Hoyt, D. D.: This psalm sings of I. The ruler should always be chief in action, that by his living he may point out the way of life to those that are put under him, and that the flock, which follows the voice and manners of the shepherd, may learn how to walk better through example than through words. Rom. Before the Searcher of hearts all mankind must appeal to mere and sovereign mercy. 1, 2. xlix. One of my favorite scriptures is this confession from the psalmist David: "The LORD will perfect that which concerns me" (Psalm 138:8, NKJV). Exodus 16:2-15. He compasseth man's path, and his lying down, and is acquainted with all his ways. xlix. lxxxv. We become unconscious of everything by long use. Don't Waste Your Season of Waiting lxxxv. Letter Xliii a Consolatory Letter to the Parents of Geoffrey. How priceless the blood of Calvary, in which the saints have "washed their robes and made them white"! If God makes your son His son also, what do you lose or what does he himself lose? He compasseth man's path, and his lying down, and is acquainted with all his ways. Nay, more, this process of self-inspection may go on indefinitely, and the man grow more and more thoughtful, and obtain an everlastingly augmenting knowledge of what he is and what he does, so that it shall seem to him that he is penetrating so deeply into those dim and shadowy regions of consciousness where the external life takes its very first start, and then he may be sure that God understands the thought that is afar off, and deep down, and that at this lowest range and plane in his experience he besets him behind and before.II. The former are made and fulfilled by its glorious Originator; the latter are enjoined and obligatory on man. It goes on in secret, as far from human vision as if it were deep down in some subterraneous cavern, but God sees it and directs the mysterious and complicated tissue, as if it were a piece of delicate embroidery. The self-knowledge, remember, must come in the one way or the other. GOD ACCURATELY AND EXHAUSTIVELY KNOWS ALL THAT MAN KNOWS OF HIMSELF. The Lord will perfect that which concerns me (Psalm 138:8) Thought for the day, Nov 1, 2017 - YouTube 0:00 2:01 The Lord will perfect that which concerns me (Psalm 138:8) Thought. He prophesies that the kings of the earth shall praise God7. If God makes your son His son also, what do you lose or what does he himself lose? 23, 24). 23:1) I confess all my sins and iniquities, cleanse me with your blood, Lord Jesus . Though the transgressor is ignorant of much of his sin, because, at the time of its commission, he sins blindly as well as wilfully, and unreflectingly as well as freely; and though the transgressor has forgotten much of that small amount of sin, of which he was conscious, and by which he was pained, at the time of its perpetration; though, on the side of man, the powers of self-inspection and memory have accomplished so little towards this preservation of man's sin, yet God knows it all, and remembers it all. And here let us look upon the bright as well as the dark side of this subject. 2. The proposals of that Covenant include its promises and its duties. Psalm 138:8, KJV: The LORD will perfect that which concerneth me: thy mercy, O LORD, endureth for ever: forsake not the works of thine own hands. 2. The Lord is nigh unto them that call upon Him; He also will hear their cry, and will help them.--Psalm cxlv. Said Milton, speaking of his travels abroad when a young man: "I again take God to witness that in all places where so many things are considered lawful, I lived sound and untouched from all profligacy and vice, having this thought perpetually with me, that though I might escape the eyes of men, I certainly could not the eyes of God."4. That act whereby another being knows my secret thoughts and inmost feelings is most certainly inexplicable.I. : While the Americans were blockading Cuba, several captains endeavoured to elude their vigilance by night, trusting that the darkness would conceal them as they passed between the American war-ships. 23, 24). He then that has no care to keep peace refuses to bear the fruit of the Spirit. Well," he says, "I know the Lord has begun his work in me. This is the communion with Him, and with Christ, which unquestionably helps the struggling, the penitent, the praying, more than anything else. If that Being has gone down into these depths of human depravity, and seen it with a more abhorring glance than could ever shoot from a finite eye, and yet has returned with a cordial offer to forgive it all, and a hearty proffer to cleanse it all away, then we can lift up the eye in adoration and in hope. As for Me and My House: - Keep Believing Ministries Nay, more, this process of self-inspection may go on indefinitely, and the man grow more and more thoughtful, and obtain an everlastingly augmenting knowledge of what he is and what he does, so that it shall seem to him that he is penetrating so deeply