Lori: How come I didn't notice? Bolhofner MechaGodzilla: >to grils< >beep boop bop bop< You girls are in after school detention, prepare to suffer consequences >whirrrrrr click<, (Bolhofner MechaGodzilla fires three finger missles from the right hand, but the monster girls were able to dodge them, so Luna Rodan helped attack Bolhofner MechaGodzilla, while Godzilla Lori and Mothra Leni teamed up against Chandler Ghidorah, Mothra Leni was grabbed by his two heads, and his middle head zaps her, knocking her to the ground, this angers Godzilla Lori as she uses her atomic breath to knock him off the air, he fell and was stomped on, Bolhofner MechaGodzilla shoots the laser eyes and gets her attention, she charges at it as she tries to topple it down, the robot was about to zap her with the chest beam, it succeeds, knocking her down, Bolhofner MechaGodzilla aims it's finger missiles at her, Lincoln was witnessing it in shock, as he dives onto the robot, the robot notices him). Lynn: Hey jerkwad, no throwing food, especially at my little bro, that's a ticket for you buster, >writes the ticket and pastes it on his forehead<, I've got my eyes on you >to his friends< and that goes for you chumps as well! (Once Lincoln got his flash drive onto Ms. Merdich's computer, he then clicked on the files with each character spacifically, he tested out all of the animations, the class except Chandler looked amazed at it, after going through all of the animation sprites, all of the class except Chandler clapped real hard, Ms. Merdich was even more impressed then ever). I had a nightmare? - Your turn, bro. - Please, let me explain. Lori: Whoa whoa whoa, where are you going? She was lying very much wounded on the floor while Lincoln was walking down. When the main character Creepie was an infant, she was left on the doorstep of the Dweezwold Mansion, which is home to a family of various anthropomorphic insects. LENI: Good luck, Luna. I fear myself because I know I am able to cause this. Lincoln: Her name is Ms. Merdich, she gave me an assignment on a new videogame idea that we had to make on a computer. Luna: Okay, then>gets an idea< How about you do a Godzilla fighting game? Just colder. How about a game I like to call detention! - answered Lincoln with a tired tone. "Though I had a nightmare where you told me the host of Arggh retired.". - Wow, Lincoln, you could have talked me to death. Ms. Merdich: Well done Riley, you get nintey points for animation! You just went too far in self-defense. (UPDATE) - Unless you guys have something to actually say about the story or my writing, please stop whining about it just because "its just another No Such Luck fic". - Lana answered - We fabricated a Rx, we're more skilled than we look. Ms. Merdich: Good morning class, I've got some good news to tell everyone, Mr. Bolhofner will be coming back from his trip to Kenya early, so he will return to teaching by Friday. Ms. Merdich: Okay then, now for the first step, when making a game you need to come up with a good story and synopsis for your game, be more specific, and the story is worth fifty percent of your grade. Ms. Merdich: >to Lincoln, Well mate, I'm glad you asked, the project is due next friday, you need to work hard on your project with at least two more steps, and then you can test out your game, I know it will take you at least three weeks but it's worth all the hard work, maybe making videogames will be a start on your career. - You speak wisely. (She then writes her name on the marker board, her name was "Ms. Merdich"). Rusty: Wow, a substitute from Australia, you had good luck didn't you? Lori: That's it, you got the head and the jaw together, now let's see if we can put the rest in. Lincoln: Wow, that's cool, I wonder who your next opponent is? Lincoln: Absolutely, so I think I should be able to do an Ace Savvy fighting videogame and it's going to be the greatest game I've ever played. Lincoln: Wellthere's a game that I want to make, and it was supposed to have my idea of an Ace Savvy or A.R.G.G.H. Lincoln: No, it's not Lynn this time, the Hof is off for a few months and left us with a new substitute teacher in charge, she's super nice and comes from Australia. Lori: