juillet 2019 (JO spécial n°13 du 15 août 2019) Vu la Constitution du 25 novembre 2010 ; Vu l’arrêt n° 005/CC/MC du 10 août 2017 de la Cour constitutionnelle ; Le Conseil des ministres entendu, L’Assemblée nationale a délibéré et adopté, Le Président de la République promulgue la loi dont la teneur suit : The duration of a legislature is of five (5) years. He may not, in any case, affiliate himself to another parliamentary group in the course of the legislature. The Constitution of 25 February 1959 was created by and then ratified vote of the Constituent Assembly of Niger, a body created for this purpose from the elected Territorial Assembly of Niger in December 1958. The President of the Republic may, after the opinion of the National Assembly and of the President of the Constitutional Court, submit to referendum any text which appears to him to demand the direct consultation of the people with the exception of any revision of this Constitution which remains governed by the procedure specified in Title XII. The laws and regulations only have retrospective effect so far as they concern the rights and advantages that they may confer to the citizen. Any person accused of a delinquent act is presumed innocent until their culpability has been legally established in the course of a public process during which all the guarantees necessary for their free defense have been assured to them. No citizen may be forced into exile or be subject to deportation. TITLE IX: OF THE TERRITORIAL COLLECTIVITIES. (2) Nigeria shall be a Federation consisting of States and a Federal Capital Territory. No withdrawal may be taken into consideration seventy-two (72) hours after the proclamation of the definitive results of the first round by the Constitutional Court. one (1) notable person proposed by the President of the Republic; one (1) notable person proposed by the President of the National Assembly; one (1) notable person proposed by the Prime Minister; three (3) representatives elected by the socio-professional organizations of the medias of the private sector including, at least, one woman; three (3) representatives elected by the trade-union organizations of workers of the medias of the public sector including a journalist, a producer and a technician with at least one woman; one (1) representative elected by the trade-union organizations of workers of the telecommunications sector. The law of regulation must be deposited with the Bureau of the National Assembly at the budgetary session of the year following that of the execution of the budget to be debated at the next parliamentary session and adopted, at the latest, the thirty-first (31) of December of the second year that follows the execution of the budget. The Constitutional Court is the jurisdiction competent in constitutional and electoral matters. The President of the Republic appoints the Prime Minister and terminates his functions. He may not stand as a candidate in the presidential elections. They are required to protect human health and to contribute to the safeguarding of it as well as to the improvement of the environment. The State guarantees the free exercise of worship and the expression of beliefs. The judicial power is independent of the legislative power and of the executive power. Preamble We,…. The Constitutional Court has all powers of evaluation in this domain. The program laws establish the objectives of the economical and social action of the State. In the cases specified in the preceding paragraphs, the Constitutional Court must decide within a time period of fifteen (15) days. The exceptional measures must be inspired by the will to assure to the constitutional public powers, within the shortest time periods, the means to accomplish their mission. He assures the regular functioning of the public powers and the continuity of the State. An organic law determines the composition, the organization, the attributions and the functioning of the Court of Accounts. Constitution of 25 February 1959. Nigeria. The law determines the order manifestly illegal. The absolute impediment is declared by the Constitutional Court, referred to the matter by the National Assembly, deciding by a majority of two-thirds (2/3) of its members. judicial power is exercised by the Constitutional Court, the Court of Cassation, the Council of State, the Court of Accounts, and the courts and tribunals. When he assures the interim of the President of the Republic within the conditions specified in the Article 53 of this Constitution, the President of the National Assembly is replaced in his functions according to the Internal Regulations of the National Assembly. The treaties of defense and peace, the treaties and agreements relative to the international organizations, those which modify the internal laws of the State and those which involve a financial engagement from the State, may only be ratified following a law authorizing their ratification. It accepts, to create with these States, intergovernmental organs of common administration, of coordination and of free cooperation. Every person must respect them and protect them scrupulously. The presiding magistrates are irremovable. In the case of death, the vacancy is declared by the Constitutional Court, referred to the matter by the Prime Minister or by a member of the Government. The law establishes the rules of its functioning as well as the procedure followed before it. The