dengan Abu Lahab, karena wajahnya yang memerah (makna lahab: api yang bergejolak). Ketika ayat tabbat yadA abi lahabin watabba turun, Ummu Jamil al-'AurA (wanita yang sebelah matanya buta) binti harb datang sambil berteriak-teriak. Lubaba grabbed a nearby tent pole and hit her brother-in-law over the head, crying: "Do you think that you can abuse him just because Abbas is away? Abu Lahab renounced his affiliation with the Hashim clan and remained in Mecca. [citation needed] He may also have been the father of Masruh, a son born to his slave Thuwayba. Que périssent les deux mains d'Abu-Lahab et que lui-même périsse. Al-Lahab: 1). 4. सूरे लहब हिन्दी में Lahab means the flame of fire, and Abu Lahab the one with a flaming, fiery Harta, kehormatan atau apa saja selain itu yang dimilikinya tidak berguna lagi. Surat Al Lahab. Lalu Allah menurunkan ayat Tabbat Yada Abi Lahab, hingga akhir ayat. Sur Mouslimradio, Coran, Hadith, Anachid, Tajwid, texte islamique et bien d'autres choses..... Actuellement, en direct sur Loading ... SAWS est l'abrégé de : Salla Allahou alayhi Wa Salam " Allah et ses Anges prient sur le Prophète. Surah Al-Masad(المسد) 111:1 May the hands of Abu Lahab perish, and he ˹himself˺ perish! Learn how and when to remove this template message, "Abu Lahab - Ontology of Quranic Concepts from the Quranic Arabic Corpus", "Umm Jamil - Ontology of Quranic Concepts from the Quranic Arabic Corpus", ibn Abdullah ibn Abdul-Muttalib ibn Hashim, Current Ummah of Islam (Ummah of Muhammad), https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Abū_Lahab&oldid=998135250, Short description is different from Wikidata, Articles needing additional references from March 2012, All articles needing additional references, Pages using infobox officeholder with unknown parameters, Articles with unsourced statements from August 2013, Articles with unsourced statements from January 2014, Articles with unsourced statements from March 2012, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License. Is it the behaviour of a neighbour?" The wound turned septic, and his entire body erupted into open pustules. Que périssent les deux mains d'Abu-Lahab et … Rasulullah Saw. Translation of 'يا طبطب ... ودلع (Ya Tabtab... Wa Dallaa)' by Nancy Ajram (نانسي عجرم) from Arabic to English Arti Bahasa Indonesia Qs Al-Lahab. Nadab ban Abihu seda ajangadha'an dhari ramana ta' kalaban andhi' ana'. Waimroatuhu hammalatal hathob. Abu Lahab was also related to Muhammad as half-uncle in another way, since Muḥammad's grandmother was Fāṭimah bint ‘Amr of Banu Makhzūm clan. (Al-Lahab: 1)Konteks riwayat pertama menunjukkan pengertian kutukan terhadap Abu Lahab, sedangkan konteks riwayat kedua menunjukkan pengertian pemberitaan tentang sikap Abu Lahab. Perish the two hands of Abu Lahab, and perish he. . It was a custom among the Arabs to staunchly support their own clan. [5], Abu Talib died in 620,[22] From this time, Muhammad went around the trade fairs and markets to tell the Arab tribes that he was a prophet and call them to worship Allah. Surat Al Lahab (nama lainnya: surat Al Masad) mengisahkan paman Nabi shallallahu ‘alaihi wa sallam yang betul-betul memusuhi beliau yaitu Abu Lahab. His wealth will not avail him or that which he gained. [15][14] Abu Lahab's daughter Durrah was at some stage married to Zaid ibn Ḥarīthah, who was at that time regarded as Muhammad's son, and they were later divorced; but the timing of this marriage and divorce is not known. Beliau membaca "Dan apabila kamu membaca Al-Qur'an, kami jadikan diantara kamu dan orang-orang yang tidak beriman itu penghalang yang tertutup." It consists of five verses. It appears twice in the first ayah–at the beginning, as if it’s a curse, and at the end, as if it’s a statement of reality–that he is cursed. Bi' Daud toronanna Harun egi-bagi epagalumpo' menorot lalakonna. [6] Abu Lahab had another son, also named Durrah, who may have been born by another woman. which means, "O [calamity of] the morning!" 