Don't worry, I'll make sure Luna helps you, then you will be on your own with this, first, we'll get him walking, and then some action. Ms. Merdich: Okay then, let's review your math assignments, >pulls out math book< if I divide about twelve oranges out of two, what would i have now? What's your beef with him? I wanted him to take level in badass and take his revenge. Zach: But we don't know much about programming just yet. - Lincoln stopped looking at Lynn with anger and released her ponytail - Have you ever wondered how I feel because of this? - 7.5/10 "Street Sharks" - 7/10 "Megas XLR" - 7/10 "Chop Socky Chooks" - 7/10 "Monster Buster Club" - 7/10 "League of Super Evil" - 7/10 "Adventures From The Book of Virtues" - 7/10 "Sabrina: The Animated Series" - 7/10 "Bounty Hamster" - 7/10 "Sheep In The Big City" - 7/10 "Bump In The. Soon you go to middle school like me and there are a lot of bullies. - Lincoln asked. She closed door loudly, what took Lola's attention and angry glare. Lincoln: I don't understand why either, I didn't get to be with my friends in Mrs. Salters class, that wasn't really fair. (When the new kid enters the classroom, three heads started to look down on Lincoln, the new student appears to have a body similar to King Ghidorah from the Godzilla movies and each head reminds him of the people that bullied him. His eyes drifted away from the ceiling and around his small room, looking for something to pique his interest. Mr. Bolhofner: >annoyed, to Lincoln< SHUT UP LOUD, I'M YOUR TEACHER AND YOU MUST DO WHAT I SAY, SO GET BACK TO YOUR SEAT, AND THAT GOES FOR THE REST OF YOU, I'M IN CHARGE, NO MORE OF THAT STUPID PROJECTS ABOUT MAKING DOLLS OR COMPUTER GAMES IN MY CLASSROOM! - Lynnhugged Lincoln back - Please be better than me anddon't become a bully because of me. Lucy: >to Luan< Luan, that joke doesn't even make any sense at all! MBB305839 - I can use the one you sent me on the 21st and 27th. ??? He opened the door and watched Lola wounded and terrified and Lena with sinister grin, whole their room was a mess. - Lynn, you should have told me. Lincoln then faints on top of the linoleum floor. Lori head: And we literally are going to be besties Bolhofner Virus: Once you created a virus, there is no going back Loud. The Loud parents and Sisters gain powers from one of Lisa's experiments blowing up, Lincoln was away on a trip with Clyde, so while his family became heroes like many ot. (Ms. Merdich and Rob Paulson left the classroom, the class was really upset that they are going to be stuck with Mr. Bolhofner). Luna: You know, I remember when she made a Godzilla game where it smashes cities and battle monsters, she got an A+ on it. Lori: >to Lincoln< So what will you be having? Lori: WellLuna said you got a project to do right? I wasn't sure about Lana, but you did came before me to stop her. Guest 1 - I can use bits of this. Bolhofner MechaGodzilla: Prepare to be terminated! (The family graons at her bad joke, they continued to eat). Lori: Okay Lincoln, let's get started, first, I'll give you some paper, >gives Lincoln some paper< then I'll give you a pencil, >gives Lincoln a pencil< and you are good to go, oh and I almost forgot. And no, I haven't been watching it as much. (Lincoln's luck was starting to grow brighter than ever, normally Mr. Bolhofner would give Lincoln trouble more than Chandler, but this time the tables have turned, but he need to be on Ms. Merdich's side so this way he doesn't end up on the disipline list, after school, Lincoln then went back to on his project, he finished up Rodan's animations, he got them tested and he knew that his work is done, he wanted to go downstairs and watch a Godzilla movie on the TV room, "Godzilla vs. Biollante" on Blu-Ray, but Lynn pushed him aside). (Lincoln's Laptop was tuned on once again, as she helps him get the pieces of the body together). Leni: >wakes up< Oh, Morning Linky, I wanted to sleep with you because I heard you screaming last night, so I thought I could cuddle you, because I understand Lori sometimes do it, and the same goes with Luna. Rita: A Godzilla game on a computer? (Later it cuts to Ms. Merdich giving the final grades to the students of Mr. Bolhofner's