oath is received by the Constitutional Court. No one may be a member of the Government if he does not enjoy a good morality attested by the competent services. The State assures itself of the effective implementation of the contracts for prospecting and for exploitation granted. The National Assembly is referred to the matter of the bill of the law of finance from the opening of the budgetary session; the bill of the law of finance must specify the receipts necessary for the complete coverage of the expenses. the respect for the mission of public service conferred on the medias of the State; the respect for ethics in matters of information and communication: the respect for the equitable and effective access of the citizens, the associations and the political parties to the public means of information and communication; the respect for the regulations in force in communication and exploitation; the respect for the statutes of the professionals of communication; the respect for the plurality of opinions in the public and private media; the promotion and to the development of the technology of information and of communication; the training of the personnel, to their professionalization and to the reinforcement of their capacities; the control of the content and modalities of the programming of the emissions of publicity diffused by the public, private, communitarian and associative networks of radio and television; the protection of childhood and adolescence in the programming of the emissions diffused by the public and private companies of audiovisual communication; the promotion of sport and Nigerien culture in the programming of the emissions diffused by the public and private companies of audiovisual communication. Art.16.‐ Nul ne peut être arrêté ou inculpé qu’en vertu d’une loi promulguée antérieurement aux faits qui lui sont reprochés. Any person has the right to freedom of thought, of opinion, of expression, of conscience, of religion and of worship. The text is considered adopted if it receives the absolute majority of the votes. In the case of resignation, the vacancy is declared by the Constitutional Court, referred to the matter by the resigning President of the Republic. The conditions of its accomplishment are determined by the law. In the case of vacancy of the Presidency of the National Assembly by death, resignation or any other cause, the Assembly elects a new President within the fifteen (15) days that follow the vacancy, if it is in session; in the contrary case, it meets of plain right within the conditions established by the Internal Regulations. The State and the other public collectivities see to the fight against desertification. (1) This Constitution is supreme and its provisions shall have binding force on all authorities and persons throughout the Federal Republic of Nigeria. The Council of State may be consulted by the Prime Minister or by the Ministers on difficulties of the administrative order. Art.16.‐ Nul ne peut être arrêté ou inculpé qu’en vertu d’une loi promulguée antérieurement aux faits qui lui sont reprochés. The dismissal is adopted by a majority of two-thirds (2/3) of the Deputies. The current constitution is the seventh since their independence, adopted on November 25, 2010 the military coup ousted President Mamadou Tandja. The President of the Republic can, after consultation of the President of the National Assembly and of the Prime Minister, pronounce the dissolution of the National Assembly. All threat to the Republican form of the State and to the democratic institutions is a crime of high treason punished as such by the law. When the President of the Republic is found guilty of the crime of high treason, he is relieved of his functions. The Court of Accounts is also charged with controlling the declaration of assets as received by the Constitutional Court. Nigeriens of the two (2) sexes, aged eighteen (18) years on the day of the ballot or the emancipated minors, enjoying their civil and political rights are voters under the conditions determined by the law. The proposals, bills and amendments that are not of the domain of law, and that infringe good morals are irreceivable. He directs, animates and coordinates the governmental action. The State and public collectivities have the duty to see to the physical, mental and moral health of the family, particularly of the mother and of the child. The receipts realized on the natural resources and on the subsoil are divided between the budget of the State and the budgets of the territorial collectivities according to the law. In the exercise of their functions, the magistrates are independent and are only subject to the authority of the law. Youth is protected by the State and the other public collectivities against exploitation and abandonment. In the exercise of the power of the State, personal power, regionalism, ethnocentrism, discrimination, nepotism, sexism, the clan spirit, the feudal spirit, slavery in all its forms, illicit enrichment, favoritism, corruption, racketeering and the influence-trafficking are punished by the law. It meets under the presidency of the President of the Republic. The Superior Council of Communication is composed of fifteen (15) members as it follows: The duration of the mandate of the members of the Supreme Council of Communication is five (5) year non-renewable. No institution of the Republic may be dissolved or suspended