into those dim and shadowy regions of consciousness where the external life takes its very first start, and then he may be sure that God understands the thought that is afar off, and deep down, and that at this lowest range and plane in his experience he besets him behind and before.II. S. Augustine, Of the Perfection of Human Righteousness, viii. If you look at it, you will see that there is in its bowels a full description of a true Christian. Hence Paul. For he who is required by the necessity of his position to speak the highest things is compelled by the same necessity to exhibit the highest things. His discourse, the first which He delivered to His disciples at greater length, began from this. xviii. RCCG: THE LORD WILL PERFECT THAT WHICH CONCERNETH ME. Sermon From )PeopleDavid, PsalmistPlacesJerusalemTopicsAbandon, Accomplish, Age, Chief, Complete, Concerneth, Concerns, David, Endures, Endureth, Eternal, Everlasting, Fall, Forever, Forsake, Fulfil, Fulfill, Hands, Kindness, Love, Loving, Lovingkindness, Loving-kindness, Mercy, Musician, O, Perfect, Psalm, Purpose, Steadfast, WorksOutline1. Forasmuch as each man is a part of the human race, and human nature is something social, and hath for a great and natural good, the power also of friendship; on this account God willed to create all men out of one, in order that they might be held in their society not only by likeness of kind, but also by bond of kindred. S. Augustine, Of the City of God, xix. "Though I walk in the midst of trouble, Thou wilt revive me: Thy right hand shall save me."--PS. To reprove some prevalent impieties in human conduct.(1)Atheism.(2)Indifferentism.3. AugustineOf Holy Virginity. But yet there is another, not less powerful than any, which deserves special mention. Hear my prayer, O God; and hide not Thyself from my petition. 18, 19. 19 III. If you look at it, you will see that there is in its bowels a full description of a true Christian. And this will generally be just when we are tempted to do wrong, or perhaps just when we are actually beginning to do it: some secret sin of which no one knows or dreams perhaps, some self-indulgence, which we dare not deny that God condemns. LCMS Sermons - Pastor James F. Wright Sermon on Ephesians 4:30-5:2. Is the Contemplative Life wholly confined to the Intellect, or does the Will enter into it? Wherefore a few witnesses, which the Lord deigns to suggest to my mind, I proceed to mention, from out the teaching of Christ concerning humility, such as perhaps may be enough for my purpose. IS THERE AN ALL-SEEING GOD? G. T. Shedd, D. D.: One of the most remark. lxxxv. the lord will perfect that which concerns me sermon S. Augustine, Of the Perfection of Human Righteousness, viii. And here let us look upon the bright as well as the dark side of this subject. [2105] And these without all controversy we take to be humble. And though we thought that we had suffered loss from the tardiness of their coming, yet we find gain from their more abundant charity; seeing that from this delay in point Saint Gregory the Greatthe Epistles of Saint Gregory the GreatThe Coming Revival"Wilt Thou not revive us again: that Thy people may rejoice in Thee?"--PS. Our hearts will put us in mind of God's eye being upon us every now and then involuntarily. [2105] And these without all controversy we take to be humble. IV. That of welcoming the Divine searching (vers. 15. So that whenever we are on the point of doing or saying anything cowardly, or mean, or false, or impure, or proud, or conceited, or unkind, the remembrance that God is looking on shall instantly flash across us and help us to beat down our enemy. Hilary of PoitiersThe Life and Writings of St. Hilary of PoitiersPsalmsThe piety of the Old Testament Church is reflected with more clearness and variety in the Psalter than in any other book of the Old Testament. There is no reason to mourn a son as lost who is a religious, still less to fear for his delicacy of constitution. able characteristics of a rational being is the power of self-inspection. For if God's exhaustive knowledge of the human heart waken dread in one of its aspects, it starts infinite hope in another. All that concerns present safety and future glory are thus secured. Being rich he becomes richer; being already high born, of still nobler lineage; being illustrious, he gains greater renown; and--what is more than all--once a sinner he is now a saint. lvii. To Dominicus, Bishop. The ruler should always be chief in action, that by his living he may point out the way of life to those that are put under him, and that the flock, which follows the voice and manners of the shepherd, may learn how to walk better through example than through words. So that whenever we are on the point of doing or saying anything cowardly, or mean, or false, or impure, or proud, or conceited, or unkind, the remembrance that God is looking on shall instantly flash across us and help us to beat down our enemy. He is in (1)Heaven. AugustineOf Holy Virginity. )God all-seeing:In the mythology of the heathen, Momus, the god of fault-finding, is represented as blaming Vulcan, because in the human form, which he had made of clay, he had not placed a window in the breast, by which whatever was done or thought there might easily be brought to light. ad probam IV. It is a simple question of time; a simple question whether it shall come here in this world, where the blood of Christ "freely" flows, or in the future world, where "there remaineth no more sacrifice for sin."