class). My fifty-fifth fanfiction. Ms. Merdich: No worries, I will always remember you, so I'll come back when Principal Ramirez needs me to sub for me, but for now, there is another school that needed me, because another teacher is going to be out for a while because she is having a baby. I gotta say, I never thought I'd be reviewing a show made by Klasky-friggin'-Csupo as a FORGOTTEN cartoon. - I have a salve for bruises in my bag. I just wanted you to be prepared as I will not be able to protect you forever like I did in the elementary school. I've been watching these kind of movies since I was your age, and believe me, they are way better than those superhero stuff. What's her name? Lincoln: >giggles< Haha, got you back big sis, I'll have Hawaiian for my half. (As Lincoln got on the bus, he sat next to Clyde). Lynn figured out Lincoln is wearing the protector she gave to him. Rita: Whoa whoa whoa kids, settle down, one at a time! She immadiatelly run there only violently stopped. "Oh yeah," Lincoln said. Riley: Well I guess we are going to be stuck with Mr. Bolhofner for the rest of our school year. Lincoln: Sure, it better not be a romantic movie on NetFlix or HBO Max, I know you like these kind of movies, and I know you like Dirty Dancing. Lincoln: Don't worry, I got it all in here, trust me, I got this, I'll be fine. Ms. Merdich: >to Rob Paulson< Thank you Mr. Paulson >to Chandler< I've already warned you yesterday, now, you are on the discipline list, and like I said, if you get three strikes, you will be sent to the principal's office, >to class< and that goes for the rest of you. Lincoln: Cinnamon sticks? (pretty soon all of the girls left the table as they all got board with Luan's bad puns). Leni: >to Lincoln< Yeah, you are like totes popular with your game now. "Kind of, why did he retired Lori," Lincoln asked. Lincoln Loud, a 12 year old boy starting middle school starts to experience weird things in his day, his body strength is much different then it was a week ago, he's hearing voices around him when their's no-one near him and not only that, his dreams are getting much weirder, like he's seeing people he's never met before, how weird. Lori: Let's see if our food is in the bag! Boy student one: I'm going to make an A.R.G.G.H. WellI guess you'll have to sit with me and my sardine breath at lunch. The Loud parents get their kids taken away due to Lincoln being labeled 'bad luck'. Stella: Hey Lincoln, what's with the smile! Ms. Merdich: >to Lincoln< That's good on ye mate, I think we are all going to get alone just fine. Back in September, I made a journal asking people what "Loud House" fanfictions they would recommend I read, ones that are free of the infamous and annoying tropes that plague a lot of "Loud House" fanfictions. I've recently discovered that the world of anime has a lot to offer in the horror genre. Mr. Bolhofner: Now class, I would like for you all to meet Ronnie Anne Santiago, please give her a little time for her to tell us her backstory, and then it's time for class, >to Ronnie Anne< Ronnie Anne? Lincoln was standing on the beach when Lola yelled out to him "Lincoln! - I don't have your strength, so I depend on my brain. After some time they returned home in grey tracksuits with hoods and bags on stomaches. Mr. Bolhofner: >annoyed< Alright, which one of you twerps is responsible for breaking the wind during class time? Digi Stella: We'll hang out some other time! Lincoln: Like when you control either Godzilla or the military? Lynn Sr: Hey, there's my biggest pumpkin! (While Lori dialed for pizza, she placed her order, when she gets done, she asks Lincoln again). Don't become what you fight against. "Ghost Hunt" and "Another" were introduced to me by a friend of mine, and I really love both of them. Lola: >scared< Linky? Principal Ramirez: >to Lincoln< Lincoln, I've got a task for you, and I know you can do it, I have Ronnie Anne attend the same classes with you, so it'll be your job to be her escort buddy to your class. Sex: Female Age: 34 Birthday: Jan 22nd, 1989 Height: 5"9 Weight: 207 Lbs Eye Color: Red Hair Color: Orange Birthplace: Canada Occupation: Pro Wrestler Fighting Style: Heihuquan, Pro Wrestling Power: Transform into a weretiger when enraged Story: Tonya was once a confident and cheerful 13 year old model student living a good life in her hometown in Toronto, until one day in school she was beaten by a bully to the point that her anger transformed her into a tiger like creature walking on two legs and savagely mauled her attacker to near death, Upon hearing the news, her parents told her the terrible truth that centuries ago in ancient china, their family's lineage was created by a evil sorcerer bent on world dominiation, only to be defeated by a large group of shaolin monks, only a few packs of weretigers survived and escaped the continent. Lori: Sounds like you had a dream huh buddy? He chooses to leave. Lori: Just the new one, I'm still not a fan of classic black and white films though. Ms. Merdich: Your final step in making the game is programming your game, to do this you need to go to this website. (It starts with a black screen with the narrator reading the words on the screen) Narrator: >reads< "Previously on The Loud House" Ronnie Anne: My familia's got COVID and my Mom and Bobby are staying here for the week until my familia feels better. Principal Ramirez: >to class< Good morning students, I hope you have a good day! - I did it because you made me! Ghosted was a good episode, but it involved all 3 of them. Curious, he change into his clothes and run through the backyard, he see's the girls in the front yard in a deluxe pool, they're having tons of fun; Lincoln then walk back in the house and sits on his bed) LINCOLN: See what I mean? The Loud House Fanfic #6-Report Lincoln Add to Favourites By jgodzilla1212 Watch Published: Jun 30, 2019 24 Favourites 18 Comments 18K Views (It starts on a Monday afternoon where Lincoln and his classmates just got back from Lunch until Mrs. Johnson came back with a stack full of envelopes) Mrs. Johnson: Class, I have a big announcement today! - Lynn stopped crying - Maybe I don't deserve your kindness. (Lincoln wakes up and find the hallway is quiet. "Abraham Lincoln's assassination was at Peterson House, Washington D.C. on April 15th 1865" is wrong. Lincoln: Not really, he's suspended from the remainder of the semester, so we might get a new substitute by Monday! - Of course I would involve but good I didn't have to as all the problems were solved by yourselves. "Lori, what happened and where's my pants," Lincoln said. Lori: Okay, I'll call and place an order. Clyde: I'm so sorry to hear that, say would you like to-- Lincoln: >to Ronnie Anne, interrupts Clyde< Have a tour of our school before the bell rings? (Lincoln's classmates are happy to hear the news). Wow, so many bruises. Ms. Merdich: Chandler, is there something you would like to share with the class? Mr. Bolhofner: Late again Loud? (The entire class raised their hands as they are all eager to present their game). Liam: So I reckon you are going to suffer with the Hoff huh? The family took her in and raised her as one of their own. - Lincoln said - Luna, please rub us with this. - It will be better. Leni: I'm totes adored about my day when I got an A+ on my math test, I didn't know how I did it, but I think I did real hard on it. Lori: >to Lincoln< Not so fast Lincoln, I'll have to cut you a half, so you can have one half of your burger for lunch and your other half for lunch. Rusty: Can we hang out after school over at Gus'? Ms. Merdich: >to Riley< Good job, now let's multiply by nine and what do we have altogether? Ms. Merdich: >to Lincoln< Thanks mate, >looks at board< You must be Lincoln Loud, nice to meet ye. - If you knew, you wouldn't get used to surprise attacks. (Lori and Lincoln got started on working on animating the characters, he knew he had to click on a body part and take some snips and add them to the animation slash control file, he had Godzilla walking forward and backward while blocking, roaring, fighting, kicking and swiping with his tail, he even added his breath animation, he tested the characters and he was successful). - Luna observed -You're lucky to have less bruises than Lynn. I wrote the story because Lynn bullying Lincoln in the show is painful for me to watch. Lincoln: Wow, I didn't know animation was so