during the exercise of the exceptional powers. JOn°_19 Loi n° 2011-20 du 08 août 2011et modifie en avril 2012.pdf. The initial declaration and the updates are published in the Journal Officiel and by way of the press. These messages do not give rise to any debate. TITLE X: OF THE TREATIES AND INTERNATIONAL AGREEMENTS. An organic law determines the composition, the organization, the attributions and the functioning of the Court of Cassation. The Internal Regulations determine notably: TITLE V: OF THE RELATIONS BETWEEN THE EXECUTIVE AND THE LEGISLATIVE POWERS. By virtue of an express delegation and for a determined agenda, he substitutes the President of the Republic in the presidency of a Council of Ministers. Nationals of other countries benefit in the territory of the Republic of Niger from the same rights and freedoms as Nigerien nationals within the conditions determined by the law. constituteproject.org Nigeria's Constitution of 1999 with Amendments through 2011 Subsequently amended The first session opens the first week of the month of March and may not exceed ninety (90) days. The Republic of Niger is a unitary State. The Constitutional Court is equally competent to decide on the cases specified in the Articles 6, 53, 54, 60, 67, 86, 103 and 110 of the Constitution. 131 et 132, la Cour, “gardien de la Constitution“ en tant que juge de la constitutionnalité des lois (art. The vote may only take place forty-eight (48) hours after its presentation. It examines the claims, decides on the disputes of the presidential and of the legislative elections and proclaims the results of the ballots. It is the judge of the accounts of the State, of the territorial collectivities, of the public institutions and enterprises, of the independent administrative authorities and of any organ benefiting from the financial aid of the State and its separated parts. The National Assembly is presided over by a President assisted by a Bureau. All particularist propaganda of a regionalist, racial or ethnic character, all manifestation of racial, social, sexist, ethnic, political or religious discrimination, are punished by the law. Get familiar with our constitution. The President of the Republic is the Head of the Administration. The contracts for prospecting and exploitation the natural resources and the subsoil as well as the revenues paid to the State, disaggregated, company by company, are completely published in the Journal Officiel of the Republic of Niger. In the case of dispute, the Constitutional Court, referred to the matter by the Prime Minister, by the President of the National Assembly or by one-tenth (1/10) of the members of the National Assembly, decides within a time period of eight (8) days. The Constitutional Court may not be dissolved and no provision of this Constitution related to the Court may be suspended. For the duration of his mandate, the President of the Republic may not be president or member of the directive organ of a political party or any national association. L’Assemblée Nationale a délibéré et adopté, le Président de la République promulgue la loi dont la teneur suit : LA CONSTITUTION de la République du Cameroun The same prerogatives are recognized to all Nigerien citizens enjoying their civil and political rights and meeting the conditions of eligibility provided by the law. The legislative powers of the Federal Republic of Any person party to a process may raise the unconstitutionality of a law before any jurisdiction, by way of pleadings. Marriage and family constitute the natural and moral base of the human community. They are placed under the protection of the State. The Deputy who is excluded from his party sits as an independent within the National Assembly. The median white band has in its middle a disk of orange color. The law determines the fundamental principles of the freedom of administration of the territorial collectivities, their competences and their resources. The orders of the Constitutional Court are not susceptible to any recourse. The National Assembly approves with an absolute majority of its members the duration of the exercise of the emergency powers and terminates them in the case of abuse. The President of the Republic signs the ordinances and decrees deliberated in the Council of Ministers. Their duration may not exceed fifteen (15) days. A Council of the Republic is instituted in view of preventing and resolving the institutional and political crises, in a consensual manner, within the respect for this Constitution. La Constitution de la 7ème République. Article premier - L'Etat du Niger est une République indépendante et souveraine. The State sees to the equality of opportunities chances for handicapped persons with a view to their promotion and/or their social reintegration. An organic law determines the modalities of the organization and of the functioning of this Commission. It is the judge of the excess of power of the administrative authorities in first and last resort as well as of the recourses for interpretation and for valuation of the legality of the administrative acts. The convocation of the electors is made by decree taken in the Council of Ministers. The National Assembly informs the President of the Republic and the Government of the agenda of its sessions, of its sittings, as well as that the agenda of its commissions. He convokes and presides over the Council of Ministers. The Council of the