Il n’y a pas de branches de commentaires dans la version Web. Marquez alors un point en étant réactif, ne serait-ce que pour leur dire que vous allez étudier leur cas si vous n’avez pas de réponse concrète à fournir sur le moment. Un programme personnalisé de vitamines & compliments adapté à vos besoins. She has her following for being a nail artist and young girls often go on there to say very mean things and it turns into a large argument. These are often some of the most common comments you’ll receive on your posts. | Répondre à @thierry_bruno je le prend comme un compliment merci. This is because I don’t know what the context of the mention was for and don’t want to interfere or insert myself into a conversation. Now, if the person is being spammy in their compliments, you can choose how you want to handle them. I say it over and over: respond to all the comments on your posts! Personally, I don’t typically respond if it’s a simple @ mention of someone. Information about your device and internet connection, including your IP address, Browsing and search activity while using Verizon Media websites and apps. Quoi de mieux pour créer de l’engagement que de mettre en place un concours. Then you could respond with a simple thank you or even a complimentary emoji – who doesn’t love a whole convo exclusively in emojis? If someone goes through and likes a whole bunch of your posts, it could be genuine and a thank you is warranted. It’s super easy to review and reply to all your comments that way. But secondly, it shows your other followers that you do respond and take these issues seriously. Then block the person with the spam post. This way it becomes a positive message and supportive stance rather than looking like she’s just deleting anything she doesn’t agree with. Pour ce faire, nous voulons apprendre à vous connaître. Again, if you want to find a way to seal the deal, throwing in a coupon code for them (DM or in a comment) will both show your appreciation, customer service, and be more likely to convert the sale. people have been saying stuff like "you're so pretty" "i love you" and "you're perfect"...and I don't really know how to thank them. Otherwise, simply ignoring or even deleting the comment is an alternative. Il est tout à fait normal qu'elle ne saisisse pas trop bien un compliment reçu d'un membre de la famille ou d'une amie à l'égard de son apparenc. Il vous dit que vous êtes une personne incroyable et qu’il apprécie qui vous êtes. Pour répondre à un commentaire sur Instagram, il suffit simplement d’appuyer sur le bouton « répondre » en-dessous de celui-ci. Aujourd’hui, ce sont plus de 200 millions de personnes par mois qui utilisent ce service. So, here I have examples of different scenarios where someone might comment or @ mention you and how you can respond to each. You can also send the person who commented a Direct Message with a personalized thank you. One of the tools I recommend to help make sure you never miss a comment is Agorapulse (affiliate link). You can do this to if you feel comfortable with it. Eh bien vous vous trompez, si vous faites quelque chose de bien, c’est que vous avez dû bosser, faire des efforts, vous appliquer pour arriver à ce résultat. When someone likes your post, there’s no required etiquette to thank them or reciprocate. However, if you notice someone regularly liking your content, you might want to shoot them a DM with a personalized thank you or promo code for your business. I do have some questions about it….how do you respond if someone just leaves a emoticon, no words…do you respond at all? Par définition, un compliment est constitué de paroles positives, qui n’engagent à rien, et auxquelles il suffit de répondre par un sourire et un merci. If they called out specifics or got detailed in their comments, responding with a similar level of personalization is ideal. Did you ask your audience a question? Since you can’t do anything about these posts, I can’t really help there. Pour pouvoir répondre à une story Instagram avec une photo, une vidéo ou un Boomerang, il suffit de mettre à jour l’application sur Android et iOS (version 10.28 et supérieures). Aidez votre enfant en vous inspirant de notre liste d'actions et envoyez-lui le lien vers l'article et la vidéo en question. However, especially on Instagram, where I get a lot of spamaholics leaving annoying comments, I do delete them. Vous pensez que lorsque vous faites quelque chose de bien c’est tout à fait normal et que vous avez fait ce que vous deviez faire. Si vous retournez tous les gentils commentaires, ou si par réflexe vous vous exaltez devant la beauté d’une voiture bonne pour la casse, votre entourage se mettra à douter de votre sincérité. A simple “Thank you” or “thanks for sharing this with your friends” may be appropriate – you know your audience best. These are my tips… what are yours? Thanks for sharing your insights on that. Thanks for stopping by and for asking this question. Faites comprendre à la personne qui vous en fait un que vous avez compris qu'il ne s'agissait pas vraiment d'un compliment . 8. For example, “@soandso what do you think of this?” or it might be more specific to the item in your post or it might be something like “I thought of you when I saw this”. My dear friend has quite a following on instagram (150k+) and she still goes out of her way to answer as many comments as she can. Sur Instagram, les concours marchent plutôt bien. 5.8m Followers, 144 Following, 1,363 Posts - See Instagram photos and videos from Jessica Garcia (@jessicathivenin) What you might try to do is find a common interest or experience that you can talk about. This is important in growing your community and actually building relationships with your audience. Find out more about how we use your information in our Privacy Policy and Cookie Policy. Sometimes it’s just their Instagram username, other times it’s their name and a question or comment. Sinon utilisez simplement un bon bot Instagram pour gérer et répondre à tous vos commentaires Instagram depuis votre ordinateur. It’s super easy to review and reply to all your comments that way. Do you have any unique or rewarding ways to respond to comments on Instagram? Ne faites pas semblant d'ignorer un compliment indirect. Another tip I recommend, especially if your post is product based, is to offer a discount code as an additional thank you for sharing your products. You can access all these options from the three-dot button on the posts and profiles. Comment souhaitez-vous répondre À nos questions ? We and our partners will store and/or access information on your device through the use of cookies and similar technologies, to display personalised ads and content, for ad and content measurement, audience insights and product development. If these rude offenders are posting inappropriate comments or spam, she can also block those users to prevent them from returning. Something as simple as “Thank you” or “Thanks” or “Glad you liked this one” is more than fine. You can monitor multiple Instagram profiles, including all the comments you receive, as well as ads you might have running. She also has to be weary of her audience and how these comments can affect that audience. To enable Verizon Media and our partners to process your personal data select 'I agree', or select 'Manage settings' for more information and to manage your choices. Enseignez-lui l'art de répondre à un complimentt. This was highlighted recently when a reader asked me how she should respond when someone @ mentions someone else on your posts (inviting them to check out the content or asking their opinion). Comment répondre à un compliment. Hi Caitlyn! I’ve wondered if that’s a “lazy” way to say awesome (like texting “u r gr8 thx”) or if an emoji is genuine. Un compliment périlleux, l'indomptable étant susceptible de se cabrer à tout moment, mais aussi une caresse pouvant faire mouche dans la crinière d'un lion. J’ai déjà écrit un billet qui s’intitulait “8 astuces pour bien débuter avec Instagram”. A Compliment on Your Post. Thank the original person for sharing, and show your gratitude that the tagged person liked the product. Understanding Trends in Social Media Management. She’s always curious if that is the right course of action of if inserting herself to calm everything down is better. Le dialogue est un art: apprenez à mieux écouter et à vous faire comprendre. Cela contribue à les calmer durant quelques heures. i'm so socially awkward. Je crois que c’est le conseil que l’on donne toutes. Instagram does review this feedback in its analysis of what accounts are adhering to their terms. You better have something original to say. However, as you mentioned, it could be a spam attempt to get new followers. And do you go to each feed and “heart” back some of their posted images? Il n’est pas facile de répondre aux compliments, surtout si, en les acceptant, vous avez peur de ressembler à une personne présomptueuse. Créez un compte ou connectez-vous à Instagram. © Copyright 2018 Jenn Herman. Ils souhaitent recevoir une réponse rapide, contrairement aux procédures habituelles qui prennent trop de temps. A whole conversation in emoticons does sound delightful. Derrière ce compliment. Nous allons créer une cure rien que pour vous. And if someone “hearts/likes” your photo, do you go over to their feed and do the same…and if they leave tons of hearts….do you do the same amount? Dans beaucoup d’entreprises, le compliment est même devenu un moyen de gérer et diriger les équipes. If someone is looking to you for help, it is your obligation to provide that support. Greg ( a créé une vidéo courte sur TikTok avec la musique Back In Black. En voici 3 exemples : 1. People; Dans les colonnes de Madame Figaro, Charlotte Gainsbourg est revenue sur un compliment … I’ve noticed that many people will do that and follow me…some stay, some leave after a few days. Be specific and helpful – this your real opportunity to provide value to your audience. It’s exhausting trying to keep up with everyone. Spam attempts are those who say “great pic! Si vos clients vous contactent sur les réseaux sociaux, c’est pour une bonne raison. Répondre par courrier électronique à un(e) client(e) qui est satisfait est une excellente occasion de le remercier pour la confiance qu'il vous a accordée et d'exprimer votre envie de nouer une relation continue, en lui offrant peut-être une réduction ou un cadeau comme encouragement. However, there are third party tools available that you can use to better manage notifications, comments, and engagement. This not only shows them and other offenders that she is serious about her platform, but it also shows her true fans and audience that she cares about them. My one question would be is it ever acceptable to delete comments that are hateful? If the comments are vulgar and inappropriate (and unrelated to the product or content in the photo), then I say it’s ok to delete. Il y a un paramètre important à prendre en compte : êtes-vous attiré par cette fille ou non ? In general, I advise against deleting comments because I think everyone should have a right to voice their opinion and perspective. Alors, si tu galères à trouver un truc gentil à dire à quelqu'un que tu aimes ou que tu aimes bof, voici une petite 2. Y a-t-il une manière de répondre « tes remerciements sont bien mérités, car ce que j'ai fait n'est ni naturel, ni un plaisir et sache que je ne suis pas à ton service » ? Je sais que vous allez me jeter des cailloux en lisant ce qui suit, mais le meilleur moyen d’accepter un compliment, c’est de faire comme les filles. You can change your choices at any time by visiting Your Privacy Controls. If they’ve answered a question or provided specifics, I again recommend you personalize your response. It is always about engagement so if it’s warranted, bring it on! People may appreciate the beauty of the image, the artistic composition of the photo, the value of the quote, or some other aspect. But don’t stress yourself out trying to keep up. Ainsi vous utilisez un outil tiers pour répondre de manière réelle et non automatisée à vos clients. Vous trouvez que vous faites prétentieux en acceptant un compliment. C'est la journée mondiale du compliment ! One of the things I’m always preaching about Instagram etiquette is the need to respond to comments on Instagram. Je trouve que son compte à un petit côté vintage et j’adore. Or you could swing by their profile and comment or like some of their content to reciprocate. I responded to her email with my suggestions but decided to take this one step further in today’s blog post. Découvrez ses quelques conseils : Avoir une galerie homogène. Or ask them to tag people or perform an action on your post? Additionally, I should point out that you can obviously respond to comments directly in Instagram, on your profile. Un anglophone appréciera toujours un compliment, tant qu’il soit sincère. Exprimez votre gratitude. Pour Conclure: Les messages rapides sont une redoutable option encore trop peu utilisée.
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