hard. Stella: You know what you need? [Outside, Lincoln and Clyde are walking home from school] LINCOLN: I can't wait for St. Patrick's Day! She kept punching and kicking him like a training mannequin. I also wanted to use Lana somehow. (It later cuts to lunchtime where Lincoln manages to sit with his friends). Lincoln Loud getting adopted into another family along with his new siblings who all have to fight off strange and magical creatures to protect royal woods while trying to maintain there normal life. When he stood up she stroke him again. Mr. Coconuts: If you ask me, I thought the game was loads of fun. Lincoln: I want to try and cook something for both of us. (The game pulls up and the intro fires up, it was called "Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Shell Shocked", Lincoln and the rest of the class were amazed with it as they all looked excited, they couldn't wait to make their own game, the game stopped and Ms. Merdich removed the flash drive from the computer). "Cute hearts by the way.". Employee: >on speaker phone< Welcome to Burpin' Burger, How may I take your order? Lana went into her and Lola's room. That caused Lincoln fell on ground. Don't cut off my ponytail! We might even see a Four-leaf Clover. Leni: I think I need to get some sleep after all that Pizza! Mr. Bolhofner: >gasps< Principal Ramirez, I can explain on why is that Aussie is making my students create their game and waste their time. Lynn Sr.: >to Lincoln< So son, how is your project getting along? It's already dead, that game is more important to me than your lame old japanese rubber monster suit kinda movies, now buzz off Stinkoln. Lincoln: Maybe, but I might want to do this all night if I have to. The Loud House: Bad Blood By: Tyzuma A few years have passed since Luna and Lincoln were turned into vampires. (As the finger missiles were locked and loaded on Lincoln, a shot of Godzilla Lori's breath hit the robotic head, she brabbed the head and tore it off, the robot was no longer fnctional, then Chandler Ghidorah was about to strike Godzilla Lori, but she grabs all three of the head, and tied them up into a pretzel, then she lifts him and tosses it to Mothra Leni, who also tosses it to Rodan Luna, then she tosses to Godzilla Lori, with a swing of her tail, Chandler Ghidorah was thrown back in space not soon after blasting her atomic breath at him, Luan and Lincoln cheered them on after a victory, in the real world, Lincoln was cheering in his sleep, Lori then wakes him up, she succeeds). I was just expressing my opinion, I mean, Stinkoln should have done a sports game, not any of that lame guy in rubber-suit stuff. (Lincoln hugged Lola back and they both went to sleep, the next day, the class were waiting patiently for Ms. Merdich to arrive, but she came in about five minutes later). She begins to do competitions with her sisters to improve her baseball skills before the big rematch in 5 days. Lincoln and Lynn went up to Lola and Lena's room. - Too far? Riley: I'm going to make a game aboutsurvival! (Luan comes out of her room as she was going to the bathroom much to his question). Come, sit next to me. Oh Boy, my favorite. Lori: I'm so proud of you Lincoln, you'll be be finished in no time at all. Lincoln: Yes, I just had to replace one of the heads. - Lincoln replied, showing Lynn a tube of salve he used - You've bullied me for years and in last week you started to do it every day. "Lori why do you seem so tense and nervous," Lincoln asked. Lincoln: Ladies and gentlemen of Mr. Bolhofner's class, I present to you, the game that I've been constructing three weeks ago, and I've couldn't have done this without my friends Clyde, Liam, Zach, Rusty, Stella, my neighbor Mr. Grouse, and my big sisters Luna and Lori who is at college, and i give them thanks for my support, and now ladies and gentlemen, I'm going to show the game that I've been working on that was suggested my my sister Luna, I originally want to work on Ace Savvy or A.R.G.G.H. Mr. Bolhofner: That's what I thought >to the rest of the class< AND THAT GOES FOR THE REST OF YOU, NO GROANING IN MY CLASSROOM!!! Lincoln: I hope so too, otherwise, I don't want to lose my confidence. (Lincoln then inserts