(W. Rom. How can I turn all my worries and problems over to God? Like the air we breathe, like the light we see, it involves a mystery that no man has ever solved. "Though I walk in the midst of trouble, Thou wilt revive me: Thy right hand shall save me."--PS. To follow Jesus means to follow Jesus into a society where justice rules, where love shapes everything. Followers follow, and those who don't follow aren't followers. )God all-seeing:In the mythology of the heathen, Momus, the god of fault-finding, is represented as blaming Vulcan, because in the human form, which he had made of clay, he had not placed a window in the breast, by which whatever was done or thought there might easily be brought to light. That act whereby another being knows my secret thoughts and inmost feelings is most certainly inexplicable.I. Its words are as simple and unaffected as human words can be, for it is the genius John Edgar McFadyenIntroduction to the Old TestamentLinksPsalm 138:8 NIVPsalm 138:8 NLTPsalm 138:8 ESVPsalm 138:8 NASBPsalm 138:8 KJVPsalm 138:8 Bible AppsPsalm 138:8 ParallelPsalm 138:8 Biblia ParalelaPsalm 138:8 Chinese BiblePsalm 138:8 French BiblePsalm 138:8 German BiblePsalm 138:8 CommentariesBible Hub, (2)Constant.II. Hear my prayer, O God; and hide not Thyself from my petition. "Come, and let us return to the Lord: for He hath torn, and He will heal us. But there are other reasons for the comparative neglect into which he has fallen. xlix. If you look at it, you will see that there is in its bowels a full description of a true Christian. But this is more especially true in the work of grace in the heart. 19 III. "To Him all hearts are open, all desires known." 17, 18).2. The word, "me," in the text, cannot be appropriated by any man, unless he, in some respects, resembles the character of David, who penned this psalm. Does the Contemplative Life comprise many Acts? S. Augustine, Of the City of God, xix. 7 ad 3m II. Being rich he becomes richer; being already high born, of still nobler lineage; being illustrious, he gains greater renown; and--what is more than all--once a sinner he is now a saint. Each of us must at some time face the crucial question: "Whom say ye that I am?" ( Matt. S. Augustine, Of the Perfection of Human Righteousness, viii. 7 ad 3m II. S. Thomas, On the Beatific Vision, I., xii. Forasmuch as each man is a part of the human race, and human nature is something social, and hath for a great and natural good, the power also of friendship; on this account God willed to create all men out of one, in order that they might be held in their society not only by likeness of kind, but also by bond of kindred. It is perfectly plain from the elevated central point of view where we now stand, and in the focal light in which we now see, that no man can be justified before God upon the ground of personal character; for that character, when subjected to God's exhaustive scrutiny, withers and shrinks away. It is the speech of the soul face to face with God. The Lord Will Perfect - RCCG PPP xlix. But while all held their peace, the Son [441] said, AthanasiusSelect Works and Letters or AthanasiusCovenant Duties. (Admonition 23.) The text, however, itself, is its own guard. 7 ad 3m II. Wherefore a few witnesses, which the Lord deigns to suggest to my mind, I proceed to mention, from out the teaching of Christ concerning humility, such as perhaps may be enough for my purpose. If God makes your son His son also, what do you lose or what does he himself lose? THE EARNEST PRAYER ACCOMPANYING THIS CONFIDENCE. Said Milton, speaking of his travels abroad when a young man: "I again take God to witness that in all places where so many things are considered lawful, I lived sound and untouched from all profligacy and vice, having this thought perpetually with me, that though I might escape the eyes of men, I certainly could not the eyes of God."4. To reprove some prevalent impieties in human conduct.(1)Atheism.(2)Indifferentism.3. Like the air we breathe, like the light we see, it involves a mystery that no man has ever solved. GOD ACCURATELY AND EXHAUSTIVELY KNOWS ALL THAT MAN MIGHT, BUT DOES NOT, KNOW OF HIMSELF. If anyone acknowledges that Jesus is the Son of God, God . He learnt his theology, as we shall see, from Eastern authorities, and was not content to carry on and develop the traditional teaching of the West; and the disciple St.