Republic is constituted by: The law determines the attributions and the functioning of the Council of the Republic. The legislation now in force remains applicable, insofar as it does not have anything contrary to this Constitution, except express abrogation. It must decide within a time period of five (5) days, counting from the presentation of the recourse at the registry. L’emblème national est le drapeau tricolore composé de trois (3) bandes horizontales, rectangulaires et égales dont les couleurs sont disposées de haut en bas dans l’ordre suivant : orange, blanc et vert. The extraordinary sessions, except in the cases where they take place of plain right, are opened and closed by decree of the President of the Republic. La bande blanche … He informs the Nation by a message. This shield is superimposed on a trophy formed of four flags of the Republic of Niger. The right to vote of the Deputies is personal. The State takes, among others, measures to combat the violence done to women and children in public and private life. Every person has the right to enjoy the best state of physical and moral health. As such, it participates in the administration of the territory of the Republic in the conditions determined by the law. It assures to them an equitable representation within the public institutions through the national policy concerning gender and the respect for the quotas. The presiding magistrates are appointed by the President of the Republic on proposal of the Minister of Justice, guardian of the seals, after the opinion of the Superior Council of the Magistracy. The candidate who obtains the absolute majority of the expressed suffrage in the first round is declared elected. In the case of absence from the territory, of sickness or of vacation of the President of the Republic, his interim is assured by the Prime Minister within the limits of the powers that he would have delegated to him. The President of the Republic is not responsible for the acts accomplished in the exercise of his functions except in the case of high treason. The President of the Republic can, at any time, communicate with the National Assembly, either directly or through messages that he has read by the President of the National Assembly. Before entering into his functions, the President of the National Assembly takes an oath on the Holy Book of his confession before the Constitutional Court, in these terms: “Before God and before the sovereign Nigerien People, We …, President of the National Assembly solemnly swear on the Holy Book. four (4) Deputies that the National Assembly elects from within its members after each general renewal; three (3) magistrates of which one (1) is proposed by the Court of Cassation, one (1) by the Council of the State and one (1) by the Court of Accounts. Constitution du Niger de la République du Niger Adoptée le 18 juillet 1999 et promulguée par le décret n°99-320/PCRN du 9 août 1999 (Constitution à jour au 22 Septembre 2004 avec intégration de la révision opérée par Loi n°2004-15 du 13 Mai 2004, JORN, spécial n°7 du 14 Mai 2004) The State of Siege is decreed in the Council of Ministers after the opinion of the Bureau of the National Assembly. the government of the people by the people and for the people; the separation of the State and of religion; to respect and to have respected the Constitution that the People have freely given to themselves; to loyally fulfill the high functions with which we have been invested; to never betray or to misrepresent the aspirations of the People; to respect and to defend the republican form of the State; to preserve the integrity of the territory and the unity of the Nation; to respect and to defend the rights and freedoms of the citizens; not to take or to be guaranty for any measures degrading the human dignity; to see to the neutrality of the administration and to the respect for the texts that establish its depolitization; to work tirelessly for the happiness of the People; to spare no effort for the realization of African Unity; to conduct ourselves in all things as faithful and loyal servant of the People; the former Presidents of the Republic and former Heads of State; to respect the Constitution that the People have freely given to themselves; Not to take or to be guaranty for any measures degrading the human dignity; to assure the neutrality of the administration and to the respect for the texts that establish its depolitization; to conduct ourselves everywhere as faithful and loyal servant of the People; never to betray or misrepresent the aspirations of the People. La bande blanche médiane porte en son milieu un disque de couleur orange. It controls the regularity, the transparency and the honesty of the referendum, and of the presidential and legislative elections. Ousseini Tinni reçoit le chargé d'Affaires de l'Ambassade de la République Islamique du Pakistan au Niger - 12/04/19 SEM. The National Assembly is convoked in extraordinary session by its President on a determined agenda, at the demand of the Prime Minister or by two-fifths (2/5) of the Deputies. The National Assembly meets of plain right if it is not in session. No one may receive for one ballot more than one delegation of the vote. In the case of impeachment of the President of the Republic before the High Court of Justice, his interim is assured by the President of the Constitutional Court who exercises all the functions of President