the flash drive on the computer and the shortcut pops up, Lincoln double clicks on it and the game starts loading, then the Godzilla theme starts playing, and then the menu pops up offscreen they were all amazed on what Lincoln had done with oo's and aa's, the family started to comment on Lincoln's game, it laters zooms out to the Loud House where everyone was proud of Lincoln's hard work on his game, four days later, the day had finally come, Lincoln was fully prepared, he got his backpack ready, and his flashdrive in his backpack, it then cuts to the school bus where Lincoln is sitting next to Clyde, as he tells everything on how it will go). Ms. Merdich: Okie dokie class, tomorrow, I will be giving you a homework assignment for the weekend, and they are due next Friday, work hard and don't goof off now. fan game, but everyone else already had the same idea, so my sister Luna suggested I do a Godzilla game, we did all the work but im still on the final step, programming! Rita: Well sometimes you have to accept what you have, and sometimes bad things happen and there is nothing you can do about. (While they wait patiently for the pizza to come, they watched "Godzilla: King of the Monsters" on their Blu-Ray player, the doorbell rang, and Lori answered, she paid for the pizza and served for themselves, once the movie was done, and they finished up their pizza and cinnamon sticks, Lincoln went back to work with his designs for the characters, he then started to work on the arms and hands, and later the starts making the legs, feet and tail for each creature, it took him until about 11:42 pm to get them done, Lincoln knew that he worked on them all afternoon and all evening with Lori's help, he went upstairs to his room, he knew that Lori was already in bed, so he didn't felt like disturbing her at the moment, so he went to bed, the next morning, Lincoln went downstairs to have breakfast, but Lori surprised him with a special breakfast, a short stack with hash browns, eggs and bacon). Rob Paulsen: >squawk< Well done Lincoln, well done. Ms. Merdich: Exactly, even if it means losing my job as a substitute teacher. based fan game, but a few of them got the ideas already. Ms. Merdich: No worries class, I'll still be here on Friday, we will surprise Mr. Bolhofner on how good you have been for me, and for making your game, now before we get started, has everyone added backgrounds, music and sounds to their game? Principal Ramirez: Now class, you maybe wondering why I brought you guys here, you guys aren't in trouble, I'm here to give you the bad news, the bad news is, you're teacher Mr. Bolhofner will not be teaching you for the next two months as he has to go to a family trip to Kenya so he will hopefully be in better shape in the future, and also your classroom will not be in a trailer anymore because clearly, the school board said that the trailer is not safe, so we are going to tear it down and re-build the trailer. Lynn Sr.: I really didn't know what was wrong with him, but I did hear that he had a mental breakdown. After he passed front door of his house Lynn jumped towards him to kick him in torso, screaming "Banzai!". One day, Lincoln Loud was one day watching Arggh on television. At afternoon Lincoln returned home from his school, complaining about how bad day he had there. That stair was rubbed with a colourless and odorless salve. Ms. Merdich: >to Chandler< Is there a problem young bloke? - Then why didn't you just tell me this? Mr. Grouse: >to Lincoln< Yep, they offered me a job as a substitute teacher every Monday thru Friday when I'm not at the office, isn't that great? Ms. Merdich: So keep on playing guys, I'll see you next time, good luck on your future! Ms. Merdich: Ever since I was a little girl, I've had a passion for videogames, since then, I've learned to make my own game, it took me at least three weeks to make my game and for the first time, I made great progress with my game, and today, I want to see your own game, and I want to be impressed >inserts the flash driver onto the computer< here is my own game that I've created! - Luna answered happily - I am proud of you all. Stella: Sorry Lincoln, but not all of us don't have that