1 - Que périssent les deux mains d'Abû-Lahab et que lui-même périsse. Muhammad then addressed the clans by name. Jareya la-kapala kalowarga se lamba' enneng e Geba. duduk di dalam masjid bersama Abu Bakar. Maka Allah Swt. Ayahku menjawab, bahwa dia adalah pamannya yang dikenal dengan nama Abu Lahab. 111|1|Que périssent les deux mains d'Abû-Lahab et que lui-même périsse. Tabbat yada abee lahabin watabba . 8:6-7 Toronanna Ehud iya areya Na'aman, Ahiya ban Gera. Saya khawatir dia melihatmu." . Ma aghna anhu maa luhu wa maa kasab. Waimroatuhu hammalatal hathob. He told them that he had experienced no comfort in the Afterlife, but that his sufferings had been remitted "this much" (indicating the space between his thumb and index finger) because of his one virtuous deed of manumitting his slave Thuwayba, who had briefly suckled Muhammad.[26]. "O Banū Hāshim, O Banū 'Abd al-Muṭallib ... [and so on], if I were to tell you that behind this hill there is an enemy about to attack you, would you believe me?" Il était un oncle du Saint Prophète , dont le père et lui étaient fils du même père. Beliau menyebutkan ada tiga sabab nuzul dalam surat Al Masad, yaitu: 1⃣ Riwayat bersumber dari Abdurrrahman bin Zaid, bahwa Abu Lahab datang kepada Rasulullah dan berkata: But this, in fact, was not a curse which was invoked on him, but a prophecy in which an event taking place in the future, has been described in the past tense, to suggest that its occurrence in the future is certain and inevitable. Abu Lahab rejected the claims of Muhammad and said: "Muhammad promises me things which I do not see. usoo doontay dalka Boqortooyada Sacuudiga, kadib markii uu soo iibiyay Beer weyn oo uu ku lahaa dalkiisa Bangaladesh, maxaa yeelay waxa uu waligiis ku taami jiray inuu mar uun soo booqdo magaalada barakeysan ee Makka Al-mukarama iyo magaalada Madiina … Tidaklah berfaedah kepadanya harta bendanya dan apa yang ia usahakan. [citation needed], Abu Lahab had married two of his sons to the daughters of Muḥammad, 'Utbah to Ruqayyah and 'Utaibah to Umm Kulthum. Sourate Al-Masad Bismi Allāhi Ar-Raĥmāni Ar-Raĥīmi تَبَّتْ يَدَا أَبِي لَهَبٍ وَتَبَّ ﴿١﴾ 111/Al-Masad-1: Tabbat Yadā 'Abī Lahabin Wa Tabba Les deux mains d'Abu-Lahab ont asséché et ont péri. Lalu wanita itu berpaling sambil berkata, "Kaum Quraisy telah tahu kalau aku adalah putri pembesarnya." Wa-mra-atuhu hammaa latal-hatab. Fi jidiha hablum mim masad. They then sent in slaves to remove his body. Sayashlaa naron dzata lahab. Tabbat yada-abi lahabi-watab. Maka Rasulullah saw. Abu Lahab adalah salah seorang paman Rasulullah Saw., nama aslinya ialah Abdul Uzza ibnu Abdul Muttalib, dan nama kunyahnya (gelarnya) ialah Abu Utaibah. [25], A Muslim narration says that after Abu Lahab's death, some of his relatives had a dream in which they saw him suffering in Hell. berkata "Dia tidak akan melihatku." A. penyerbuan pasukan perang B. penyerbuan pasukan bergajah C. penyerbuan gajah hutan. ʿAbd al-ʿUzzā ibn ʿAbd al-Muṭṭalib (Arabic: عبد العزى بن عبد المطلب‎), often known as Abū Lahab (Arabic: أبو لهب‎) (c. 549 – 624) was Muhammad's half paternal uncle. He told the Makhzumites: “O Quraysh, you have continually attacked this shaykh for giving his protection among his own people. In the name of Allah, We praise Him, seek His help and ask for His forgiveness. 1. Doa celaka dari Abu Lahab buat kemenakannya, berbalas dengan kepastian celaka dari Alloh buat dirinya. Surah Al Lahab is one of short surah and also classified as makiyyah surah because it was revealed in the city of Mecca before the Prophet Muhammad did migrate to Medina. (Riwayat al-hakim). Binasalah kedua tangan Abu Lahab … Sure Lahab In Roman English, Hindi, Urdu. 2. of verses: 5 No.

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