of the Republic, with the exception of those mentioned in Article 59 and in paragraph 8 of this Article. The Superior Council of National Defense gives its opinion on the appointment to high military functions and on the promotion to the ranks of general officers, and on any other question of the military domain to which it is referred. As such, they are submitted to the same obligations as the medias of the State as specified in paragraph 3 of this Article. However, the access of certain categories of citizens to electoral mandates, to elective functions and to public employments may be favored by particular measures specified by the law. As an electronic PDF soft-copy, it will be delivered to you by email. The election of the President of the Republic takes place by majority ballot in two (2) rounds. The private medias are medias of public utility. 2. An Independent National Electoral Commission [Comission électoral nationale Indépendante (CENI)] is charged with the organization, development and supervision of the voting operations. This declaration is subject to an annual updating and one at the cessation of the functions. They have the obligation to favor the democratic debate and to promote the fundamental human rights, the languages and the national sports and cultural products, the national unity, tolerance and solidarity, peace and security, between the different communities, as well as the fight against all forms of discrimination. The Government determines and conducts the policy of the Nation. It proclaims the provisional results. Download La Constitution du Niger for your Android device. The State sees to the material and intellectual development of youth. The National Assembly votes the budget in equilibrium. ... La capitale de la République du Niger est Niamey. The mandate of the new President of the Republic takes effect counting from the date of expiration of the mandate of his predecessor. No one is eligible to the Presidency of the Republic if he does not enjoy a good state of physical and mental health, as well as of a good morality attested by the competent services. The Ordinary Courts of First Instance, in special form, decide on the eligibility of the candidates, control the regularity, the transparency and the sincerity of the local elections. The prosecuting magistrates are appointed by the President of the Republic on proposal of the Minister of Justice, guardian of the seals. Except in the case of flagrante delicto, no Deputy may, during the duration of the sessions, be prosecuted or arrested in a correctional or criminal matter except with the authorization of the National Assembly. The medias of the State are public services to which access is guaranteed, in an equitable and effective manner to all in the conditions specified by the law. Any act of sabotage, of vandalism, of corruption, of diversion, of squandering, of money laundering or of illicit enrichment is punished by the law. Each one has the right to life, to health, to physical and moral integrity, to a healthy and sufficient food supply, to potable water, to education and instruction in the conditions specified by the law. Une version Android de référence légère et rapide de la constitution de la République du Niger, la loi suprême du Niger. 1999 . The initiative for the dismissal is signed by half of the members composing the National Assembly. Avant projet de Constitution Constitution du Niger du 18 juillet 1999 Constitution du Niger du 18 juillet 1999 Constitution du Niger du 18 juillet 1999 Constitution du Niger du 18 juillet 1999. The State must protect, abroad, the rights and legitimate interests of the Nigerien citizens. TITLE VIII: Of the Superior Council of Communication. If the National Assembly has not voted the budget at the end of this extraordinary session, the budget is definitively established by ordinance. The decision of the Constitutional Court establishing this unconstitutionality is published in the Journal Officiel following the procedure of urgency. En application de l'article 73 de la Constitution, le Premier Ministre a reçu du Président de la République, une délégation de pouvoirs pour la présidence d'un Conseil des Ministres. These may not remove themselves from this obligation. The territorial collectivities are created by an organic law. Only the votes favorable to the motion of censure are counted which may only be adopted by the absolute majority of the Deputies. The President of the Republic elected as a result of the period of Transition will take an oath before the Constitutional Council of Transition. citizenship, the civil rights and the fundamental guarantees for the exercise of public freedoms; the constraints imposed in the interest of the national defense, of the public security and assistance to the citizens, on their persons and on their assets. In the same way, more severe penalties than those applicable at the moment the infraction was committed may not be inflicted. It assures to all equality before the law without distinction of sex, or of social, racial, ethnic or religious origin. Elle instaure un régime se réclamant d’une république démocratique moderne, où les pouvoirs sont séparés et exercés par un président de la République, un Parlement bicaméral et une Cour suprême indépendante. No one may be the victim of discrimination within the framework of his work.

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