expierence in this before. Lynn head: I've been expecting you to be in his class. (Then, the bell rings, and Lincoln was disappointed that he couldn't come up with a good title for his game). In this robot chicken fanfic sketch, Lincoln Loud dies and meets Gregg the grim reaper from Conker's Bad Fur Day and the video game's remake Conker: Live and Reloaded. For those who don't know, Kamishibai is a form of Japanese street theater that was popular back in the 1930's. Ms. Merdich: >points to Chandler< Yes sir. Zach: At least you are not in Canada anymore! - Hello, Mrs. Neilson, this. Luna: I agree, didn't you see Lori the last time you help her with her ghost problem? It made Lynn more annoyed as she heard Lincoln's laugh. If I went further, I would have hated myself for hurting someone I love. Bolhofner Virus: Congratulations Loud, you are now one of us! Ronnie Anne: Oh sure, and according to the schedule, I have the same classes as you. Ms. Merdich: Spit it out mate, we ain't got time for this! Clyde: Relax Lincoln, maybe you can tell Ms. Merdich that you haven't figured out how to program the game yet, she'll understand! This is Fanfiction #7. Credit goes to Harburton81 and Lokibaker for dialogue support. (And that is what Lori did, she grabbed a kitchen knife and started to cut the burger in half, she took the other half of the burger and put it in the microwave, Lincoln began to take a big bite on his burger, he love the taste of the grade A beef, once he was finished, he went back to work on his project). Lincoln: >to Mr. Grouse, annoyed< Really? Share your thoughts, experiences, and stories behind the art. - Lincoln, Lynn, Lola and Lana were surprised, - Did you see all of this? (Ms. Merdich gave Lincoln a hug and Lincoln hugs her back, they both release thier hug and Ms. Merdich gave their grades to to other students, it then cuts to Ms. Merdich and Rob Paulsen on Ms. Merdich's shoulder as she packs up her belongings). And it's not very stressful, aside from when I have to call to cancel for her. Chandler: So, who will be our substitute teacher? - Lynn cried more - I am so sorry. Chandler: Me and my dad worked on them, he used to design videogames at a young age. She quickly stood up and dashed again but Lincoln took a small sack from his bag and throwed it on floor. Ms. Merdich: G'day class, I'm your new substitute teacher, Ms. Merdich, and this is my fine feathered friend, Rob Paulsen, you know, after the cartoon voice actor. (The class even made up some good stories, Lincoln was making up a good story for his Godzilla game, he came up with a brilliant idea to have an alien control seven monsters except for one monster controlled by the player, once they were done, they moved on to the next step). Lincoln: I'm sorry Ms. Merdich, I have been coming up with these ideas since last night. Lincoln: and now ladies and gentlemen, the moment we all have been waiting forI would like to thank the people who supported me on this project, Clyde, Stella, Liam, Zach, Rusty, Mr. Grouse and Lori even if she's not here to withness it, all of you want what's best for me, and I myself can clearly see myself as a future game designer where I can help make videogames for future generations, and now ladies and genntlemen, I'm going to show you, the game that I've been constructing since I got a substitute, it was originally going to be an Ace Savvy or A.R.G.G.H. (Charles whimpered, as he went to get some food for his dog bowl, Lincoln was about to dig in until Lori swiped it from him). Ms. Merdich: >to Chandler< Zip it, mark my words Chandler, that's two checks for you, one more and you are out of my class and straight to the office you go. Ms. Merdich: Sweet, now for the final step, and you have exactly three days to finish, and remember, your game is due on Friday, and your game is worth nintey five percent of your grade, also copyright is worth five percent of your grade. He ran upstairs to his bedroom, quickly changed into his pajamas and, quickly fell asleep cuddling with Bun Bun. Lincoln: Mr. Bolhofner, you can't do that! I didn't know I could pull this off! Mr. Grouse: >to Lincoln, annoyed< But nothing, it's your problem Loud, not mine, so get lost!